Chapter 388

He could see from his eyes that Leng Yihan's eyes were soft when he mentioned Mu Taotao.

That man has always had a special feeling for Mu Taotao. As a man, Mo Yanshao knows what it is.

However, the fact is that he left his fiancée in the wilderness.

There must be something strange in this.

Mo Yanshao didn't find a direct answer, so he got into the car depressed and drove away...

On the second day, Mu Taotao did not meet Jin Wanyong at the junction as promised.

She remembered Xu Feiyang's words, and people should not misunderstand that the two of them are boyfriend and girlfriend, so it is best not to see each other less, let alone see him.

But Mu Taotao didn't wait for Jin Wanyong, but made him unhappy.

Because Jin Wanyong always thought that Mu Taotao didn't come out to see him, but didn't come out at all, so he waited there for a long time, and then almost ran to the place where Mu Taotao lived to find him.

Later, he called his follower and found out that Mu Taotao had already gone to the classroom.

In other words, she didn't wait for him at all, that's why he couldn't wait for anyone.

After Jin Wanyong learned of the situation, he was very angry.

If this woman dared not listen to him, he would definitely make her look good.

Therefore, Jin Wan bravely rushed into the classroom, and pulled Mu Taotao out of the classroom regardless of the teacher was in class, and beat her to the wall.

"Why didn't you wait for me there?"

Jin Wanyong stared at the timid girl, and said viciously.

"I Why should I wait for you there? I didn't promise to wait for you. "

Ha, the mouth is still quite hard.

Jin Wanyong was so pissed off by her, dare not listen to him, believe it or not he dared to beat her?

"Aren't you afraid that if I get angry, you will be isolated by the whole class?"

Jin Wanyong simply said this.

"Then you are too domineering, right? You are unreasonable."

Even though he was afraid, Mu Taotao spoke uprightly.

This time, Jin Wanyong was deflated.

He thought that girls should compromise no matter what, but he didn't expect that she would dare to fight him to the end, and dare to say that he was unreasonable.

Jin Wanyong was so angry that she couldn't laugh or cry, and finally had to let go of the arms that imprisoned her, so that she could breathe a sigh of relief from the wall that was close to her.

"Then tell me, why didn't you agree to wait for me?"

Jin Wanyong also softened his tone.

"Brother Feiyang said that girls waiting for boys are suspected of falling in love. He didn't want me to fall in love in high school."

"Who is Brother Feiyang?"

Hearing a man's title came out of Mu Taotao's mouth, Jin Wanyong was always suspicious. "

He suddenly remembered who that guy named Brother Feiyang was.

If he remembered correctly, when "Mu Qianqian" was announced to drop out of school, it was the man named Xu Feiyang who helped her speak.

He also heard from his aunt, Teacher Jin, that "Mu Qianqian" has an older brother with a different surname, named Xu Feiyang, who was also a student of this private high school.

At that time, he was regarded as a famous figure in school, and he worked in Mu's Medical after graduating from medical university.

And Mu's is the medical institution that "Mu Qianqian" father is in charge of.

In this way, Xu Feiyang and "Mu Qianqian" are childhood sweethearts who grew up together.

Then the relationship between them must be extraordinary.

Thinking that "Mu Qianqian" might have special feelings for that man named Xu Feiyang, Jin Wanyong was extremely jealous.

He couldn't help grabbing Mu Taotao's hand, and asked her sharply, "Do you have feelings for him? Tell me!"


Mu Taotao's wrist was in pain from his grasp, and tears welled up in his eyes: "This is none of your business."

Because of Xu Feiyang, Jin Wanyong was very angry, he simply shook off Mu Taotao's hand, and walked away without looking back.

Mu Taotao felt very wronged and bewildered.

No matter what he asked, or his behavior of walking away without looking back, Mu Taotao couldn't understand.

But Jin Wanyong did not give up.

Not long after he left, he made a decision.

If Mu Taotao didn't wait for him, he would go to her door and wait for her.

Mu Taotao never expected that when she was going to school the next day, she was about to get in the car when she was stopped by a voice: "Mu Qianqian, come here!"

Mu Taotao took a closer look and found that the person calling him was Jin Wanyong in a student uniform.

With his tall and slender figure, and his ruthless and aggressive appearance, when he called her, it was as if she should walk over for granted.

Mu Taotao was a little disgusted at that time, so he didn't go to him, but planned to continue to get in the car driven by his own driver.

But unfortunately, the driver failed to drive the car out and was stopped by Jin Wanyong's extended Lincoln car.

The driver was just a servant and had no right to speak, so he could only ask Mu Taotao for his opinion.

The two adults of Mu Taotao's family have also gone to work, and they drive their own cars.

And Mu Taotao is picked up by the driver.

There was really no one to help her now.

So she was also a little overwhelmed.

Mu Taotao simply thought of asking Xu Feiyang to rescue her, so she took out her mobile phone.

But she failed to dial the number, and Jin Wanyong opened the car door, took her mobile phone away, and forcibly dragged her out of the car.

Jin Wanyong dragged Mu Taotao onto his extended Lincoln, asked the driver to start the car, and drove towards the school.

"Jin Wanyong, why are you doing this?"

Mu Taotao struggled to resist, but Jin Wanyong was uncompromising, and only said: "I never want to be rejected when I ask for things from others. You'd better be obedient."

His overbearing and arrogance really made Mu Taotao quite annoying.

"Do you think that I will listen to you and get in your car obediently?
Hmph, dreaming! "

While talking, Mu Taotao observed the internal structure of the car, and soon found that there was a sunroof on the roof, and it was wide enough for a person to enter and exit.

So she climbed onto the roof without hesitation, and then jumped off the roof with one jump.

Jin Wanyong couldn't believe his eyes.

He originally thought that the girl was just talking, and he didn't have the courage to do so.

But she did it!
She jumped off the roof of the car, jumped off the car and rolled on the spot, unhurt.

At the same time, Jin Wanyong also saw that a car came after him, picked Mu Taotao into the car, and then drove away.

No matter how Jin Wanyong wanted the driver to turn around and chase him, it was already too late.

His extended Lincoln car is too long, so it is not convenient to turn around and chase the car at the intersection.

Mu Taotao himself did not expect that he would be so bold to jump off the roof of the car without getting hurt.

It's like she used to have a special practice in this area.

And when she was rescued into the car by a mature and beautiful woman, Mu Taotao still couldn't believe her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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