Chapter 339 She is the Savior
"You are Mu Taotao, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"You have asked this question many times. I don't want to explain it again. Whether you accept it or not, I have nothing to explain."

Mu Taotao's attitude angered Mo Yanshao again, he threw her hand away with anger in his eyes.

He walked to the white leather sofa at the side, turned around and sat on it, looked at the woman with disdain and said, "Okay, you don't want to explain, do you? Then let me ask you, do you plan to live your life as Wan Yu'er?"

"There's nothing wrong with that. Just pretend that Mu Taotao passed away a year ago, in that shooting incident."

"Mu Taotao!"

Mo Yanshao almost yelled furiously!

He couldn't tolerate people saying that Mu Taotao was dead.

Mu Taotao seemed to be frightened by his aura, she didn't dare to say another word, but just stood there, looking at her timidly.

"Sometimes I really wonder if something is wrong. You are not Mu Taotao at all, but the so-called Wan Yuer."

"The past can't be recovered, people have to accept the reality."

"I just want to ask you, if Wan Zhuzhu didn't expose your identity, do you plan to never tell me for the rest of your life?"

Mo Yanshao frowned and questioned Mu Taotao.

"Do you want me to tell you? If you don't believe me, it's useless for me to tell you."

"You can prove that you are Mu Taotao."

Mo Yanshao couldn't help reminding her.

"How do I prove it?"

"There are many ways to prove it. The memories that belong to me and Mu Taotao are only hers. As long as you can tell it, you can prove it."

Mo Yanshao tried his best to persuade her.

"But I don't want to."

Mu Taotao stubbornly stood where she was, like an indomitable pine tree.

But Mu Taotao's words angered Mo Yanshao, he stood up from the sofa and walked in front of her step by step: "Say it again."

In his heart, Mu Taotao was actually afraid of Mo Yanshao's eyes and the way he spoke to her.

When she was the former Mu Taotao, they seldom quarreled, and it was even more impossible for them to confront each other like they are now.

But now it was different, he seemed to resent her cheating.

Changing her appearance so that he can't recognize her is not what she wants to do, and she has no choice but to do it.

When she woke up from the shooting, she had been altered, what else could she do?

She can only continue to live in the name of Wan Yuer, while Mu Taotao completely disappears from this world.

"I don't want to quarrel with you. In short, I don't intend to hide anything from you, nor do I want to escape."

"Really not?"

Mo Yanshao looked at her with burning eyes.


"Okay, I believe you!"

Mo Yanshao said suddenly, his voice firm and powerful.

This time it was Mu Taotao who was very surprised, she raised her head to look at him.

His figure was still so tall and straight that she had to raise her head to meet his gaze if she wanted to see his expression clearly.

"Taotao, I said before, as long as you tell me, I will definitely believe you, but you didn't say it."

"Mo Yanshao, do you know what you are talking about?"

"Of course I know."

Mo Yanshao shrugged, the expression on his face changed rapidly.

Mu Taotao was going to be messed up in the wind.

She had to be sure of a few things.

"You said, did you forgive me?"


"You said you believed I didn't mean to hide from you."


So what else is there to say?
It's just that she never explained that she is Mu Taotao.

"Okay, Taotao, don't worry about this problem anymore, my mother asked me to ask you to go back to have dinner together."

Mo Yanshao's eyes had become very soft, he put his hands on Mu Taotao's shoulders, squeezed them lightly, and said in a loving tone.

Mu Taotao couldn't accept this sudden change.

It was true that this man came here in a rage, he wanted to question her why she refused to admit that he was Mu Taotao.

But now, with a pampering expression on his face, he gently invited her to go back to Mo's mansion for dinner.

She really couldn't accept such a 180-degree reversal of the plot.

"But you obviously..."

"Obviously what?"

Mo Yanshao interrupted her.

Mu Taotao was at a loss for words for a moment, she didn't know what she was going to say, she was really on the verge of losing her head.

Because this man is really too fickle.

"Mu Taotao, don't forget, no matter how much your face changes, you are still my beloved Mu Taotao, you know?"

"Are you really no longer angry because I concealed my identity?"

"If I really want to be angry, it's also because I care too much and love you too much. Are you satisfied with this answer?"

Is she satisfied?

Mo Yanshao's gaze at this time is still as gentle as water, coupled with that handsome and charming appearance, it really makes people feel that looking into his eyes will cause a tachycardia.

What's more, Mu Taotao has never forgotten him, but she doesn't know if she will have the chance to be with him again in this life.

And his affectionate confession at this moment can completely resolve the misunderstanding between the two people.

"Yan Shao, let me think about it again, how will we get along with each other in the future?"

"Do you still need to think about it? I know that you are Mu Taotao, and it is enough that you are the one I love."

"But others don't know."

"What's the matter with other people?"

"Then how do you explain it to your mother?"

Mu Taotao mentioned a most practical problem.

When he was Mu Taotao, Liu Yuewen strongly opposed Mo Yanshao being with her.

That's why after Mu Taotao disappeared, Liu Yuewen tried every means to get those ladies and ladies to come to his door and throw themselves into Mo Yanshao's arms. The purpose was to make him forget Mu Taotao completely.

But obviously, Liu Yuewen's idea came to nothing.

The appearance of Wan Yu'er turned the whole thing around, so in Liu Yuewen's view, Wan Yu'er was her savior and Mo Yanshao's savior.

She believed that this woman could make Mo Yanshao get out of the curse about Mu Taotao.

It's just that he didn't expect that the reason Mo Yanshao got engaged to Wan Yu'er was precisely because she was Mu Taotao.

But Liu Yuewen didn't know, and Mu Taotao didn't know. In fact, Mo Yanshao knew her true identity a long time ago.

Then the question came again: "Also, the person you are engaged to is Wan Yu'er, not me, Mu Taotao, so..."

Mu Taotao bit her lip and didn't say the rest.

She was jealous because of the old Mu Taotao before, but now she admits that she is the real Mu Taotao, and because Wan Yuer is Mo Yanshao's real engagement partner, she feels down.

Mu Taotao felt that she was such an awkward person.

(End of this chapter)

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