Chapter 260 Playing around
Mu Taotao didn't dare to admit his relationship with Mo Yanshao in front of this woman, probably because he was afraid that she would ridicule him.

Forgive her for being as courageous as a mouse in front of this woman.

Liu Yuewen didn't say anything, but motioned to the bodyguards behind him to help Mu Taotao untie, and then led her and Wang Xiaoqiang out of the abandoned rotten floor.

Mu Taotao was finally rescued, but he was not in a relaxed mood. Sitting in the commercial car full of people, Mu Taotao didn't even dare to vent his breath.

The car went all the way to Jewelry Street, and finally stopped there.

Liu Yuewen asked Mu Taotao and Wang Xiaoqiang to get off the car, looked straight at Mu Taotao and said, "You dare not even admit that you are dating my son, you have no right to be with him."

After all, order someone to close the door and drive.

Mu Taotao froze in place for a long time before regaining consciousness.

Obviously the weather is not bad, but there is always a feeling of dark clouds.

Wang Xiaoqiang on the side was so frightened that his legs limp and his feet limp: "Miss Mu, what is going on?
I've only been at work for a week, why are they arresting me? "

"I want to know the reason too?"

Mu Taotao said helplessly.

No, she felt that there was something wrong with this, so she suddenly turned to look at him and said, "What are you talking about? You have only come to work for a week?"


"How could you have only been here for a week? You have been working here for almost a month, right?"

"To tell you the truth, Miss Mu, I was thrown into a small house in the suburbs before, and I was watched. They told me not to go out casually, or my life would be in danger.

I was frightened by their words at the time, so I really didn't dare to go out.

I didn't come until last week when someone picked me up and told me to come to work here and tell me not to ask anything. "

"Who was the person who came to work here before?"

Who is the one who makes all the staff look good and invites the best jewelry to the store for display?

Mu Taotao's head was completely confused, it must be Mo Yanshao's fault, it must be him!
No wonder this Wang Xiaoqiang has a different aura, he doesn't have the domineering and unique vision of Wang Xiaoqiang last time.

Mu Taotao couldn't calm down at this moment, and couldn't help shouting to the sky: "Mo Yanshao, you bastard--"

Even though he is by her side, can he pretend not to know her, pretend to be another person, and play with her?

Mu Taotao left the jewelry store angrily, leaving the mess there.

Her thought was simple, isn't Mo Yanshao still alive?
This shop has nothing to do with her, so she doesn't bother to take care of it. Whether it goes bankrupt or prospers is none of her business.

After returning to school, Ai Meili saw that Mu Taotao's complexion was not very good, so she couldn't help but asked with concern: "Taotao, are you okay?"

"Can't die."

Mu Taotao got angry and just lay down on the table without speaking.

At this time, Zhou Zhenni came over, folded her arms around her chest, and said condescendingly to her, "I heard that Mo Yanshao is still alive, is it true?"

Mu Taotao got angry, she hates hearing this name now, this big liar, she will never talk to him again!
"Zhou Zhenni, I warn you, don't mention this person's name in front of me. I have nothing to do with him, and I don't know him. Whether he lives or dies is none of my business @!"

Think about how innocent you are, being played around like a monkey by him.

No matter what his motives are, if he doesn't trust her and doesn't tell her the truth, he just looks down on her!

Zhou Zhenni didn't expect Mu Taotao to be so hot-tempered, so she couldn't help but confront her: "Mu Taotao, don't be complacent, do you think Mo Yanshao really wants you? He's just playing with you. You have kept things like this alive from you, and you still expect him to really like you?"

What Mu Taotao hates the most is hearing such words.

Even if she knew this truth, she would not allow others to say so.

Staring at Zhou Zhenni viciously, Mu Taotao was about to slap her, but someone stopped her hand.

Mu Taotao turned her head and glared angrily at the tall man who grabbed her hand, it turned out to be Leng Yihan with a murderous aura.

He grabbed Mu Taotao's hand and walked out of the classroom without any explanation.

Mu Taotao didn't struggle, let him hold her, went to the student union chairman's office, and was thrown on the sofa by him.

Mu Taotao didn't look back, and let herself lie there.

Leng Yihan asked coldly: "Have you gone to country A?"

No one answered.

"Did you find Mo Yanshao?"

Still no one speaks.

"You just went to find him?"

Leng Yihan didn't allow anyone not to answer his question, so he rushed over and turned Mu Taotao and asked her to answer his question.

But what he saw was Mu Taotao's face bursting into tears, his heart felt as if he had been stung, and the pain was unbearable.

But Mu Taotao knew that this was Leng Yihan's softness, and he would never be able to stand it.

Just when Mu Taotao got up and was about to leave, Leng Yihan said, "Did you know? Mo Yanshao went to Leng's house."

Mu Taotao's footsteps stopped, she didn't understand what Leng Yihan meant when he said this to her.

"He has an illegitimate son who could be the Leng family."

Mu Taotao's head exploded suddenly.

"What did you say? You say it again?"

Mu Taotao turned around and walked towards Leng Yihan, almost wanting to grab the man by the collar and ask him to say it again.

But she didn't have that ability, because Leng Yihan was really not someone she could seal the neckline casually.

Leng Yihan's eyes were as cold as iron, he didn't even look at Mu Taotao, he just looked at the void and said, "I won't admit that he belongs to Leng's family."

Mu Taotao had nothing to say, it was the Leng family's private matter, but he was willing to tell her, probably because of her relationship with Mo Yanshao.

"How many layers of truth are there in this matter?"

Mu Taotao calmed down and asked Leng Yihan.

"It's really hard to say. Only the person involved knows what happened back then."

Mu Taotao thought of that pungent and powerful woman.

She also met Leng Yihan's father, a handsome man in his 50s.

Not to mention, he and Mo Yanshao's tough but beautiful and sexy mother standing together are definitely a couple made in heaven, just a little older.

Thinking of that scene, and Mo Yanshao, Mu Taotao really felt like a family.

"What are you thinking?"

When Leng Yihan's voice came, Mu Taotao was startled.

She dared not tell him her true thoughts.

But she didn't understand why he wanted to tell her about Mo Yanshao's life experience.

"Does it please you that he's alive?"

Before Mu Taotao could open his mouth to ask, Leng Yihan had already asked this sentence.

"What do you mean?"

"Isn't it? He is the person you like. Because you knew that he was dead, you were going to die, and you didn't have any energy at all.

(End of this chapter)

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