Chapter 273 Ruthless
When Sophie saw him for the first time, she also yelled Xiao Xiao, and then rushed forward.

Sophie's passionate move shocked the other shop assistants in the jewelry store, and made Mo Yanshao's altar clear instantly.

He is neither Mo Yanshao nor Xiao Xiao now, he is just Wang Xiaoqiang, a man who used to be a cowherd and is now a manager of a jewelry store.

And the most terrible thing was that when Sophie jumped at him, she got his wound. Even though he was wearing a manager's uniform so that no one could see the wound, only he knew the pain.

Really terrible!
Beads of sweat on Mo Yanshao's forehead ached, and he had no choice but to explain: "Young lady, you mistook me for someone. I'm not an owl, and I'm not someone you know."

"You're a liar. I finally found you. You don't want to recognize me, do you?"

Sophie simply said coquettishly, but she was finally willing to let Mo Yanshao go and meet him face to face.

"It's not that I don't recognize you, it's that I really don't know you."

Mo Yanshao smiled indifferently, and then looked at the other members in the store: "If you don't believe me, you can ask them, who am I?"

Sophie was dubious and looked at the others: "Who is he?"

A female shopping guide closest to them explained with a smile: "This is our manager, Mr. Wang Xiaoqiang."

"Wang Xiaoqiang?"

Sophie craned her neck to repeat the name with a strange expression on her face.

She looked at Wen Na beside her.

Wen Na explained: "I heard that people here called cockroaches Xiaoqiang, but I didn't expect that they were also used as people's names."

"Then according to what you said, he should be called Wang Cockroach?"

The two communicated in the domestic language as if there was no one else around.

Mo Yanshao was fluent in the language of that country, and when he heard the conversation between the two, he was so angry that he vomited blood.

Although Wang Xiaoqiang is not his real name, but now he is using it. Is it appropriate for these two women to discuss it like this?

No matter what Mo Yanshao thinks, on the surface, he still has to pretend that nothing happened, and he can't show his feet.

"You two must have recognized me as another person. That person is called Mo Yanshao. I heard that he has passed away."


As soon as Sophie heard this word, she screamed, her beautiful eyes widened, and tears almost fell out.

"Impossible, impossible, Xiao Xiao will not die."

Mo Yanshao had black hair again.

He just said such a sentence, and this little girl immediately took her seat, which really made people wonder whether to cry or laugh.

Just as the two sides were arguing over Mo Yanshao's identity, Mu Taotao walked in.

When he came in, he saw Mo Yanshao standing in front of Sophie, comforting the crying woman.

Mu Taotao realized something was wrong by relying on a woman's intuition.

How did Mo Yanshao meet Sophie?

they know each other?

If so, when did you meet?

By the way, Sophie once said that she came here to find someone, who is she looking for?

"Sophie, when did you come?"

Mu Taotao put away the doubts in her heart, smiled and walked towards Sophie.

"Tao Tao, are you here? I thought you were here, so I came here to look for you, but I didn't expect to meet him."

"He? Who is he?"

Mu Taotao asked intentionally.

Sophie pointed at Mo Yanshao and said, "You haven't forgotten who I said I was looking for, right? That's him."

Mo Yanshao waved his hands: "No, Miss Sophie has identified the wrong person, I am Wang Xiaoqiang."

Mo Yanshao was expressionless and emphasized a sentence.

Mu Taotao looked at the two of them and guessed the reason.

Mo Yanshao said that his friend's daughter was lost and was looking for it everywhere.

Sophie said that she was a princess of a certain country, and she ran out privately to find her childhood sweetheart.Then found here.

If the words of the two people combined, the woman Mo Yanshao was looking for might be Sophie.

And Sophie and Mo Yanshao also know each other, don't they?

Then what is she, Mu Taotao?

Sandwiched between a pair of childhood sweethearts.

And during the half a year since Mo Yanshao disappeared, was he just with Sophie?

Now the infatuated princess came to the door, but he refused to recognize him as Wang Xiaoqiang, what did he mean?

Mu Taotao looked at these two people, and his heart was burning with anger.

But she had to suppress her anger, otherwise things might get even more troublesome.

Mu Taotao walked towards the two of them with a smile, and it was her limit to be able to walk over with a smile.

There was no smile on Sophie's face, she was very angry, she thought the man opposite was Xiao, but he refused to recognize her.

"Peach, who is he?"

"My manager, what's the matter?"

"Taotao, is he really not called Xiao?"

Sophie looked at Mu Taotao seriously.

"Of course, everyone here knows that his name is Wang Xiaoqiang, and he is the manager here.

His family lives in this city, and there is a seriously ill mother at home, and the purpose of working here is to treat her mother. "

Mu Taotao looked at Sophie's beautiful blue eyes and said seriously.

Sophie seemed to have been hit hard, and she was almost on the verge of falling because she couldn't stand firmly.

Wen Na supported her and said, "Little sister, let's go back, I will find a way to help you find Xiao."

Sophie nodded, followed Wen Na and left there, not even having time to say hello to Mu Taotao.

Mo Yanshao did not chase after him, but looked at the thermos in Mu Taotao's hand: "What are you holding?"

"It's nothing, you can go to the office with me."

Mu Taotao's complexion was also not very good, and Mo Yanshao followed her to the office without saying a word.

As soon as the door was closed, Mu Taotao stomped the thermos on the desk, and when she turned to face Mo Yanshao, she said coldly, "What are you going to do? Your childhood sweetheart is here."

"She is not my childhood sweetheart, and her father is asking me to get her back."

"Did she leave the house to find you?"


"She likes you?"

"It's none of my business."

"You disappeared for so long, have you been with her? Did you tell her something, so she came after you? "

The more Mu Taotao talked, the more excited he became, and he walked towards Mo Yanshao step by step.

Mo Yanshao was inexplicably startled, is this woman crazy?

Now he even questioned her.

"Mu Taotao, what's going on in your mind?"

"I wonder if you have disappeared for so long, maybe you have found a new love, now that women are coming to your door, you still want me to believe you?"

"Mu Taotao, stop making trouble for no reason!"

"Did I make trouble for no reason? Do you know how long Sophie has been here? She went to our school to study in order to find you. She is in the same class as me, do you know?
She has transferred here, what is the purpose?Don't you just want to be with you forever?I don't plan to go back home. "

"Mu Taotao, that's her business, what does it have to do with me?"

"It has nothing to do with you? How can you say such heartless and unjust words?"

(End of this chapter)

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