Chapter 297
This time back to China, my uncle hopes that you can promote the wines of the Wan family to the domestic market. I believe that with the ability of our Wan family, we can do this. "

"Uncle, you don't need to say it, I understand."

Mu Taotao said lightly.

In a year, she left that city A, left the Mo family, got along with the Wan family day and night, and already had a general understanding of the family.

The two sisters, Wan Pearl and Wan Liuli, are the ones she has the most contact with.

For her cousin, they only paid for it at the beginning, and then they didn't pay attention to her at all.

Afterwards, he competed with her to do everything.

When she got the permit to go to China for sales, she also fought openly and secretly with these two sisters.

The environment can make a person. In the past, Mu Taotao just didn't understand the situation in the beginning, but later she found that if she couldn't adapt to the environment here as soon as possible, she would just wait to be bullied to death by them.

So in the end, after she mastered the operation of the Wan family, she slowly got started.

Among the two sisters, Wan Liuli is the more scheming one. It can be seen from her usual speech that she is always good at talking, and she never says what she shouldn't say.

On the contrary, Wanzhu is actually much easier to get along with, she is straightforward, she can say whatever she has, and she has no scheming.

She doesn't like Mu Taotao, she can also express it directly, she won't stab a knife in the back like Wan Liuli did.

"Pearl, tell me, why don't you like me?"

Once Mu Taotao faced Wan Zhenzhu and asked directly.

And while Wan Zhuzhu put makeup on her face, she said unceremoniously: "Because you are here to rob our family's property.

There's so much money, I don't understand why Dad brought you back to grab a share from us, really! "

This is not Wanzhu's straightforward side, she hates you, and she will say it directly.

After a year, Mu Taotao also figured out a truth, instead of letting Mo Yanshao fool herself by feigning death, it's better to let her change her face to test how much he really loves her.

After a year of separation, he must not recognize her anymore.

Now Mu Taotao's appearance has changed a lot, she no longer has baby fat, her chin is sharp, and her facial features are small and delicate.

Compared with Mu Taotao's face in the past, this face is obviously much more beautiful and noble. Coupled with the changes in dress and taste, Mu Taotao has already looked like a young lady, and she is definitely not like Mu Taotao. A little rustic.

Her name has also changed since she returned to the Wan family. Wan Daxiong has great powers, not only helping her settle in Fugui Island, but also giving her the Wan family's surname.

She has both pearls and glass, so she is called Wan Yu'er, which means that the three daughters of the Wan family are worth more than a thousand pieces of gold.

Although Wan Daxiong still called her Taotao in private, that had already become her nickname, her new identity, her new name was Wan Yu'er.

Like a newly born beautiful jade, it will surely bloom with dazzling brilliance.

City A, Mo's house, Mo Yanshao's room, another woman who was arranged to have a blind date was thrown out of the room by Mo Yanshao.

Liu Yuewen stepped forward and pulled the woman up, and said anxiously: "What? Failed again?"

But the woman cried and begged: "Madam, please forgive me, the young master is really terrible."

After the woman finished speaking, she hurriedly arranged the skirt on her body, turned around and ran downstairs.

One cannot stay in this place for a moment.

Looking at Mo Yanshao's closed door, Liu Yuewen could only shake his head.

One year is enough to change many people and many things.

Mo Yanshao's changes during this year are quite astonishing.

His hair was cut short, making him look more sinister and wild, but he has become a well-known unfeminine, unreasonable, and unreasonable person.

Mo's territory expanded rapidly, but it couldn't fill the gap in the heart of that high-ranking, emperor-like man.

For Mo Yanshao, losing that person is like losing the whole world. His world is now black and white.

"Young Master Mo, come out and have a drink together, brothers are waiting."

Sheng Bo, Mo Yanshao's good friend who used to study abroad, called him to hang out with him.

For Mo Yanshao, drinking is the best choice. If you get drunk, you can forget many things.

"where is it?"

Simple three words, the man's face has always had a cold expression, and now he is even better than the former Leng Yihan.


After hanging up the phone, the man sitting on the chair in the room quickly got up and began to take off his clothes.

He moved very quickly. He found a set of all-black clothes with the most evil and wild temperament from a long row of suits hanging in the closet, and put them on, and then straightened the hair in front of the mirror. Shenping, but with short hair that looked very arrogant, Mo Yanshao put on a pair of high-top leather shoes and left the room.

Driving that super fast black Porsche, leaving Liu Yuewen's ghost roar behind, Mo Yanshao drove towards the high-end bar and club called Miracle.

Liu Yuewen watched the luxury car leaving with its taillights flashing behind him, so angry that he could only jump.

Mo Yanshao came to the Miracle Bar, threw the car keys to the parking boy, and walked in coolly by himself.

In the box of the bar, Sheng Bo, Tao Song and others had already started drinking there.

These few are all well-known rich second generations in the circle, and they also have an elite card. They use the guise of elites to pick up younger sisters, which is also tried and tested.

Compared with the interest of several drinking buddies in women, Mo Yanshao seems to have a lot of desires.

"Young Master Mo, you finally showed up. We thought you were really going to become a monk."

Mo Yanshao was noncommittal to Grandma Sheng's teasing. After sitting down, he opened a bottle of XO and blew on the mouth of the bottle.

A bottle of wine was quickly downed by him, but his face was still not red and his heart was beating.

Sheng Bo, Tao Song and the other rich family members looked at each other for a while, but they didn't dare to offend the legendary head of the Mo family.

You know, he is famous for his iron hand in business, if he doesn't like anyone, he can kill them all.

Everyone knew that the taboo in Mo Yanshao's heart was Mu Taotao, but someone wanted to mention it in front of him.

For example, Zhou Zhenni's father, Zhou Dong, once again mentioned to Liu Yuewen that Zhou Zhenni and Mo Yanshao should get engaged, and forget about Mu Taotao, the Zhou family was banned overnight by Mo Yanshao.

Since then, no enterprise or factory has dared to cooperate with the Zhou family, let alone entrust the project to them.

So it didn't take long for the Zhou family to completely disappear from City A.

(End of this chapter)

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