Chapter 286 tit for tat
Carefully put the designed bracelet into a beautiful jewelry box, Mu Taotao is only waiting to give it to Mo Yanshao next week when she holds a banquet.

Mu Taotao took a taxi to Mo Yanshao's company, but unfortunately, she couldn't find Mo Yanshao because he had an important meeting to hold and couldn't wait for her.

What was waiting for her was the big bucket of Haagen-Dazs, which was enough for three people.

Mu Taotao thought, after finishing this bucket of Haagen-Dazs, she probably won't even have to eat.

But not being able to see Mo Yanshao, I always have regrets in my heart.

Holding the big box of ice cream in his hand, he asked a company employee to take a photo for himself.

In the photo, Mu Taotao has a cute smiling face with a little baby fat, pouting lips, and there are traces of ice cream on the lips, holding a big bucket of ice cream in his hand.

After sending the photo to Mo Yanshao's mobile phone, Mu Taotao left Mo's office building with regret.

Anyway, I will meet Mo Yanshao soon, so no matter how anxious I am, I still tell myself to be patient, there will always be a time to meet.

When she was in class recently, Sophie didn't come to see her and Ai Meili anymore. She would rather sit alone and read a book, or ask her female bodyguard Wen Na to bring her food.

Mu Taotao still felt a little ashamed in her heart, so she didn't dare to see Sophie more.

But Sophie is the kind of girl who dares to act, so she doesn't mind telling Mu Taotao what she thinks, including the fact that she is going to give Mo Yanshao a tie.

Walking past Mu Taotao's desk, Sophie folded her arms around her chest, without much joy on her face, she said to Mu Taotao, "Do you know? I'm going to give Mo Yanshao a gift and let him know My regards."

Sophie's eyes were full of complacency, and there was a kind of confidence that she was bound to win.

Mu Taotao had nothing to say about her confidence.

But Sophie insisted on giving Mo Yanshao a gift, and even came to tell her that it was a provocation.

So if she didn't say anything, wouldn't Sophie be too disappointed?
"That's good. If you like someone, you should let him know. I hope he won't let you down."

"What do you mean?"

Sophie frowned slightly, dissatisfied with Mu Taotao's reply.

"It's not interesting. If he really accepts you, I will quit unconditionally."

After Mu Taotao finished speaking, she got up and left the desk.

Sophie got very angry at her back, and she was extremely restless.

On the other hand, Zhou Zhenni and Xiao Feifei looked optimistic.

"You know? Mo Yanshao is really different this time, much stronger than before."

"Really? I heard that he lost his memory after the last explosion, and he probably just regained his memory now, so it will be a little different."

"Strange, why didn't Amnesia forget Mu Taotao?
Are they true love? "

The students talked a lot, and there were all kinds of opinions.

However, one thing can be seen in common, that is, girls are very jealous of Mu Taotao, the head of the Mo family consortium, but they are looking for a poor girl like her.

And everyone heard what Sophie said just now. No matter how you compare it, Sophie is much better than Mu Taotao, so in the eyes of many students, Su Feifei seems to be more suitable for Mo Yanshao.

"Oh, forget it, it doesn't matter anyway, it doesn't matter who he chooses."

Xiao Feifei sat down resentfully. For her, Mo Yanshao was not easy to mess with. Previously, because of Mu Taotao, their Xiao family was almost bankrupt.

Later, because of Mo Yanshao's death, the Mo family fell into a financial crisis and almost went bankrupt.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Mo Yanshao who "resurrected from the dead" came back, Mo's miraculously began to come back to life as if he had received the water of life.

Mo Yanshao took back the previously lost orders, and the construction team in the development zone, which hadn't started for a long time, was working in full swing.

There are also stocks of related listed companies, which are climbing rapidly at a rocket-like speed.

The reports about Mo Yanshao being a prodigy in the business world were even more overwhelming, which brought a lot of gimmicks to the Mo family and allowed the company to quickly overcome the crisis.

I have to say that in terms of work ability, many people admire Mo Yanshao very much. He is cold-blooded, iron-fisted, vigorous and resolute, and absolutely iron-blooded president demeanor.

Sophie was so angry that she jumped, but Mu Taotao was not very calm. When she left the classroom and went outside, she was so angry that she wanted to throw something on the ground.

But looking around, there was nothing to throw at her.

But Leng Yihan came from not far away, with his hands in his pockets, looking cold and proud.

Seeing Mu Taotao mad with anger, Leng Yihan still couldn't help but say: "What are you doing here?"

"None of your business."

Mu Taotao's tone was very bad, and she was really brave enough, it would not be a good thing to offend the future school director.

Sure enough, Leng Yihan's face suddenly became very ugly.

"Mu Taotao—"

This time, Leng Yihan's voice sounded eight degrees colder than before, and Mu Taotao also realized something.

Thinking about the matter of asking for leave last time, it was not easy to get approved. She really had to die to talk to Leng Yihan like this.

Although she can study here, it is thanks to him, but is it really good to offend him?
"Well, I mean, you old man must be very busy with all kinds of affairs all day long, and my affairs are all trivial matters, so you don't need to worry about them.

Don't be angry, don't be angry. "

Leng Yihan has always been soft rather than tough.

Mu Taotao's words like this, he naturally couldn't use it enough, a strange brilliance flashed in his eyes, and the corners of his lips seemed to bend a little, this expression can be seen on Leng Yihan's face, absolutely Belongs to miracles.

That's why Mu Taotao felt that he was really too smart to talk to such a person, and flattering him was the right thing to do.

Unexpectedly, Leng Yihan was even worse, and directly confined her between the wall and his iron-like chest, making the atmosphere between the two of them reach the highest point of ambiguity in an instant.

Mu Taotao completely pressed herself against the wall, just not wanting to be touched by Leng Yihan.

But the man's high nose, black eyes, and thin lips are all very close to her.

Leaning over, Mu Taotao closed her eyes, afraid that he would attack her, but she heard him whispering in her ear: "For me, no matter how small your business is, it has nothing to do with me."

This... this... this is simply flirting.

She, Mu Taotao, has a boyfriend.

"I'm sorry, I said it earlier. I have a boyfriend. I won't like you. You can die."

Mu Taotao rolled her eyes wildly, with a nervous expression on her face, she pushed Leng Yihan fiercely with both hands, pushing him away from her side.

For Leng Yihan, there is nothing more fun than teasing Mu Taotao.

(End of this chapter)

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