Chapter 336 Identity Revealed
Mo Yanshao's words were very polite, but it could be seen from the resistance all over his body that he did not welcome Gao Tian to come to see Mu Taotao.

Gao Tian's deep eyes looked at Mu Taotao who was on the hospital bed, and finally gave him an awkward smile.

Mo Yanshao asked Gao Tian to leave because he didn't want to make the scandal between the two of them worse.

So Mu Taotao could only silently agree with him to do so.

When Gao Tian left, Mo Yanshao also got up and left.

"I'll come see you another day."

After Mo Yan Shao left, Mu Taotao felt that the ward was very deserted.

But soon, other members of the crew came to see her.

Tang You'er is also here, as well as Wu Cong.

Of course, Wu Cong was dragged here by Tang You'er.

"Yu'er, you need to take good care of your injuries. We can continue filming TV series after you recover from your injuries."

"My injury is nothing, it's just Gao Tian..."

Thinking of Gao Tian's hands in plaster, Mu Taotao's heart also became heavy.

Thinking about the thrilling scene at that time, everyone was terrified.

"It always feels strange that the rope is broken."

Tang You'er also raised questions.

"Who could have done it?"

Mu Taotao was also puzzled.

The cast of this play is really too strong, there are hundreds of characters on the stage alone, in addition to the hero and heroine, two men and two women, there are many supporting roles, who will be against Mu Taotao, usually it is really a little bit Can't see it either.

If there is any quarrel between Zhen and Mu Taotao, it is that Cong Shao had a dispute with Mu Taotao because of the casting last time.

But because of Tang Youer's relationship, Mu Taotao believed that it was impossible for Wu Cong to use such a despicable method.

When the director Wu Yue came to see Mu Taotao, he also tried his best to comfort her, and he will definitely pay attention to it in the future, so that she will not be in such danger again.

The filming progress of the TV series "Aoxue" slowed down due to the accidental injury of the leading actor.

Mu Taotao had more time not to film, so her troubles followed one after another.

The first person to trouble her was her cousin Wanzhu.

That day, after Mu Taotao was discharged from the hospital, she went back to the hotel to rest. Wan Zhenzhu came uninvited and yelled at her, "Wan Yu'er, are you really shameless? It's obvious that Mo Yanshao and I met first, why did you To get engaged to him and stay in this city with him, do you really want to take him away from me?"

Wan Zhenzhu has always spoken mercilessly, and she will not beat around the bush when she thinks of what to say, and she will not be polite to Mu Taotao at all.

At this time, Mu Taotao was watching the entertainment news. Unfortunately, the scandal between her and Gao Tian was still spreading, and there were so many tricks, almost digging out the roots of the two of them.

The power of the Internet navy is huge, and I don’t know if anyone is manipulating it behind the scenes. In short, Wan Yu’er’s unspoken rules, and the topic of offending the gold master for Gao Tian’s sake also appeared in the newspaper, which is really dumbfounding.

At this moment, the little aunt Wan Zhuzhu also came to trouble her, which annoyed her very much.

"Pearl, I only talk to you like this when I treat you as my younger sister. It's impossible for you and Mo Yanshao. Even without my appearance, you can't be with him. Don't you understand?"

"How do you know he won't want me? It's because you're here to seduce him that he can't see me, isn't it? If you disappear, he's mine, isn't it?"

Wanzhu cried and said.

This girl's appearance is that of Nanyang, with wheat-colored skin, round nose, and thick lips, but the overall feeling is still very charming, and she is young, so she is indeed pretty.

But Mu Taotao knew that no matter whether Wanzhuzhu was beautiful or not, it was impossible to win Mo Yanshao's heart.

Because in his heart, there has always been only Mu Taotao with baby fat and a bright smile, and there has never been another woman.

Therefore, if Wan Zhuzhu pinned her feelings on that man, it could only be a failure.

"Pearl, go back and help your second sister do business. Don't think about Mo Yanshao anymore. I believe that apart from him, you will find a boy who is more suitable for you."

"No, I want him. I'm here today to tell you, Wan Yu'er, that I won't give up on that man, because he was the one I fell in love with early on."

"So what do you want to do?"

"I will find a way to get him with me, just don't stop me."

After Wan Zhenzhu finished speaking, a gust of wind blew out the door and left Mu Taotao's room.

She said that she would think of a way to get Mo Yanshao to be with her, what kind of way would she think of?

Mu Taotao couldn't understand what Wanzhuzhu wanted to do.

It's not the first time that a woman has robbed Mo Yanshao from her. Thinking about when I was the old Mu Taotao, didn't Zhou Zhenni rob me?
But that woman failed in the end.

This time, it was replaced by my cousin, that silly woman who would not even care about her own life for the sake of love.

But a slap can't be made, and I believe that if Mo Yanshao doesn't respond, she won't succeed either.

In this regard, Mu Taotao seems to be relieved.

In Mo Yanshao's heart, there is only Mu Taotao in the past, which is very clear to Mu Taotao now.

However, things happened after all, and it was completely different from what Mu Taotao thought.

That day, when Mu Taotao was resting on the hospital bed, Mo Yanshao opened the door and walked in, and it was Wan Zhenzhu who stumbled behind him.

And Wan Zhenzhu seemed to have tears on her face, and she yelled at Mu Taotao: "Sister, I didn't mean to tell the truth about this matter, really, I didn't mean to. I didn't intend to seduce The meaning of big brother-in-law."

After hearing Wan Zhuzhu's defense, Mu Taotao was so shocked that she didn't respond for a while.

Couldn't it be that she really succeeded in seducing him, that's why Mo Yanshao was so angry?

And Mo Yanshao just stared at Mu Taotao with a livid face.

In the end, he took a few steps to the hospital bed, and firmly clamped the woman's slender and weak jaw: "Are you really Mu Taotao?"


Mu Taotao was so shocked that she almost jumped up from the hospital bed.

She couldn't believe that what this man came to question her at this time turned out to be this question.

"Stop pretending, Wan Zhuzhu told me that you are Mu Taotao, but you have been able to hide your identity for so long, what is your intention?"

Mo Yanshao almost gritted his teeth and said such a fact, which broke Mu Taotao's heart even more.

Who actually told the story?
Mu Taotao turned her gaze to Wanzhuzhu.

At this point the woman bowed her head, still crying.

And Mu Taotao seemed to understand something.

So, is this the way Wanzhuzhu said?

Let Mo Yanshao know her true identity, so that he can't accept her now.

(End of this chapter)

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