Chapter 352 Surprised

Although Gao Tian's answer was unsatisfactory, it finally brought the topic back on track.

As the host, Hai Xing couldn't keep entangled in the personal relationship between the two actors, so the topic returned to the TV plot.

With the sound of the music, the time for the first broadcast came, and this time the recording program also came to an end.

After the camera cut, Mu Taotao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She saw that Mo Yanshao, Leng Yihan, and fake Mu Taotao were all on the periphery of the recording, and when they looked at her, they had different eyes.

Fake Mu Taotao's eyes were full of pride, as if telling her, so what if it's Mo Yanshao's fiancée who hasn't canceled the engagement?
She still snatched him away.

Leng Yihan's gaze was full of scrutiny and suspicion, and he didn't know where this feeling came from.

But Mo Yanshao's eyes were much more complicated, and Mu Taotao felt that he couldn't see what he was thinking at all.

After recording the show, wave goodbye to the staff.

When Mu Taotao left the studio, Leng Yihan came up and asked, "Miss Wan Yu'er, didn't we agree before?"

At this time, Mo Yanshao also came up, and said to Leng Yihan in a cold tone: "Master Leng, I remember that Yu'er seems to be my fiancée, I don't know what you want to do with her?"

The implication is that he is declaring his sovereignty, and there is unusual domineering in his eyes.

And Leng Yihan cast a cold glance at the fake Mu Taotao next to him, causing her neck to shrink back in fright.

Leng Yihan's eyes became even colder. Obviously, he didn't believe that it was the real Mu Taotao.

In his memory, Mu Taotao never seemed to be afraid of him.

And this "Mu Taotao" seeing him is like a mouse seeing a cat, and he doesn't have the character that Mu Taotao should have.

He dared to conclude that there must be something wrong with it?
Even an outsider like him could see it, and he couldn't believe that Mo Yanshao couldn't see it.

But it's none of his business, what he wants to know most now is this woman named Wan Yu'er.

She gave him a stronger and stronger sense of familiarity, as if she should be the real Mu Taotao.

"Miss Wan Yu'er, why don't you decide for yourself, who will you leave with?"

Leng Yihan simply left the decision to Mu Taotao.

Gao Tian on the side didn't get close to this group of people. He knew that whether it was Leng Yihan or Mo Yanshao, he was very different from them.

Seeing Wan Yuer with them, Gao Tian could only dodge automatically.

And Wang Da patted Gao Tian on the shoulder at this moment, and said to him: "Come on, come have a drink with me."

Gao Tian thought he couldn't bear Wang Da's too fiery eyes, but he had no choice but to refuse.

He just didn't speak, and followed Wang Da to leave.

Mu Taotao looked at the two men standing on the left and right.

The fake Mu Taotao was always behind Mo Yanshao, using him as an umbrella.

Mu Taotao felt that women were very pitiful, maybe she really regarded Mo Yanshao as her backer?
Just like myself back then, isn't it the same?
Mu Taotao's sympathy overflowed, coupled with Mo Yanshao's unclear attitude, she didn't have much confidence in him.

So she quickly said to Leng Yihan: "Young Master Leng, I'll go with you, didn't I agree before? After the recording of the show, I'll go meet you."

A smile appeared on the corner of Leng Yihan's lips, which was his answer to Mu Taotao.

The two of them joined hands and left the TV station.

Mo Yanshao looked at the backs of the two leaving, and wished he could step forward to separate them immediately, but the woman behind him held him back, with a pair of big watery eyes showing a bit of pity: "Shao Yan, do you still want to marry me?" Are you looking after your fiancée? Did you really fall in love with other women during the time I was gone? What should I do then? "

That voice and demeanor really belonged to Mu Taotao who was about to be abandoned. "

Looking at this face, Mo Yanshao didn't have any temper, so he took her hand and said, "Let's go to the banquet hall."

In order to celebrate the launch of the TV series, the TV station not only held a premiere ceremony, but also a buffet.

So the place where Mo Yanshao took the women was the cafeteria, where many people were waiting there, busy celebrating the launch of the TV series.

Mu Taotao missed the buffet because of Leng Yihan, but went to a high-end French restaurant.

Here, both men and women are dressed up to attend.

And because Mu Taotao is going to participate in the recording program, so she is dressed in costume.

The same is true for Leng Yihan.

A handsome man and a beautiful woman appeared in the restaurant, and many people cast envious eyes.

The manager of the restaurant personally stepped forward to entertain the two, hoping to get Leng Yihan's approval.

After ordering the required dishes, the two sat opposite each other.

Mu Taotao looked a little cramped.

Since she became Wan Yu'er, it was the first time she had dinner with Leng Yihan.

Think about the two people in the past, but they didn't know each other without fighting.

Because of Ai Meili's relationship, they became good friends.

Now that they have been separated for more than a year, and she is no longer the Mu Taotao she used to be, do you still expect Leng Yihan to recognize her?
Mu Taotao didn't look at Leng Yihan at all, and pretended to be a little surprised: "This restaurant is really good."

"Yes, hasn't Mo Yanshao brought you here before?"

Leng Yihan simply asked her about her relationship with Mo Yanshao.

"No, he's usually very busy, and we don't see each other often."

"Is it because of Mu Taotao?"

Leng Yihan's voice was plain but provocative.

Sure enough, Mu Taotao turned his gaze back to him, not understanding what he meant by asking.

"I don't know what exactly you want to say?"

Mu Taotao's eyes are as bright and clear as before, this has not changed.

The sense of familiarity is even stronger.

"As you can see, he is with Mu Taotao right now."

Mu Taotao said helplessly, as if admitting his failure.

"So you plan to leave him?"

Leng Yihan continued to ask.

Mu Taotao nodded heavily when she thought of the decision she had made before, but there was reluctance, pain and helplessness in her eyes.

Obviously it is the person I like, but I have to give it up to the counterfeit.

Mu Taotao didn't know whether he should do this or not.

But the decision is not in her hands, it depends on Mo Yanshao.

If he really insisted on breaking off the engagement with him, she would not be able to keep her.

"If you decide to leave him, you can come to me."

Leng Yihan sent out an invitation.

Mu Taotao almost sprayed his face with a sip of wine.

Staring at each other with incredible eyes, Mu Taotao was out of breath from coughing.

Leng Yihan took out a tissue and handed it to her.

With slender, fair fingers, and an expressionless face.

Even though Leng Yihan said surprising words, he was unable to maintain a cold posture, which really made Mu Taotao admire him from the bottom of his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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