Chapter 351 Unwilling

This kind of thought only happened to Mu Taotao before, but now it is this woman named Wan Yuer.

Leng Yihan knew that Mo Yanshao had already come to look for Wan Yu'er, and planned to call off the engagement with her for Mu Taotao.

This is indeed Mo Yanshao's style, for Mu Taotao, he can let down all the women in the world.

May I ask if Leng Yihan can do it?
The answer is yes, but it's a pity that Mu Taotao didn't give him such a chance, not even a smile.

Now Leng Yihan looked at the beautiful woman who left with Gao Tian, ​​with a gentle and generous smile, and she performed so perfectly under the flashing light.

After Mu Taotao got into the car, she finally breathed a sigh of relief. She no longer needed to act, and she no longer needed to hold Gao Tian's arm.

"Sorry to make you tired."

Mu Taotao politely said to Gao Tian, ​​with a distant smile, missing the sweetness just now.

"Yu'er, it's too far-fetched to say such things to me."

Gao Tian beside him replied helplessly.

Mu Taotao still smiled, not knowing what to say.

"Yu'er, I really hope to have the opportunity to continue to cooperate with you in TV dramas in the future."

Gao Tian said sincerely, his eyes unconsciously showed admiration.

Mu Taotao returned his faint smile: "Then I'm really flattered."

"That's because you haven't realized how attractive you are. I dare say that more than half of the male audience will fall in love with you after watching your new play."

"Then I'd be proud."

Mu Taotao couldn't help but joked.

She thought, that's fine, if she is busy with publicity, she won't think about Mo Yanshao and that "Mu Taotao" pretending to be herself.

But Mu Taotao would never have imagined that when walking towards the TV station arm in arm with Gao Tian, ​​he would see Mo Yanshao and the fake Mu Taotao who were also dressed up to attend.

The intimate attitude of the two really made others envy and hate.

In Mu Taotao's eyes, it was simply unforgivable.

Mu Taotao swore in her heart that she would never say that Mo Yanshao was entangled again, and it would be best not to meet alone again.

What Mu Taotao didn't expect was that just as she and Gao Tian were arm in arm and walking towards the TV station with Mo Yanshao, another super cool extended car stopped at the entrance of the TV station.

Gao Tian couldn't help muttering in a low voice: "Whose son or brother's car is this?"

When Mu Taotao heard what he said, she couldn't help but look back.

Then I saw a young man in a black dress stepping out of the elongated Cadillac, it was none other than Leng Yihan.

Leng Yihan would appear at the entrance of the TV station, which really surprised Mu Taotao.

"Why is he here too?"

Mu Taotao whispered.

"What, you know him?"

Gao Tian whispered in her ear.

"Oh, we met once."

Mu Taotao didn't want to have too much interaction with Leng Yihan, she just said this.

When she was about to walk inside with Gao Tian, ​​Leng Yihan's assistant's voice came from behind: "Miss Wan Yu'er, please wait a moment."

Mu Taotao turned around, and Leng Yihan's assistant ran in front of her, and said to her, "Our young master said, I hope we can invite you to have lunch with me after the show is recorded."

Mu Taotao shifted his gaze from his assistant to Leng Yihan behind him, and found that the cool and handsome young man was nodding slightly at him.

what is this?
Invite her to lunch, do you want to have a word with her?He also wanted to tell her to leave Mo Yanshao, because he belonged to Mu Taotao, right?
Mu Taotao suddenly felt that she was really favored in the past, so many people spoke for her and thought of her.

But the current self, in comparison, is too miserable.

"Okay, I see."

The other party was an investor, and Mu Taotao only heard about it from Yang Jin later.

It seems that these sons and daughters of rich families are very interested in developing the entertainment industry.

I don't know if it's because the female star is too beautiful?

Those who came to participate in the recording of the live program, besides the hero and heroine, naturally had the second female lead and the second male lead, that is, Tang Youer and Wu Cong.

Wu Cong made no secret of his love for Tang You'er. The two of them even attended the event and clasped their hands tightly in front of the reporters.

Tang Youer had a shy smile on her face, while Wu Cong was always domineering and rebellious.

His tender side can probably only be shown in front of Tang You'er.

Seeing this pair, Mu Taotao was actually very envious of Tang Youer, at least the person who loved her was by her side, only smiling at her.

Comparing himself to himself, it seems that it is really much more bleak. Mo Yanshao would rather believe in the fake Mu Taotao than her.

The recording program started, and the host was a beautiful female anchor named Haixing.

Since it was the premiere of "Aoxue", everyone's interview topics were mainly around this TV series adapted from an online novel.

When Hai Xing asked Mu Taotao: "When I came here just now, I saw the male number two, the young prince, and the female number two, Hua Shuang, clasping their fingers. It seems that they have a very good relationship in private. It must be because of the drama. What about Lonely Sky?"

Starfish's eyes lingered on the faces of Gao Tian and Mu Taotao.

And Gu Tian is the name of the male protagonist, and Aoxue is the female protagonist.

Obviously, Hai Xing's question was gossipy, which made Mu Taotao, a newcomer, a little helpless.

As for Gao Tian, ​​what kind of storm has he never seen?
When asked by the host, of course he wanted to practice Tai Chi: "Hehe, as you will see on TV, Aoxue and Gutian are a loving couple. We are not bad in reality. Of course Aoxue is Lonely friend."

When Gao Tian said that, he looked at Mu Taotao.

Mu Taotao is not an idiot, if he can't handle it properly, he will definitely be scolded to death by the audience.

So she kept a moderate smile, nodded to Gao Tian and the host: "Of course, they are best friends."

"Hey, if you are friends, I'm afraid the audience will not be reconciled. They hope that you can develop a good relationship in reality, just like in TV dramas."

Starfish joked again.

Tang You'er and Wu Cong watched the show from the sidelines. They knew that Gao Tian cared for Mu Taotao meticulously, which seemed a bit interesting.

But Mu Taotao's performance is more cold, neither close nor alienated.

In Wu Cong's view, Mu Taotao's behavior like this only shows that she has another financial backer.

Tang You'er naturally saw the contempt in his eyes, and felt a little helpless.

A female star in the entertainment industry, who can avoid being gossip?
Mu Taotao expressed helplessness to Haixing's words, and smiled awkwardly.

Gao Tian helped her out: "In reality, everyone has their own work to do, but we will still get together when we have the opportunity. Thank you very much for your attention to us, and I hope that you will like the TV series we made more."

(End of this chapter)

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