Chapter 309 Marry Me

As a male CEO, it is really rare that he is not close to women, and does not confuse personal feelings with business affairs.

So the female assistant was very curious, why this Miss Wan was worthy of the CEO's careful treatment, even the temperature of the air conditioner was too low, he also noticed.

When Mu Taotao heard the door knock, he thought the person he was waiting for had arrived, so he naturally had a nervous and serious expression on his face.

However, when she turned her head to look at the door, it was an elderly female assistant who came in wearing an orthodox office uniform, and said politely to Mu Taotao: "Miss Wan Yuer, do you think the temperature is a bit low, let me help you You turn up the heat a little bit."

"That's okay." Mu Taotao didn't expect that the female assistant came to help her adjust the air conditioner.

"When will your lord president finish the meeting?"

Mu Taotao is most concerned about this issue.

"Uh, I don't know about this yet. The president has always been serious in his work, and sometimes the meeting lasts for several hours, so Miss Wan Yu'er, please wait patiently."

Since the female assistant had already said so, Mu Taotao had no choice but to continue to wait.

She only hoped that she still had time to say a few words to this man, for the Wen family's cooperation project, and for the Wan family's wine business.

Mu Taotao once again sat on the sofa and waited.

This time, she didn't look at the places where her photos were placed.

She didn't want to bring back the old memories. Although many of them were good, they were in the past after all.

People always have to look forward, always look back, and they don't make up for things in the slightest.

Mu Taotao was bored sitting in the office waiting, and Mo Yanshao was also bored in the observation room.

He was working here, observing the performance of Mu Taotao and Wan Yuer at the same time, and then the time came to 05:30, and he was about to leave work.

"It's almost time for me to meet my guests."

Mo Yanshao stood up, with an inscrutable smile on his face, no one could guess what the CEO was thinking.

Mo Yanshao straightened his clothes, not wanting any wrinkles to appear.

His handmade suits don't have any LOGO, they are custom-made from abroad. Wearing them on his tall and straight body, he looks even more elegant, noble and charming, and is simply a typical representative of rich and handsome.

To describe him as tall, rich and handsome doesn't seem to be able to sum up his image. In short, he has a perfect handsome face that makes women want to scream, especially those deep eyes, looking at him at will. Anyone will send out powerful radio waves, which will stun those nympho women in an instant.

Mu Taotao sat really bored, raised his hand to look at the watch on his wrist, and found that the time was almost 05:30.

It should be off-duty time, and Mo Yanshao didn't plan to see her when he came here.

So she decided to get up and leave.

At this moment, the door of the president's office was pushed open again, and an indescribable cold wind rushed towards the face as the door opened.

Mu Taotao couldn't help but raise her head to meet the eyes of the person who walked in.

That faint and charming smile, those deep eyes with an inexplicably heart-pounding brilliance made Mu Taotao instantly freeze in place, and even her breath was taken away.

She had thought many times what it would be like when two people met alone.

But she would never have imagined that when this moment really came, she would be so vulnerable that she almost wanted to take the door away.

"Mr. Mo, it's a long time to wait, but it's already off work time, maybe you don't want to see me too much? Let's make an appointment another day."

After Mu Taotao said that, she wanted to hurry past him and escape from this space that only belonged to them.

She was only afraid that if she stayed a second longer, she would die from a sudden burst of heart. This kind of pressure was really too great for her.

However, how could Mo Yanshao let her go?

Stretching out his long arms, he managed to stand in front of the woman who wanted to leave, blocking her footsteps: "Miss Wan Yu'er, I was only delayed because of a meeting, but I didn't say I couldn't see you.

Unless you don't want to solve your troubles, then please feel free to leave, but I'm only giving you this one chance, understand? "

Mo Yanshao's words were so hateful that Mu Taotao almost couldn't help but get angry.

But she is not qualified to get angry at him, so she can only bear it.

Forced to force a smile on his face, Mu Taotao raised his head to face him: "I just thought Mr. Mo was busy with get off work, so I might not have a chance to talk to me, so I wanted to take the initiative to leave.

But if Mr. Mo wants to continue talking with me, of course I have no problem. "

"So it's time to get off work?"

Mo Yanshao deliberately pretended to have suddenly realized.

Mu Taotao is almost in admiration of his acting skills, his expression is obviously fake, okay?

"Yes, so does Mr. Mo have any good suggestions? Should we continue talking, or make another appointment?"

"No, you eat with me, and we talk while eating."

Mo Yanshao walked into the office, picked up his suit jacket, put it on his wrist, and was about to leave.

Of course, he didn't forget Mu Taotao who was beside him, he tilted his head towards her with a casual and chic gesture, signaling her to leave together.

Have a meal?

Did something go wrong?
Did this man do it on purpose?
Just the two of them?

"I'm sorry, Mr. Mo, I'm not ready to have dinner with you, can I..."

Mo Yanshao coldly interrupted Mo Yanshao before saying another day: "No, it can only be today."


When Mu Taotao heard his domineering and indifferent words, she was speechless again.

Well, he is the boss, he has the final say.

"Well, what do you want to eat? Tell me, I have a treat tonight. After all, we are asking for you."

"Don't talk about business during meals, remember? Or I'll have indigestion."

What's the point of eating then?

Mu Taotao just wanted to refute.

"As long as you cooperate with me to have this meal, the contract and so on must be fine. If you Wanjia want to develop their business in the mainland, there is no problem. Otherwise, the consequences will be very serious."

Mu Taotao really felt that Mo Yanshao was targeting her.

What she was thinking, he knew everything, and he handled it very well, making it impossible for her to say nothing to him.

Well, since this is the case, she can only accept her fate.

"I don't agree with talking about business during meals, you are right, you will suffer from indigestion, so well, just eat tonight.

If you want me to call a few more people, Mr. Wen should be willing to come too. He really wants to have dinner with Mr. Mo again. "

While talking, Mu Taotao wanted to call Wen Yabin with his mobile phone.

But Mo Yanshao quickly snatched the phone in her hand, hung up the call she was about to make, turned off the phone, and threw it back to her.

(End of this chapter)

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