Chapter 312

"Very well, he won't embarrass you in the future, and he should agree to continue to cooperate with you."

Mu Taotao smiled and said to Wen Yabin.



A smile gradually appeared on Wen Yabin's face, and he was very grateful to Mu Taotao for everything he had done.

He couldn't help but grab her hand, wanting to express his love and gratitude.

Looking at his eyes with infinite affection, Mu Taotao's heart trembled.

This man is very nice to her, but he is not the one she loves, so she can only politely refuse.

"Yabin, I'm getting married, will I bless me?"

The news came so suddenly that Wen Yabin couldn't recover for a moment.

But obviously, his whole body was shocked, and he looked at Mu Taotao in disbelief.

"What did you say?"

"I said, I'm getting married, will you bless me?"

No matter what the other party thinks about him, Mu Taotao intends to tell the truth.

Sure enough, Wen Yabin had a hurt expression on his face, and even his eyes turned away.

"Why... why so suddenly?"

Wen Yabin's voice changed slightly.

He and Mu Taotao have known each other for so long, and always thought that the relationship between the two of them was a matter of course, but he didn't expect to hear such words today.

"I also think it's sudden, but it's true."

"Who are you going to marry?"

"You'll know then."

"Is that Mo Yanshao? He forced you, right?"

Wen Yabin suddenly understood something.

When Mu Taotao went out, she hadn't heard anything about her getting married yet.

But she went to meet that Mo Yanshao and said she was going to get married, isn't that strange?

"Yabin, you don't need to be so excited, he didn't force me to do it, I did it voluntarily."

"You voluntarily? Why? Yu'er, you have never been the kind of woman who falls in love with a man at first sight. You also said that you have someone you like, so you don't want to accept me.

But now you decided to marry that surname Mo so quickly. If he didn't force you, I can't think of any reason. "

The more Wen Yabin talked, the more excited he became, and his fair and clean face gradually turned red.

Mu Taotao really didn't want to continue discussing with him, because there would be a lot of things to do next.

Mo Yanshao has always followed his word.

No one can provoke him now, and he can only do whatever he wants to do.

Otherwise, the unlucky ones might be the Wan family, and even the Wen family.

"Yabin, you don't want anything to happen to the Wen family, do you? So don't worry about it, just remember that I, Wan Yu'er, don't like you, so you don't need to feel guilty about me."

"Yu'er, you..."

Wen Yabin was shocked by her too straightforward words, but had to accept the fact.

Wan Yu'er doesn't like him.

She is willing to make sacrifices for the Wen family and the Wan family because she is the eldest lady of the Wan family and has such an obligation.

Wan Daxiong soon found out the news, and the crutches of the dragon's head rattled on the ground.

"How could this be? How could this be?"

He kept repeating this sentence. ,

Wan Liuli on the side, with an inscrutable expression on her face, continued, "Dad, what are you angry about? Isn't this what the elder sister likes?
Our Wan family can also use the big tree of the Mo family to develop better in the future, can't we? "

"What do you know? Don't you worry that he will use this as an excuse to swallow up our Wan family?"

"Isn't there a big sister? She is also a member of the Wan family. Will she just watch her family be swallowed up by the Mo family?"

"Well, who knows the water thrown by the married daughter?"

Wan Daxiong is really lost.

Without the mainland market, the winery is struggling.

Now the global economy is in a downturn, and the food processing industry has also been affected. In the past, Wan's wine sold very well, but now the sales volume has dropped by a large part compared to before.

However, the output of grapes is increasing every year, and the residents of Fugui Island are all relying on Wan's processing industry to live.

Thinking of these, Wan Daxiong will have a headache.

In the end, I had to let out a long sigh: "It seems that I can only marry your eldest sister."

Of course, this news quickly reached the ears of Wan Zhuzhu in the hospital, causing her to roar and curse: "Wan Yu'er, you hateful woman, if you try to steal a man from me, I will never let you go, I will never let you go!" No!"

Mo Yanshao was the woman she fancied, the man she would rather sacrifice her life to grasp.

That Wan Yu'er, He De He Neng, could easily snatch him away.

She really underestimated her ability, and she was too careless.

No matter how much Wanzhu cried, nothing helped.

On this day, Mu Taotao was asked by Mo Yanshao to meet his mother Liu Yuewen.

This woman who used to be critical of Mu Taotao when she was Mu Taotao was actually a little afraid to meet her.

It's just that her identity is different now, she is the eldest daughter of the Wan family in Fugui Island, with a delicate and beautiful face, and an elegant and unique temperament.

Sure enough, Mu Taotao saw the appreciation in Liu Yuewen's eyes.

This was something Liu Yuewen would never see when she was the real Mu Taotao.

Mo Yanshao lightly embraced her slender waist, and accompanied her to the elegant woman.

The woman looked Mu Taotao up and down, and she was very happy: "Yan Shao, what is the relationship between this lady and you? You are willing to bring a woman back to see mother?"

"Mom, her name is Wan Yu'er, she is the daughter of Wan's family in Nanyang, and I plan to marry her."

These words not only surprised Liu Yuewen, but also surprised Luo Tiannan who was sitting in the wheelchair, Mo Moli, Mo Yanming, and Mo Yanqing who were beside him.

Especially Mo Yanqing couldn't help but interjected: "Brother, what about Taotao? Are you not going to look for her again?"

Liu Yuewen was very disgusted with Mo Yanqing's words, and growled at him: "Ah Qing, you go upstairs to my room, don't get in the way here."

"Mom, I just don't want my elder brother to regret it. And this Miss Wan Yuer, my elder brother has always loved a woman named Mu Taotao. You will not be happy if you marry him."

Mo Yanqing's attitude towards Mu Taotao is very indifferent.

The corner of Mu Taotao's lips just smiled wryly.

Mo Yanshao still loves her, Mu Taotao, but she can no longer return to him in her former self.

She didn't want to admit right away that she was Mu Taotao.

Because in that case, no one would believe it at all.

To Mo Yanqing's words, Mu Taotao expressed silence.

Seeing that she was indifferent and Liu Yuewen was already chasing her away, Mo Yanqing had no choice but to leave angrily.

Mo Yanming saw that the situation was not right, anyway, he didn't have a place to intervene, it's best not to offend the current Mo Yanshao, who does whatever he likes.

(End of this chapter)

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