Chapter 311

"I've always been like this, don't you know?"

Mo Yanshao's answer really made Mu Taotao jump in anger.

She kept taking deep breaths to calm herself down and told herself that she had no position to say anything to him now.

No, those who have a position, she is Wan Zhuzhu's eldest sister, how could she not have a position?

Thinking of this, Mu Taotao boldly said: "Mr. Mo, I am Pearl's older sister, and I cannot allow her to marry a man who doesn't love her, and just give up her own happiness for the sake of the family's career."

Hearing Mu Taotao's serious words, Mo Yanshao laughed. He suddenly approached Mu Taotao, and said in a hoarse voice: "Didn't you see that your little sister really wants to marry me, right? Otherwise, why would she marry me?" How can I be hit by a car if I come to stop my car?"

Mo Yanshao's words made Mu Taotao completely speechless.

His face was blue and white, and he almost wanted to make her run away.

"Perhaps you are right, then Mr. Mo, I hope you will not embarrass the Wen family in the future, and stop obstructing our Wan family from doing business in mainland China, is that okay?"

"So, do you agree?"

Mo Yanshao raised his head and looked at Mu Taotao who was standing up, that delicate little face seemed to contain anger, but he couldn't bear it.

"I'm not in charge of this matter. It doesn't really matter whether I agree or not, does it?"

"But I really want to know what you think in your heart? Or, you also fell in love with me like your sister, so you don't want me to marry her?"

Mo Yanshao's words were very straightforward and hit the nail on the head.

Mu Taotao couldn't help laughing.

He may have such arrogant capital, but can you not say it?

It's disgusting to say it, isn't it?
"Mr. Mo, don't be like this? Even if you are a super heartthrob, you don't need to say it, do you?"

"You're dishonest, I just want you to face your sincerity.

That's fine, I won't marry her, I'll marry me instead, how about that? "

Mu Taotao was glad that she didn't continue to drink the soup, otherwise she might have vomited it up again.

Mo Yanshao's words were too bold, and the point of attack was turned too quickly.

Just now she said that the person she was going to marry was Wan Zhenzhu, but now it has become her.

It would be a ghost if she agreed to him.

"Mr. Mo, this joke is not funny at all."

"I'm not joking, Miss Wan Yu'er, if you agree, we can register for marriage soon."

"No, I don't agree."

"Why? You don't like me?"

"Yes, I don't like it."

"You want to marry Wen Yabin?"

"not at all."

"If you dare to marry, whoever you want to marry, I can let him within three days, believe it or not?"

This is the threat of red fruit.

But these words caused an uproar in Mu Taotao's heart.

What exactly did he mean by this.

"According to what you said, it's the safest thing for me to marry you, because you won't let yourself go bankrupt within three days, will you?"

Mu Taotao said ironically.

"Smart, it seems that Miss Wan Yu'er is not an idiot?"

People really don't know how to answer this.

Mu Taotao simply fell silent.

"How? Have you thought about it?"

"You don't need to think too much, because I don't have any plans to marry yet, so, Mr. Mo, I'm going to disappoint you."

"So you're not going to choose me?"

Mo Yanshao's deep eyes were uncertain.

Mu Taotao looked into his eyes, and her mood fluctuated accordingly.

"Very well, since you dare to say that, then don't think about continuing the careers of the Wen family and the Wan family, go back and tell Wen Yabin like this."

Mo Yan said less, got up and prepared to leave.

Mu Taotao had no choice but to stop him: "Mr. Mo, didn't you agree not to talk about business?"

"That's my right, you have no right to say anything!"

Mo Yanshao suddenly turned around and said angrily.

He didn't want to get angry at first, but he didn't expect that this woman changed her face and really didn't plan to marry him.

Then he can only force her to see how she will react.

She can only accept his domineering and unreasonableness.

"Can we discuss this matter again? I don't understand why Mr. Mo suddenly thought of marrying me?"

"Do not understand?"

Mo Yanshao came back and approached Mu Taotao with a domineering and oppressive air.

"Yes, I don't quite understand."

Although Mu Taotao was afraid in his heart, he still bravely met his gaze.

"Because you seem to be my favorite, so I want to try marrying you."

"But I saw that there is a picture of another woman in your office, she should be the woman you like, right?
Is it appropriate for you to like other women in your heart but want to marry another woman? "

"There's nothing inappropriate, you just think it's a business marriage."

He thought she would readily agree, but he didn't expect that she would find an excuse to refuse him.

"According to what you mean, I married you, but you actually love other women in your heart, don't you?"

"Wan Yu'er, please stop asking such silly questions. Whether a man likes this woman or not is two different things from whether he wants to marry this woman. Do you understand?"

"But I don't want to. I want to marry a man who loves me."

"Then you plan to wait to marry and let the other party go bankrupt?"

Mo Yanshao's words were threatening.

"What does it matter if he has no property himself to break?"

"Wan Yu'er, if you dare to marry someone else, believe it or not, I will make you unable to marry in this life!"

Mo Yanshao was really angry.

Don't think that just because she changed her face, she can do whatever she wants.

Mu Taotao was stunned for two seconds, really dumbfounded, a domineering man is sometimes so naive and cute.

"Do you like me? That's why you want to marry me?"

Mu Taotao looked at each other with great interest.

This time, it was Mo Yanshao who couldn't hold back anymore.

Damn woman, dare to refute him!

Mo Yanshao didn't want to face Mu Taotao's strange and delicate face again, it was not at all as real and kind as Mu Taotao's original face with a little baby fat.

"You just take it as such? Even though it's just your fantasy.

Go back and tell Wan Daxiong that I will personally come to propose marriage and visit, hoping that he can agree to this marriage. "

"I will tell the truth.

But as you said, Wanzhu is the one who really likes you, how are you going to explain to her? "

"What is there to explain? I will be very grateful to her, because she was in a car accident, I met her eldest sister, and I have a good impression of her, so I want to marry her."

Well, he won, and she couldn't beat him.

The meal was thrilling, and the next step was to go back to Fugui Island to spread the word.

When Mu Taotao returned to the hotel, Wen Yabin, who had been waiting there, immediately got up and walked over, "Yu'er, how is your talk with Mr. Mo?"

(End of this chapter)

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