Chapter 261
Now that you know he is still alive, don't you feel very happy? "

"Leng Yihan, do you have to talk to me like this? Do you think I can't tell that you are mocking me?"

Leng Yihan stopped talking, just looked at her, but the irony in his eyes really stimulated Mu Taotao.

She turned to leave, but Leng Yihan said: "Mo Yanshao is not dead, will you still be with him?"

Mu Taotao was tortured by these words and had a headache, she didn't want to answer, so she left the office.

After school, Mu Taotao unknowingly took a taxi to the jewelry store. Seeing the busy figure inside, she suddenly thought, isn't she already planning to stop managing the store?

Then why is she still here?

Let Mo Yanshao worry about it himself.

Thinking of this, Mu Taotao cast a bitter look at the jewelry store, turned around and was about to leave.

At this time, a person rushed out of the shop and said to her, "Miss Mu, since you're here, why don't you go in?"

Mu Taotao turned around, it was Wang Xiaoqiang calling her.

His eyes were very gentle, and when he looked at her, there was a kind of dependence and affection.

There is really no difference between him and Mo Yanshao, but their birth and temperament are different.

Mu Taotao smiled at him, this person was involved innocently, she had no reason to blame him, so she just said lightly: "You should do your job well."

After that, he turned to leave.

"Miss Mu, wait a minute."

Wang Xiaoqiang still insisted on turning her back, then came to hold her hand, led her to the jewelry store, and said, "I have something nice to show you."

Mu Taotao didn't care what was wrong with the two of them holding hands, he always felt that something was wrong in a trance.

It wasn't until Mu Taotao entered that office and watched Wang Xiaoqiang take those precious and priceless treasures out of the safe that she realized something.

It turned out that he really went to do this.

As he once said, the jewelry exhibition was going to be held, and Mu Taotao couldn't believe his eyes when he saw those dazzling and priceless jewelry.

She looked back at the man excitedly, her voice trembling: "How did I do it?"

"Are you asking me? Guess?"

The voice became very strange, and Mu Taotao realized that this Wang Xiaoqiang was very different.

It's over, Mo Yanshao, Wang Xiaoqiang, who is who?
The man who dragged him into the shop just now hunched slightly, but now this man's eyes are not only bright, but also full of energy.

At this time, an identical person flashed out from the side.

Both of them were wearing dark suits and uniforms from the jewelry store. They had the same appearance, the only difference was their temperament.

The one standing behind Mu Taotao was much more energetic, while the one flashing out from the side seemed to be a little less energetic.

"Mo Yanshao, Wang Xiaoqiang, what the hell are you two doing?"

The one who just flashed out looked flustered, pointed at Mo Yanshao and said, "Don't blame me, I was also forced by him."

Mo Yanshao looked back at Wang Xiaoqiang, with a half-smile on his face: "Don't you also put my face on your face and take advantage of it?"

"Young Master Mo, please don't say that, I... dare not."

Even if Wang Xiaoqiang knew why Mu Taotao and the others went to the Kao Club to find him, he still wanted to live like a man and stop being so useless.

At this time, Mo Yanshao walked up to Wang Xiaoqiang's side, patted him on the shoulder and said, "I know that last time you and Taotao were kidnapped by Luo Tianyun, I wronged you, so I have already deposited money in your account." I paid a sum of money, just to thank you for the hard work you have endured during this period, to cure my old lady's illness, and go do what you like."

Wang Xiaoqiang stared at Mo Yanshao for a moment, unable to believe what this person who looked exactly like him said.

"You can't trust me?"

"No, I'm just too excited and don't know how to express it."

"Relying on one's own labor to eat and no longer being useless is the best thanks to me."

Mo Yan patted Wang Xiaoqiang's shoulder which was much narrower than his own and said.

"Yes, Young Master Mo, I will definitely remember your great kindness."

After Wang Xiaoqiang finished speaking, he bowed deeply to Mo Yanshao, and then turned to Mu Taotao and said, "Miss Mu, I know you have misunderstood Mo Shao and resented his deception, but I believe he is doing it for your own good, don't tell me again." Blame him, I'll go first."

After finishing speaking, Wang Xiaoqiang straightened his chest, let out a breath, then waved to the two of them, and strode out of the office.

Mo Yanshao and Mu Taotao were left in the room.

The atmosphere suddenly became strange and peaceful.

Mu Taotao didn't know what to say for a while.

The man in front of me is the one who actually invited the jewelry to the store, right?

With Wang Xiaoqiang's ability, how can he get these world-class jewels?

"Such precious jewels, are you not afraid that someone will come to steal them if they find out?"

"Who am I afraid of stealing jewels now? The Snitch Gang has disintegrated, and the most powerful Xiao organization is always paying attention to this place. Who do you think will dare to come here to steal?"

Mo Yanshao said all this proudly, and he was already walking towards Mu Taotao step by step.

Mu Taotao recalled his words and understood what he meant.

When Ganqing held the jewelry exhibition at the International Convention and Exhibition Center last time, it was Mo Yanshao and the others who were guarding it. No wonder she was knocked out, and she didn't even have a chance to participate.

"Mo Yanshao, you are too much!"

Mu Taotao's eyes widened, she was so angry.

"How did I go too far?"

Mo Yanshao still looked like a ruffian.

"You actually let someone knock me out, preventing me from stealing treasure."

Mu Taotao pouts her pink lips, accusing Mo Yanshao of something wrong.

"No, you're wrong."

Mo Yanshao shook his finger, his handsome appearance could easily make a woman fall into a nympho.

"It's not someone else who knocked you out, but me."

Mo Yanshao said proudly.

He doesn't care about Mu Taotao getting angry, what he cares about is her safety, she can't make any mistakes.


Mu Taotao turned around and wanted to leave, but Mo Yanshao said in a low voice behind him: "Taotao, I hope you understand that I didn't intend to hurt you in anything I did, it's just that my situation doesn't allow me to be too Contact you early, do you understand?"

If it wasn't for going to Wells Manor this time, and not for saving Situ Jun, Mo Yanshao didn't intend to expose himself to others so soon.

What he wanted to do hadn't been done yet.

His early exposure put the Mo family on guard, so it became somewhat difficult to take them down in one fell swoop.

But it doesn't matter, Mo Yanshao thought, instead of staying in the dark all the time, it's better to come out early and fight with them in the open.

Mo Yanshao's words made Mu Taotao's heart fluctuate slightly.

Since she has decided that she likes him, why is she uncomfortable?

(End of this chapter)

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