Chapter 308
Then there was a knock on the door, and Mu Taotao had no choice but to open it.

"Who is it?"

After asking inside the door, I heard Wen Yabin's urgent voice: "Yu'er, open the door quickly, I need your help."

Mu Taotao was a little puzzled by Wen Yabin's panic, he was never the kind of person who would panic, what's the matter today?
Opening the door, seeing the gentle man with an anxious expression on his face, Mu Taotao's heart also became tense: "What's wrong with you?"

"The business of our Wen family and Mo's may be doomed."

Wen Yabin said this as soon as he entered the door.

"why is that?"

Mu Taotao knew that Mo Yanshao had changed a lot in the past year, just because he heard that he had acquired quite a few companies, but it doesn't mean that he even took action overseas, right?
"I guess it's because we offended him in the hospital. He had dinner with me before, and he said something nice, and then he turned his face and left immediately."

"What did you say?"

As far as Mu Taotao is concerned, even she can't tell what Mo Yanshao's temper is now.

"Well, I just said that I have a good relationship with your Wan family, and it is possible to have a relationship with you..."

Wen Yabin's delicate face was a little flushed, and he paused before saying: "We might get engaged."

Wen Yabin's words really surprised Mu Taotao.

As the person involved, why didn't she know that she would be engaged to Wen Yabin?
And Mo Yanshao's reaction was even more strange. He actually stopped cooperating with the Wen family because of this sentence?
Unless he knows his true identity.

Thinking of this possibility, Mu Taotao broke into a cold sweat.

God, if he knew who she was?What will be done?

When Mu Taotao thought of this question, he felt scared.

And Wen Yabin also said at this time: "Yu'er, he said that if you still want to talk about cooperation, he will let you go to him, so I have no choice but to come to you."

Wen Yabin looked begging, and said: "I think, what happened in the hospital that day must have made him unhappy, so he would do this, so I can only ask you for help."

When Wen Yabin said these words, Mu Taotao's face became as white as snow.

She had a strong premonition that Mo Yanshao must have known something, that's why he said such things to Wen Yabin, asking her to negotiate, what should she tell him.

Mu Taotao wanted to coldly refuse, but Wen Yabin had a sad look on his face.

Thinking about what should come sooner or later, she had to face it.

"Okay, let me try. If he is such a stingy person, then he won't have to pay for Pearl's medical expenses."

Mu Taotao only thought that he was deliberately making things difficult because of the medical expenses.

But as far as she knows, Mo Yanshao has never been the kind of person who cares about every detail. How could he care about the little medical expenses?

Standing in front of the former Mo's corporate office building again, looking at the tall, towering skyscrapers, recalling the little things that happened here, Mu Taotao really has mixed feelings.

In order to avoid Mo Yanshao, I once climbed down from the bathroom on the upper level, and I was quite agile at that time.

But Mo Yanshao actually used planes and other things to hunt her down.

Now, she has changed her appearance, and even her temperament has lost the innocence and brilliance of the past, but he still seems to be the same, chasing her closely, no matter how far she escapes, she can't escape his palm.

This time, of course, she threw herself into the trap.

Thinking of this, Mu Taotao couldn't help shaking her head, walked to the front desk, and after reporting her name, the front desk lady smiled and said: "Miss Wan Yu'er, the president is in a meeting now, he asked you to wait in the president's office, he will be there after the meeting talk to you."


Mu Taotao thought that as long as he was still willing to see her, then things should turn around.

When he came to the once-familiar president's office, the one who led Mu Taotao in was Mo Yanshao's former assistant Wen Sen, a man with foreign blood.

"Miss Wan Yu'er, please wait here, the president will come after the meeting."

"OK, thanks."

Mu Taotao thanked Wen Sen generously, but the other party just looked at her with a strange look, with indifference and alienation, and then slowly walked out of the office.

Naturally, Mu Taotao would not sit there, but looked around the entire office.

Mo Yanshao's office is very large, and it used to be divided into an office area and a rest area.

The rest area is not only a place for visitors to sit and wait, but also a place where Mo Yanshao wants to rest or drink coffee.

Therefore, there is a mini bar in the rest area here, which contains all kinds of red wine, and even more valuable Lafite.

For Mu Taotao, she is now half a wine connoisseur.

Apparently, wines that are placed outside like this must not have the taste of wines that have been stored in the cellar, which will greatly affect the taste.

Putting the dark wine bottle aside, Mu Taotao wandered elsewhere.

And the thing that belongs to Mu Taotao can be seen everywhere.

This made Mu Taotao startled.

It was obvious that Mo Yanshao still had an unforgettable old relationship with her. The photos of her from various periods were placed in photo frames, and such photo frames were placed in every corner of the office. It was obvious that someone was cleaning them.

Mu Taotao picked up those old photos, and stroked the woman's face with her slender fingers. She used to be very familiar, but now she can't go back.

The sadness in her eyes lingered like a haze.

While Mu Taotao was distracted looking at those photos, Mo Yanshao was watching all this in another room with a surveillance room installed.

With his fingers on his lips, his eyes were as deep as the sea, and he could see everything Mu Taotao did in the CEO's office.

"She can pretend, she seems to have no nostalgia for the past at all, and compares me to a poor boy, a burden, and wants to throw it away at will.

Then I will let her know how to discard my Mo Yanshao at will. "

Mo Yanshao murmured, with more and more hatred in his eyes.

Of course, Mu Taotao didn't know about all this, she only knew that it was a bit cold in this office, so she shrank a little.

In Mo Yanshao's eyes, it was such a simple action that caused him inexplicable heartache, so he ordered the female assistant at the side: "Go and turn up the air conditioner in my office, so as not to let the guests freeze."

"Yes, President, when do you want to see Miss Wan Yuer?"

"Let her wait and don't tell her what I'm doing."


The female assistant is no idiot.

She is already in her forties this year, long past the age of falling in love and chasing each other.

She also knew that the reason why she could get this job was because she was married and was very faithful to her family and her husband, otherwise Mo Yanshao would not have hired her.

(End of this chapter)

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