Chapter 340 Who's Favorite

"Hey, Mu Taotao, can you stop thinking about those messy things? Whether it's Wan Yu'er or Mu Taotao, aren't you alone? You struggled there for a long time, aren't you tired?"

Mo Yanshao wanted to poke her stupid and stupid little head, but after all, he couldn't bear to criticize her, so he said this.

Mu Taotao felt that what he said was indeed reasonable, anyway, no matter what kind of status she was, as long as she was herself.

"But now I'm going to your house, who should I be?"

"What do you say?"

Mo Yanshao threw the question back to her.

"I think Wan Yu'er is better. Although you know I'm Mu Taotao, your mother doesn't know. She hated me so much before, but now she finally starts to like me. I don't want to give her a bad impression."

Mu Taotao has wished to have a mother since she was a child, but this wish has never been realized.

Now it is certain that her biological mother is no longer in this world.

And when she was Wan Yu'er, Liu Yuewen really treated her like his own daughter, which made Mu Taotao yearn for maternal love in her heart.

Therefore, even if she wants to keep Liu Yuewen in her eyes, she still wants to continue to get along with Liu Yuewen as Wan Yuer with her true identity as Mu Taotao.

"Well, I understand what you think, so let's do it like this. In front of my mother, you are Wan Yuer, a lady from everyone. In my heart, you are the girl I have always loved. Is it okay?"

"Okay, it's such a happy agreement."

There was a smile on Mu Taotao's face.

Mu Taotao went to change clothes and prepared to go out.

At this time, Mo Yanshao's assistant called and told him that many reporters had already been guarding the entrance of the hotel, and their target was Mu Taotao.

It seems that it is difficult for the two of them to break out of the siege and return to Mo's house.

Mo Yanshao decided to let Mu Taotao pretend for a while before going out.

In another hotel room, Wan Zhenzhu and Wan Liuli are discussing how to deal with Mu Taotao.

"Second sister, the method you said didn't work, that Mo Yanshao doesn't seem to be too angry with her.

I was wondering if they were already together behind our backs?As soon as I thought about this problem, I wanted to strangle Wan Yuer to death. "

Wanzhu almost gritted her teeth.

"What's so difficult about it?"

Wan Liuli had an inscrutable smile on her face.

She admitted that Mu Taotao was Mo Yanshao's favorite, but that didn't mean Mu Taotao was everyone's favorite.

What happened here a year ago?

Wan Liuli did some research and found that Mu Taotao was a student at Willis College.

In the college, she has a very good friend named Ai Meili, and a very good male classmate named Leng Yihan.

To be exact, Leng Yihan is not only a very good friend of Mu Taotao, but also one of the people who has a crush on her.

So now that Mu Taotao has become Wan Yuer, will those friends she used to know still care about her?

This is really hard to say.

It is said that after Mu Taotao disappeared, Leng Yihan went to find Mo Yanshao, and the two had a fierce fight, which almost hurt both sides.

Then Wan Liuli has reason to believe that Leng Yihan's feelings for Mu Taotao will not change.

In country A, Leng Yihan was preparing his research paper for this semester on the computer, when suddenly an email came in.

The email was sent by his subordinates in China, and there were only a few words on it: "Mu Taotao has returned, and he is in City A."

As soon as this news jumped into Leng Yihan's eyes, those eyes that were already freezing cold instantly had warmth and a touch of warmth.

is she backWhat is it like now?Where has she been for more than a year?How are you?
Leng Yihan had the urge to see that girl immediately.

He picked up the mobile phone beside him and called his subordinates: "Book me a ticket back to City A immediately."

"Third Young Master, it's early morning..."

"I don't care, I want to go home immediately."

On his cold and handsome face, there was a willful expression, like a child who hadn't grown up yet.

Leng Yihan has always maintained his composure, but when it comes to Mu Taotao, he cannot remain calm.

In his hand is a domestic entertainment report.

Leng Aotian said that the film "Aoxue" also had their Leng family's investment and participation, but the investment was not much, but it was also one of the works that tested the water.

If this movie is popular, the Leng family's career can also develop into the entertainment industry in the future.

Leng Yihan had no interest in this.

However, Leng Aotian said that if he can't handle this matter well, the business of the Leng family will not be handed over to him. Let it be a test for him to take over the business of the Leng family before graduation. He must participate in.

That's why Leng Yihan also pays close attention to domestic news from time to time.

And that woman named Wan Yu'er seems to have a lot to do with Mo Yanshao.

Wan Yu'er, Mu Taotao, why could Mo Yanshao let another woman take Mu Taotao's place in his heart so easily?
Then he let Mu Taotao go to Mo Yanshao's side, was he too rash?

This time, Mu Taotao is back, will he let her come back to Mo Yanshao's side again?
Mu Taotao returned to the Mo family mansion as Wan Yuer.

Liu Yuewen was dressed in a gorgeous lady's attire, and when he saw Mu Taotao, his well-maintained face turned into a flower with a smile: "Yu'er, you have suffered a lot recently, if I hadn't gone abroad, I would have I want to come back and see you."

Liu Yuewen has also heard about the situation of "Aoxue", so she is very concerned about Wan Yu'er's situation.

One is because she was injured, and the other is the cyber violence she suffered.

No matter what it is, it is a heavy blow to a person who is in the entertainment industry.

"Believe that the truth will always come to light."

Liu Yuewen held Mu Taotao's hand and comforted her.

For some reason, seeing Liu Yuewen treating Mu Taotao so well, Mo Yanshao felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

If Liu Yuewen had been so kind to Mu Taotao back then, many things would not have happened.

"Mom, let Yu'er sit down and have a good meal."

Mo Yanshao had no choice but to persuade Liu Yuewen in this way, hoping that Liu Yuewen would understand the purpose of Wan Yuer's coming here.

"Yes, yes, look at my memory, didn't I just ask you to invite Yu'er back for dinner?"

Liu Yuewen apologized.

And this kind of expression was not what she would have had with Mu Taotao in the past.

At this time, Mu Taotao also knew in her heart that she could only receive such courtesy when she was Wan Yu'er.

Several people sat down to eat, and Mo Yanming and Mo Yanqing joined in.

Mo Moli was afraid of making Liu Yuewen unhappy, so she hid in the room.

To Mu Taotao today, Mo Yanqing is a stranger, he won't give her a second look, and he even hates her a little bit.

(End of this chapter)

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