Chapter 287
To him, she is the best tease object, no other woman can do it.

"Mu Taotao, did I ever say I want to be your boyfriend?"


Looking at the other party smiling maliciously, with one lip slightly curved, it was that kind of extreme cruelty and ridicule.

Mu Taotao was about to explode with anger.

Just now, Sophie and Sophie were angry because of Mo Yanshao, and now they are molested by Leng Yihan, a nasty guy.

Tell her what she has to do with him, even if it's a trivial matter, isn't that ambiguous?
Now he said that he didn't intend to be her boyfriend, so what did he mean to her just now?
Mu Taotao was angry, and Leng Yihan was not pleasing to the eye.

The man laughed mockingly and said: "If you want to have two boats, I don't mind."

Two boats, your sister! ~
Mu Taotao went up and gave Leng Yihan a kick on the back of his foot, and walked away angrily.

Leng Yihan didn't prevent her from doing this move, it really hurt enough to be stepped on by her.

It's not realistic to have him jumping in place with his feet in his arms, but the look on his face still gives him away.

This woman will die if he catches her!

On Monday afternoon, outside Mo's CEO's office, Wen Na helped Sophie to call the door of Mo Yanshao's office.

Although Mo Yanshao had already been notified, he did not expect that the two women would come so soon.

Today's Sophie is dressed up, with the face of a beautiful foreign girl, tall and tall, wearing a knee-length tutu skirt, very youthful and beautiful.

But Mo Yanshao would not know Xiao Xiao's identity.

In his opinion, the fate between him and Sophie only ends in that foreign country, only in Xiao Xiao.

When he was Mo Yanshao, he wouldn't be the person Sophie knew.

"Hi, may I know you?"

When he asked this question straight to the point, the man had an extremely arrogant and indifferent expression on his face.

For Mo Yanshao, except for Mu Taotao, other women don't need to be too pleasant, otherwise they will think they have an opportunity.

He would never give any woman such a chance, no matter who she was.

Sophie obviously did not expect that the official meeting between herself and Mo Yanshao turned out to be like this.

She had a feeling that she couldn't accept it.

As Mu Taotao said, he is not her owl at all.

I remember when I was young, that ten-year-old boy had the most gentle face in the world, and he could always comfort her who was crying.

Make her a paper airplane, or a bamboo dragonfly, let them fly, and it will keep her happy for a long time.

When she smiled, he smiled too. The smiles of the two children were very innocent.

When she was a little older, she seldom saw him, and occasionally, he was in a hurry.

It wasn't until she was rescued from Carter that time that Sophie realized that the person she was thinking of was always the handsome oriental man who claimed to be an owl in front of her.

"Why? You really don't know me? I'm Sophie."

With tears in her eyes, Sophie rushed to Mo Yanshao's desk.

But the man didn't lift his head, he buried himself in the mountains of documents, and took the time to press the internal line to let the security guard come up.

Sophie really didn't expect that she would make Mo Yanshao so annoying that she would ask security to drive her away.

"You don't need to call the security guard, I will go by myself, I just ask you a few words."

"Your name is Sophie?"

Mo Yanshao raised his head, his black eyes were indifferent and alienated, and he said sorry to the woman in his heart.

He just didn't want her to think that he was the Xiao Eryi she knew, so he had to pretend that he didn't know her.

"Yes, you're really not the owl I know?"

"Could it be that there are three people who look exactly alike in this world? Xiao, you still have that Wang Xiaoqiang."

"I can't answer that question for you either."

It seems that it is necessary to let Sophie return to her own country in Xiao's name, Mo Yanshao planned it in his heart.

"Are you Mu Taotao's classmate? I heard her mention you and the fact that you came to China to find your friends."

"Do you like Mu Taotao very much?"

Sophie felt a burst of tearing pain in her heart, obviously this man was exactly the same as the owl she knew, why would he refuse to admit it.

She had a strong feeling that he was the owl she knew.

"Mu Taotao is my girlfriend, the only one, so of course I like her."

"You didn't like other girls somewhere else?"

Sophie moved closer to him, her eyes fixed on his face, trying to see some flaws.

But Mo Yanshao didn't give her a chance to see through him at all: "Miss Sophie, I don't care if your friend looks like me or not, I repeat, I'm not the person you're looking for, please go back .

Your gift will also be taken away, and you will not be rewarded if you have no merit. I am not your friend, and there is no need to accept your gift on his behalf. "

Wen Na on the side couldn't stand it anymore.

Although she is Sophie's female bodyguard, she is usually a good friend.

Mo Yanshao repeatedly told Sophie that he didn't know her, that she wasn't her friend, which made Wen Na feel really embarrassing for the princess.

So she walked over with a blank face, stared at Mo Yanshao coldly, and said to Sophie who was beside him: "Princess, let's go back, this man is not the one you are looking for at all, and there is no need for you to come here. There is no need to give him any presents."

Mo Yanshao took an indifferent attitude towards Wen Na's hostility.

But Sophie's tears rolled down one by one at this moment, crystal clear like pearls.

She firmly believed that the man in front of her was Xiao. As for why he refused to admit it, it was probably because he didn't want to expose to others that he had been a member of an intelligence organization, right?

She seemed to understand him.

"Okay, Mr. Mo Yanshao, maybe you are not the person I am looking for, but I believe that you must know him, please tell him, I miss him very much, thank you for being in my life, let him I think the days together are so beautiful."

As Sophie spoke, she placed the gift box on Mo Yanshao's desk, and then she took a deep look at the man across from her with tears and rushed out of his office.

Wen Na also looked at Mo Yanshao bitterly, she was not worth it for her own princess, and ran out after her footsteps.

Mo Yanshao suddenly couldn't relax at all, his heart felt like a big stone was blocked, and he felt like he couldn't breathe.

He didn't want to deceive Sophie, but he also didn't want her to continue to misunderstand her, and she would suffer from it instead.

I really hope the silly girl can understand by herself.

"Princess, don't cry anymore." Wen Na chased her out and communicated with Sophie in her native language.

So the other people on the side couldn't understand what the two of them were saying.

"Wen Na, shouldn't I come here to look for him? He must be angry with me, so he refuses to recognize me.

(End of this chapter)

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