Chapter 337 No excuse
"I told you at the beginning that I am Mu Taotao, do you believe me?"

Mu Taotao quickly broke free from Mo Yanshao's grip on his chin, and calmly stated the fact.

"But you didn't continue to defend yourself, you just said that casually, who would believe it?
Tell me, what's the matter?See if I can forgive you? "

Mo Yanshao softened his tone and said to Mu Taotao.

In fact, how could he not know who she was?
He knew it a long time ago, but he didn't expose her.

Now, Wan Zhenzhu came to tell him that Mu Taotao is Wan Yuer and Wan Yuer is Mu Taotao.

If such a secret was told, if he didn't react at all, it didn't seem normal.

Think of it as a coordinating play for a scheming woman, Mo Yanshao thought so.

It's just that Mu Taotao was really frightened. She thought she would never have the chance to tell the truth in this life, but now she was told by the daughter of the Wan family. What is the purpose?

Don't look at Wan Zhuzhu pretending to be crying very sadly, but in fact she is smiling in her heart.

Wan Yu'er is Mu Taotao, and the woman Mo Yanshao has been looking for is Mu Taotao.

The woman I love has been deceiving me. If this fact is told by others, what will Mo Yanshao, the person involved, think?

won't he be angry?

He was cheated by the woman he loved the most.

Isn't the most unacceptable thing for human beings to be cheated by others?
He will definitely hate Mu Taotao so much that he will ignore her and remove her from the people he loves.

This is what Wanzhu thought of.

However, this is not her idea, because a heartless woman like Wan Zhenzhu has never studied carefully that Wan Yu'er is Mu Taotao, and Mu Taotao is Wan Yuer.

All of this was Wan Liuli's idea for her.

Her second sister is much more scheming than her.

When Mu Taotao entered Wan's house, Wan Liuli found out Mu Taotao's real identity.

She came from mainland China. The daughter of her and Wan Zhu's deceased aunt, Wan Xiu'er, was adopted by a man named Mu Youwei, and later sent to an orphanage, so she was named Mu Taotao.

Later, because the Wan family needed the descendants of Wan Xiu'er to get the legendary wealth, so Wan Daxiong went to find her back.

Now, Mu Taotao lives in Wan's family as Wan Yu'er, and also occupies a piece of Wan's property, which is absolutely not allowed for Wan Liuli.

Then to expose Mu Taotao's true identity and make the man who loves her hate her is the best revenge for her.

At this time, Mu Taotao was sitting on the hospital bed, not wanting to make any excuses for herself.

But Mo Yanshao looked at her silent appearance, couldn't find anything to say except his heartache, so he had to slam the door and leave, giving people the illusion that Mu Taotao was about to fall out of favor.

Mu Taotao's injury was not serious, but Gao Tian stayed in the hospital for a while because of the fracture.

When you come out of the hospital again, don't rush to shoot scenes related to the leading actor.

Because he still can't hold a sword or something, Gao Tian's martial arts scenes are all performed by stuntmen, and he only needs to move his mouth and shoot some literary parts.

But Mu Taotao didn't seem to be in a good state. Ever since the big quarrel with Mo Yanshao, he seemed to have evaporated, and Mu Taotao didn't take the initiative to contact him, just because he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to forgive himself.

However, when he didn't contact her, she felt more and more uneasy, and she was a little absent-minded even when filming the scene. There were more than a dozen filmings of a scene of arguing with the hero Yu Zhong, but still nothing.

This is a good time, Gao Tian was also unlucky with her, he was constantly sprayed by artificial rainfall, and his whole body was wet.

The director kept yelling, and finally got angry, but when he thought of the relationship between Mu Taotao and investors, he held back again, and just walked over and said earnestly: "Yu'er, you have to be more careful when acting, don't worry about it." Absent-minded, you know?"

"I'm sorry director, I'm not in a good state today, can I shoot again another day, I'm very tired, I want to go back and rest."

Mu Taotao expressed his thoughts.

She really felt too tired, so she didn't want to continue shooting.

"Yu'er, what's the matter? If you're too tired, go back and rest. There's no rush for things like filming."

Gao Tian also came over, with a water-stained face, and said with concern.

Wu Cong on the side looked at it coldly, and hummed softly, "Hmph, he's just a broom star, dragging us all down."

Tang Youer looked sympathetic, and said to Wu Cong: "Can you stop being so narrow-minded and target a girl?"

"I'm not wrong, it's true."

Just when everyone was affected by Mu Taotao and had different moods because of Mu Taotao, two policemen walked in.

"Who is Tang Youer here?"


Tang You'er didn't expect the police to come to her door, and she couldn't help feeling a little flustered.

Wu Cong straightened his face instinctively, and followed Tang Youer to the two policemen who were questioning.

"May I ask what questions do you have with Tang Youer?"

"We suspect that she is involved in the last Wia wounding incident, so we want to take her to the police station to assist in the investigation."

The policeman said with a serious face.


Everyone was shocked, and Wu Cong asked in disbelief.

Mu Taotao was thinking why he was so careless, but he was shocked because Tang Youer was taken away by the police.

Before leaving, Tang Youer glanced at all the staff present, including Mu Taotao and Gao Tian, ​​her eyes were rather complicated, and she was taken away in the end.

Wu Cong said loudly behind her: "You'er, don't worry, I won't let you have trouble, I will hire the best lawyer for you."

Tang You'er was taken away by the police, and the gossip reporters who came to visit the class had something to write again.

The drama "Ao Xue" really does not lack material for hype. The male and female protagonists were hospitalized due to an accident, and now the second female lead was taken away by the police for allegedly hurting others.

The next day's entertainment headlines were once again dominated by various news about this drama.

For the creators of this show, if it's just a scandal between the actors, that's fine.

But this time the incident involved murder and the like, so the situation was much more serious than expected.

Recently, Mo Yanshao is very busy. He is busy negotiating cooperation with some large foreign investors to open a certain real estate project in City A. There are endless meetings every day, and he has to go abroad for inspections. Therefore, he has no time to manage Mu. Peach thing.

Now that her identity has been exposed, he, as the person involved, will naturally treat her coldly for a while.

Because of Tang Youer's incident, the crew of "Aoxue" has asked the crew to temporarily suspend filming, and the entire crew will cooperate with the investigation.

(End of this chapter)

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