Chapter 274 You Are Deceiving

Mu Taotao was really angry.

In her eyes, Mo Yanshao is a heartless man who shows mercy everywhere but does not want to take responsibility.

Mo Yanshao simply felt baffled.

It was just for the mission to save the princess, and I happened to know each other when I was a child, so I was thrown into such a big shit pot.

What kind of man has Mo Yanshao become?

Always abandon women!
"Mu Taotao, is that why you always miss me?
is not it? "


"You think I'm sorry for you and Sophie, don't you?

Do you think that as long as there are women who like me, I should agree to like them, and then coax them to marry them?

Mu Taotao, who do you think I am? "

Mo Yanshao was also angry, his handsome face turned crimson with anger, and his eyes were also stained with anger.

His anger made Mu Taotao calm down, what did he do and what did he say?

In fact, she has low self-esteem, right?
When she saw Sophie, the glittering golden princess, she thought of her own life experience.

She is nothing.

Her father, Mu Youwei, was nothing but a charlatan. He left her in the orphanage since she was a child, but in the end, he sold her.

Sold to the man in front of me as a happy bride.

And what is the identity of the other party?

She is a majestic princess of a country, with wealth, appearance, and status.

The gap between the two of them is really too big.

"This is the fish soup I made for you. I hope it will help your wound heal. I'm leaving."

Mu Taotao put down the thermos and turned around to leave.

"Wait, I didn't say clearly, where are you going?"

Mo Yanshao spoke coldly behind him.

"What else is there to say?"

"You just said that Sophie transferred to your class? When did it happen?"

"You just remembered to ask now? Is it too hypocritical? Why did you go so early?"

Mu Taotao felt that Mo Yanshao really didn't care about Sophie's whereabouts, his childhood sweetheart.

Mo Yanshao's black eyes sank, and his whole body was filled with an irresistible hostility.

Mu Taotao was not afraid of him, but she felt sad in her heart.

She had no idea what she had said.

"Mu Taotao, do you think I should know her whereabouts? Should I care about her?

What on earth are you thinking? "

"I didn't think about anything, I just felt that I shouldn't let down the woman who likes you."

Mo Yanshao laughed out of anger.

"Hehe, do you like me then?"

Mo Yanshao's question made Mu Taotao lower his head and not speak.

"Do you like it, or don't you like it?"

"do not know."

Mu Taotao stubbornly turned her head to the side.

Mo Yanshao came over, grabbed her sharp chin roughly, straightened her head, and looked at him.

"I'm asking you, do you like me or don't you?",

"What kind of answer do you want?"

"Mu Taotao, don't test my patience!"

Mo Yanshao was so angry that he was going crazy.

When did this woman have such a great ability?
Maybe he really shouldn't come back, it's good to make her feel like she's dead.

"Mo Yanshao, I really doubt whether my feelings for you are worth it?"

"What did you say?"

Mo Yanshao's heart trembled inexplicably.

He was really afraid of what the woman would say next.

But she still said it: "When I had nothing, I became your happy bride. Although I didn't want to, I still accepted it slowly until I really fell in love with you.

We had sweet times and you were really nice to me.

But you left a year ago, I never believed that you died, and finally had to believe, I am slowly accepting the fact that even if you die, you must still love me.

I always thought so.

But then you appeared, you didn't die at all, but suspended animation.

No matter what kind of consideration you have, you don't want me to know your situation, but you shouldn't treat me like this.

Don't you know how cruel it is for someone who loves you to learn of your death?

But you reappeared in front of me a year later, do you know what I think?
Are you cheating?To deceive someone who loves you deeply, understand?
Now Sophie appears, she is noble, beautiful, pure, and she was childhood sweetheart with you.

You also admit that you have known each other for a long time.

She left her country for you and came here intending to take root, and intending to find you and stay with you all the time, but you have to deceive her like you deceived me.

I really think we're both worth it! "

While Mu Taotao was talking, tears were already streaming down, making Mo Yanshao's hands tremble, and he couldn't let go of her chin.

Mo Yanshao never thought that Mu Taotao would have such a crisis of trust in him because of his suspended animation.

Is he wrong?
The situation at that time was so dangerous and urgent, he was just protecting her.

He was in Mo's house, and sooner or later, Luo Tianyun would try every means to get rid of him.

Instead of that, he might as well choose to die once, so that he can never stop thinking.

He thought that he could suspend this matter temporarily by feigning death.

He thought that by feigning death, Mu Taotao would not be implicated, was he wrong?
"It turns out that's what you think of me. It's meaningless for us to be together, right?"

"You should choose Sophie. She has more money, status, and fame than me. You are a natural couple when you are together."

Mu Taotao didn't know why she said such hurtful words.

She just felt that she was so stupid before.

She was always on guard against letting Sophie and Mo Yanshao meet, because she didn't want to be robbed of her lover by the other party.

But it turned out that the person she loved and that noble princess were childhood sweethearts.

What I originally wanted to hide, in fact, I couldn't hide it anyway.

It's better to just let it go.

Mu Taotao didn't speak, but nodded silently.

Mo Yanshao really wanted to smash everything in front of him, including the woman in front of him.

He really wanted to cut her head open to see what was inside.

"Have you really thought about it? If I walk out of this door, I will never look back." Mo Yanshao sneered, his voice sounded even more heartless.

Mu Taotao looked up at his still handsome face, the alienation and indifference in those black eyes made her heart startled.

Did he really choose to go?

This time it's not a farewell, but a separation?

Why does my heart hurt so much?

It hurts so bad it's about to die!
Tears were about to flow more.

But is it useful?
Mu Taotao turned around quickly, and said in a cool voice, "Let's go."

"Mu Taotao, before I leave, I have to say something clearly. My feelings are not arranged by you. Sophie is a good girl, but I have never had the slightest affection for her. We grew up together. , I only think of her as my sister.

Don't think of your imagination as my chosen path, that's all. "

(End of this chapter)

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