Chapter 307 Who's Lying
No wonder he couldn't recognize her. It turned out that she had made herself so thorough that even her voice sounded more pleasant than before, but she lacked Mu Taotao's simplicity and happiness.

Mo Yanshao didn't talk nonsense with Wan Zhenzhu anymore, but left the hospital immediately, and immediately contacted Zhu Ying, asking her to check all the information about Wan Yu'er.

Soon, Zhu Ying came back with the news: "Wan Yuer is Wan Daxiong's eldest daughter, but her resume has elements of falsification. It says that she returned to Wan's family last year. Before that, she studied in France. There is a well-known French college. academic qualifications.

But I called up the list of graduates from that college, and there was no girl named Wan Yu'er, so I suspected that her resume was not fake at all. "

"Well, it's okay, continue to restrict the domestic circulation of Wanjia's wine sales, withhold as much as you have, and return them all."

"Yes, boss."

After finishing the call, Mo Yanshao was sure that the woman named Wan Yu'er would definitely come to him on her own initiative.

At that time, he would like to see, who is she?

Not long after Mo Yanshao left Wan Zhenzhu's ward, Wan Zhenzhu received a call from Wan Liuli.

"Second Sister, you guessed it right, the one surnamed Mo really asked me if the three of us grew up together.

Then I will do what you say. "

"What was the man's reaction?"

Wan Liuli asked over the phone with an inscrutable look on her face.

"There is no expression, but he looks too calm, which makes people feel a little abnormal."

"Well, Pearl, remember that Mo Yanshao is not an easy person to deal with. If you really want to be with him, you can't let Wan Yuer get too close to him, understand?"

"Second sister, how do you know everything?"

"Because I have a smarter brain than you, my good sister, you'd better work hard."

Wan Liuli hung up the phone, with an unfathomable expression on her face.

In fact, she had asked someone to inquire about Mo Yan.

That young president who is quite influential in City A and even in the country, why does he not deal with anyone, but only target them Wanjia?

Of course he has a purpose.

And Wan Liuli asked people she knew in China to find out that Mo Yanshao lost a woman named Mu Taotao a year ago, and he began to become very irritable and irritable.

Not close to women, unreasonable, and very strict with his opponents. As long as he gives an order to any company group that is not pleasing to the eye, Mo's elite team will carry out a purposeful acquisition. A company group will be hostile to takeover, and the end will be miserable.

That's why Mo Yanshao is already well-known in the industry as the king of acquisitions, the devil king, and has made countless enemies.

And he never stopped looking for opportunities for Mu Taotao.

And Wan Daxiong's private name Wan Yu'er is Taotao.

Wan Liuli can be sure that the Mu Taotao that Mo Yanshao was looking for is the eldest sister who suddenly appeared now.

This is why Mo Yanshao keeps obstructing Wan's wine production and sales.

He simply wanted the Wan family to hand over Mu Taotao to save the Wan family's wine business.

"Mr. Mo, it's really disappointing to come here. I hope you don't care about what happened in the hospital that day."

Wen Yabin invited Mo Yanshao to have dinner at a famous business restaurant in City A, and there were also relevant persons in charge of the Mo family and the Wen family in City A.

The dishes on the table were very rich, and they were all prepared according to Mo Yanshao's taste.

After exchanging greetings, the two men dressed as elites sat down at the big table, ready to chat while eating.

"Mr. Wen is very polite. If you don't mention the hospital, I haven't remembered it yet."

Mo Yanshao's attitude was also quite gentle, without any trace of hostility, which made Wen Yabin feel flattered even more.

"Mr. Mo doesn't care about Wen. I'm really grateful. Otherwise, if this business can't be done, my father will scold me severely."

"It seems that Mr. Wen respects and loves your father very much."

Thinking about his father, who once regarded him as an illegitimate child and wanted to kill him, Mo Yanshao suddenly felt that even Wen Yabin respected his father like this, it was a kind of happiness that he had never enjoyed.

A kind of happiness from the father.

For Mo Yanshao, this kind of happiness is just a luxury.

"Come on, Mr. Wen, I'll toast you and your father."

Mo Yan said less, raised his glass and poured it into his own mouth.

He is so forthright, it is really stressful for Wen Yabin who has always been drinking like poison.

But the other party was willing to forgive himself, and he did it first as a respect. He really didn't dare to neglect, so he also frowned.

"I see that you have a good relationship with the eldest lady of the Wan family. Do the two families plan to get married?"

Being told what was on his mind, Wen Yabin choked on the wine he just drank, and coughed unceasingly.

Mo Yanshao laughed loudly, but there was no smile in his eyes: "Mr. Wen, I, Mo Yanshao, guessed it right?"

"Mr. Mo, you are really clever, can you see this?"

After Wen Yabin took clear water from the person in charge of his own branch next to him and drank it, he finally regained his composure, so he said little to Mo Yan.

I was really expected by myself?
But how could Mo Yanshao be reconciled.

Mu Taotao, if you dare to play this trick with me, then don't blame me for being rude to the Wan family.

"Unfortunately, Mr. Wen, we can't negotiate this business. If you still want to continue the discussion, ask that woman named Wan Yu'er to come to me, that's all."

Mo Yanshao's face-changing speed is comparable to world-class, faster than flipping a book, faster than June Day.

Before Wen Yabin came back to his senses, Mo Yanshao's people had already floated to the door of the private room.

"Mr. Mo, Mr. Mo, why don't you just leave? Didn't we have a good talk just now?"

Wen Yabin wanted to chase him out, but Manager Huang, the person in charge of the branch, said behind him: "Boss Wen, stop chasing him. Boss Mo's temper is like this. It's useless for you to catch up with him."

"What do you mean by that? Do you want me to watch the cooperation case fail to be negotiated? The chairman will be very angry when I go back."

"Mr. Wen, didn't Mr. Mo leave a message at the end? It's about the woman named Wan Yu'er.

Who is she? "

"Manager Huang, you reminded me that it must be because Pearl was injured by him, and Yu'er offended her again, and Yu'er and I have a good relationship, so he blamed us, it seems that only Yu'er has to come forward, You can't ask Mr. Mo for the compensation for pearls, so I can do it."

Mu Taotao always feels that her eyelids are twitching a lot recently, and she doesn't know what's going on.

However, she never believed in the superstition that the left eye jumped for money and the right eye jumped for money, and it was only because she didn't have a good rest.

(End of this chapter)

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