Chapter 296 A New Beginning

Seeing Mu Taotao falling asleep, Wan Daxiong heaved a sigh of relief, with a guilty expression on his face, he murmured: "I'm sorry, Taotao, uncle is forced to do so, I hope you don't blame me."

When Mu Taotao woke up again, he was already on a strange island.

This island is picturesque, with mountains and water, it is like a fairy mirror in the world. It seems that the scale of this island is not small.

Sitting in a wheelchair, being pushed off the luxury ship, what you can see is the port and coastline of the island, which is really beautiful.

"This place belongs to Nanyang, you'd better not think about going back to China, Taotao, if you promise uncle and help uncle to get things done, you will have a chance to go back in the future, understand?"

"Uncle, what do you want me to do for you?"

"You'll find out later."

Wan Daxiong didn't say it clearly, but Mu Taotao knew that if he wanted to escape back, he had to let himself get better first.

Wan Daxiong took Mu Taotao into an extended car that was already waiting there, and then drove the two of them towards the big manors.

Judging from the luxurious decoration inside the car, this car is very valuable. Judging from the appearance of the manor, the Wan family lives in a large winery, which not only has all kinds of valuable wines, but also thousands of mu The grape planting base, thousands of workers on the island, serve the Wanjia winery.

As soon as Mu Taotao came to Wanjia Manor, he was shocked by the spaciousness and atmosphere here.

The most surprising thing was that as soon as I entered the villa, I heard two young girls arguing.

"Wan Zhuzhu, can you stop painting yourself like a ghost all day long? Do you think you are beautiful? You are so ugly, do you know that?"

"Oh, Wan Liuli, you are just jealous of me, don't talk so much, give me back my Dior sachet!"

Immediately afterwards, two women in tutu skirts rushed into the room on the second floor of the European-style villa with strong modern style.

They chased and beat each other, and they didn't give up until they pulled one of them's hairstyle like a hen's coop.

Mu Taotao, who was sitting in a wheelchair, and Wan Daxiong, had watched a good show.

Especially Mu Taotao, she guessed, who can live in a big villa and be so arrogant, there is no one else except the descendants of the Wan family.

I just don't know the identities of these two girls.

"Have you guys had enough trouble? Why don't you come and meet your cousin Taotao soon?"

As soon as these words came out, the two girls who grabbed each other's hair, stared round their eyes, and leaned forward, all looked at Mu Taotao at the same time.

In just a few seconds, the two quickly let go of each other, and teased their own images, and then walked towards their father Wan Daxiong.

Mu Taotao noticed that the two girls were dressed in a sweet princess style, wearing pink and yellow princess dresses, and their long hair was originally tied up. Just now when the two were fighting, they all spread out and shook. Natural loose, in fact, quite a shape.

The looks of the two people are slightly different, but there is no difference in general. The nose is bigger, the skin is not fair enough, and they have been powdered, but the facial features are still passable.

"Dad, did you really find my cousin back? Is that..."

Before the woman in the pink dress could finish her sentence, her mouth was covered by the woman in the pink dress beside her.

The other introduced himself to Mu Taotao: "Cousin Taotao, I am Liuli, and this is my younger sister, named Pearl."

Wan Zhuzhu's mouth was covered, and her eyes widened even more, full of anger.

After Wan Liuli introduced the two of them, she finally let Wan Pearl go.

As soon as Wan Zhenzhu was liberated, she chased Wan Liuli and started fighting again: "I told you to be troublesome, and told you to cover my mouth."

"I'm not doing it for you, you idiot, you don't know how to talk at all except painting yourself as a ghost."

"You know, you're not much better than me!"

The two little girls scratched each other, completely ignoring the existence of Wan Daxiong and Mu Taotao.

Finally, Wan Daxiong yelled again, with an extremely ugly face: "You two, get out of here and go upstairs, and you are not allowed to go downstairs until it is time to eat."

Mu Taotao is not an idiot, she heard that Wan Zhenzhu actually had something to say, but Wan Liuli stopped her.

Mu Taotao naturally had doubts in his heart.

In the following more than a year, Mu Taotao finally knew the reason why Wan Daxiong brought him to this island called Fugui.

This is a small island belonging to Nanyang, and 80.00% of the residents on the island are Chinese.

And the Wan family is the richest family on this rich island, and they can be called the masters of this island.

Almost every household on the island grows grapes, and grape-related industries are the main source of income for the island residents.

Wan has opened many grape-related businesses and factories on the island.

And it is said that the ancestors of the Wan family left a rich legacy in the largest wine cellar of the Wan family.

And the way to open the treasure is only for those who have the blood of the Wan family.

Although Mu Taotao is only the daughter of the daughter of the Wan family, she is still a member of the Wan family.

When the head of the Wan family, that is, when Mu Taotao's grandfather passed away, he was always thinking about Mu Taotao's mother, Wan Xiu'er, and the child in her womb, and asked his son, Wan Daxiong, to find a way to find his own. Sister and nephew, otherwise, the Wan family's property would not be able to be monopolized by one person.

In fact, the Wan family's parents had already made a will, and Mu Taotao and her mother also had a will, and it was worth a lot.

Moreover, if Wan Daxiong wants to control his share, the prerequisite is to find Mu Taotao and her mother.

Now, Mu Taotao has been found, but her mother is long gone. According to the law of inheritance, Mu Taotao should also inherit Wanxiuer's share.

After staying in Wan's family for nearly a year, Mu Taotao gradually understood the meaning of being in this family, which is to get the key to wealth.

Without her, this key could not be taken out, but with her, it is possible.

A large family of the Wan family lived in the Wan family manor. In addition to Wan Daxiong's family, there were also several cousins ​​of the Wan family and their children.

Because the entire business of the Wan family is family-oriented, people from the Wan family need to be responsible for all aspects and master the entire operation process.

After Mu Taotao recovered from her injury, she was also asked to act as a sales agent for Wanjia's wine industry, responsible for the sales in the domestic region.

For Mu Taotao, the domestic area is her taboo. Is there any chance for her, Mo Yanshao and her friends to be together?

"Taotao, I know you are still worried about being brought back from China by me a year ago, but I am also doing it for your own good, right? I also have a general understanding of your situation. Although the person in charge of the Mo family likes you , but their family cannot accept it, because your identity and background are not worthy of Mo Yanshao.

(End of this chapter)

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