Chapter 262 Who Is My Father?
Mu Taotao decided to follow her own heart and stop suppressing herself.

She turned around and threw herself into Mo Yanshao's embrace without hesitation, using too much force, which made him feel like he was about to be overwhelmed.

Holding the nephrite jade and warm fragrance, the corner of Mo Yanshao's lips is a happy and contented smile.

For him, women are not for comfort, one is enough, watching her laugh, watching her cry, watching her by his side, accompanying her is the most important thing.


"Peach, there is something I have to discuss with you."


"I am still working as the manager of the store under the name of Wang Xiaoqiang. I will show Luo Luo that the Jin Wanfu jewelry store is not what he thinks, and he can be crushed to death like an ant."

"why is that?"

"It's nothing, I'm helping you, understand?"

Mo Yanshao said to Mu Taotao like this.

Just when the two were lingering and couldn't bear to be separated from each other, there was the sound of the doorknob being twisted outside the door.

It was obvious that someone was coming, Mo Yanshao reacted quickly enough, he let go of the tussle with Mu Taotao, and the people outside the door came in loudly.

Before Mu Taotao and Mo Yanshao could react, each of them slapped the other hard, and then heard the other's crisp voice: "Shameless! Adulterer ****!"

I go!

Mu Taotao felt wronged, why did she and Mo Yanshao become adulterers?

And the other party's voice came again, pointing at Mu Taotao's nose and cursing: "Mu Taotao, I thought you really liked my son, even if you were to be his lover, it's fine, I won't pursue.

But you're lucky, you got involved with your manager! "

Liu Yuewen was really upset, she just came to see how the jewelry store her son gave to a woman was turned into.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he came in, he saw Mu Taotao standing with this man who looked exactly like his own son.

Of course, she had no idea that the man standing in front of her was Mo Yanshao.

That's why she got the scolding just now.

After scolding Mu Taotao, before she could open her mouth to defend herself, Liu Yuewen turned to Mo Yanshao again: "And you, a fake, think that you can hook up with your own mistress at will just because you put my son in the face? fired me."

"Madam, you can't do this. I stayed here to help Miss Mu Taotao deal with Luo Tianyun, not to seduce her as you think."

"You still dare to argue with me?"

Liu Yuewen raised his hand and wanted to slap Mo Yanshao.

Mu Taotao saw it, and was really defeated by this pair of superb mother and son.

She wanted to explain all this, but Mo Yanshao stopped her with his eyes.

"Miss Mu, go out and see what's going on in the store, and I'll explain to this lady."

After Mo Yan said less, he winked at Mu Taotao.

Mu Taotao understood, and let the mother and son talk alone for a while, maybe the misunderstanding will be resolved.

Mu Taotao stopped delaying and really left the office.

Behind Liu Yuewen were two tall bodyguards.

With an order, she got rid of Mo Yanshao's grip on her wrist, and let her bodyguards deal with him.

However, she underestimated Mo Yanshao's ability. Those two bodyguards could deal with ordinary people, but they were too weak to deal with Mo Yanshao who was an agent.

It was only two or three strokes, and Mo Yanshao had easily knocked down the two of them.

And Liu Yuewen finally found out that something was wrong.

She walked a few steps, came to Mo Yanshao, looked up at the young man carefully.

Suddenly stretched out his hand and cupped his face: "You are Yan Shao? My Yan Shao?"

Mo Yanshao wanted to hide it again, but the other party was his mother after all. Although she had been abroad since she was a child, she didn't want to come back to see her more, but that kind of blood relationship cannot be erased.

Admit it, I'm a little unwilling, don't admit it, if she continues to misunderstand, she and Mu Taotao will really become adulterers.

Why does this word sound so awkward?
"Mom, can you stop making trouble? I've never seen you like this? You slap people every time. Do you think everyone doesn't need this face?"

"Son? Are you really my son? Sigh, Mom made a mistake. Mom hit the wrong person. Why did I hit my own son in the face? It's all because of that Mu Taotao."

The arrogance and domineering on Liu Yuewen's face instantly disintegrated in front of Mo Yanshao.

Mo Yanshao couldn't stand her holding his face like he did when he was a child.

Think about it, I was only five or six years old at that time, but now I am over 30 years old, can I be the same as when I was a child?I also like to be held in the face by people, said to be pitiful, and said to be well-behaved.

"Mom, can you be serious? Don't touch my face?"

Mo Yanshao dodged Liu Yuewen's hand, and said very dissatisfied.

"Stinky boy, you were born by me, what's wrong with me touching your face? Who told you to grow so tall now, it's so hard for me to touch."

Well, this woman is beyond reason.

"Mom, let me say it again, I'm working in this store as Wang Xiaoqiang now, don't let people think that I'm still the young master of the Mo family who was killed in the bombing?"

"What? You don't want to be Mo Yan Shao?"

Liu Yuewen was very surprised by Mo Yanshao's words.

"It's not that I don't want to be Mo Yanshao again, it's just because he died once before. Even the police station filed a report, announced his death, and held a funeral. How do you ask me to come back to life?"

"But you obviously didn't die."

"I'll talk about this later, I just want to ask you one thing, who is my father?

Don't tell me it's Luo Tiannan, if he were my father, he wouldn't ask someone to bomb me. "

As soon as he asked such an embarrassing question, Liu Yuewen's joyful face just now became full of melancholy.

But no matter what kind of expression she makes, her beauty is not affected at all.

I don't know, I thought Liu Yuewen was Mo Yanshao's sister, she really looked too young.

Mo Yanshao's questioning made Liu Yuewen very embarrassed, so she simply sent the bodyguards behind her out, leaving only the mother and son in the room.

It is also easier to speak in this way.

"How did you even think of asking me that question?"

Liu Yuewen walked to the sofa a little restlessly and sat down.

"I'm all grown up. The fire almost killed me more than ten years ago. If I didn't pretend to be blind and lame, I don't know if I could live to adulthood."

Mo Yanshao's words made Liu Yuewen feel sad for no reason.

"I thought he wouldn't know. How could he suspect that you were not his own son?"

The he that Liu Yuewen said should be Luo Tiannan.

"I don't care how he knows, I just want to ask you, who is my real father?")
(End of this chapter)

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