Chapter 389

how did she do it
Who is that woman named Taotao?

"Excuse me, do I know you?"

Sitting in the woman's car, Mu Taotao couldn't help asking tentatively.

Hong Ye was a little funny, this little junior sister fell from the car and fell stupid, right?

She was sure that she was Mu Taotao, because of her extraordinary ability to jump off cars.

You know, ordinary girls would not dare to do such a dangerous move.

With the speed of the moving car and the inertia, it is normal for anyone to jump off the car and injure himself or become disabled.

But people who have been trained like them are different.

As a Snitch, all aspects of physical fitness are very important, including speed and reaction, as well as strength.

Therefore, apart from Mu Taotao, there is no other woman who looks the same as her and dares to do such a move.

"Stop making trouble, Taotao, I'm your second senior sister, Hongye."

"Taotao? But my name is Qianqian, Mu Qianqian."

Mu Taotao felt that there must be a big problem with his brain, that's why he was misunderstood.

Changing to Hongye is not calm this time.

She drove the car to the side of the road and stopped, then turned her head to look at Mu Taotao on the back seat of the car.

"You said you're not Mu Taotao, but your name is Mu Qianqian? Did you change your name? Or did you lose your memory?"

"I didn't change my name, but I did lose my memory."

Mu Taotao said calmly.

She is very grateful to this beautiful woman for saving herself, but she will not admit that she is Mu Taotao.

Hongye really couldn't figure it out, but she also thought it was too coincidental.

I have been living in this foreign city for more than a year, and I never thought that I accidentally rescued a girl who jumped out of a car, and it turned out to be my junior sister.

Indeed, if it was Mu Taotao, she shouldn't be wearing a high school uniform.

According to her age, she should be a college student.

"Are you a student of a private high school?"

Hongye reacted.


"Then I'll take you to school. But in the future, don't do dangerous things like jumping off the bus."

Hongye didn't go into the details of why this girl who can jump off the car looks exactly like her junior sister Mu Taotao.

Hongye did what she said, she really sent Mu Taotao to the school gate, and then drove away in a flash.

Mu Taotao stood there in a daze for a long time, still repeating the name of Taotao.

If a woman mistook herself, it must be because she resembled that person, right?
I knew I should ask more about the person who looks like me.

Mu Taotao had doubts in her heart, who was she before she lost her memory?
Could it really be that woman named Taotao?
It's messed up, it's messed up!

When Mu Taotao came to the classroom, he saw Jin Wanyong at a glance.

His face was very ugly.

Mu Taotao was not much better.

If it wasn't for his persecution, she wouldn't have jumped out of the car.

It is impossible for her to compromise.

Jin Wanyong also saw Mu Taotao.

He really didn't expect that this woman's temper was so stubborn and terrifying that she was so bold as to jump off the car.

So when Mu Taotao walked to her seat, Jin Wanyong stood in front of her.

"Step aside!"

Mu Taotao said unceremoniously.

"Why did you jump out of the car?"

"As I said, I don't like others forcing me to do things I don't like."

Mu Taotao was still stubborn.

"But do you know that's dangerous?"

When Jin Wanyong thought that she really jumped out of the car, he was so frightened that his heart stopped beating.

Fortunately, nothing happened after she got up.

Only then did he calm down a little.

But when he thought of her jumping out of the car to resist him, Jin Wanyong stomped his feet angrily.

All the other students in a classroom looked at them, thinking that their questioning was so weird that it made people mad.

In their view, these two people are not arguing, they are simply showing their affection in a fancy way.

Because in the eyes of other girls, even if they could quarrel with Jin Wanyong, that would be such a wonderful thing!

But Mu Taotao didn't think it was a very good thing, in her opinion.

Jin Wanyong is a domineering and selfish guy.

I was grateful that he spoke for me before.

But ever since he said to let him wait at the street corner, and then forced her to take her into his extended Lincoln car, Mu Taotao's affection for him has disappeared.

Xu Feiyang was right, he couldn't have such a boy, let alone be a boyfriend.

"Jin Wanyong, let me tell you the truth, I don't like you, so you better stop thinking about me.

Don't force me to do things I don't like anymore. "

In exchange for Mu Taotao's blatant refusal, the jaws of the whole class almost fell from shock.

Suddenly, the classroom was so quiet that even the sound of a needle being dropped could be heard.

And Mu Taotao's rejection of Jin Wanyong in front of the whole class just now was heard by everyone.

Otherwise everyone would not be so consistent in keeping quiet.

Jin Wanyong's complexion is also unpredictable, so exciting that people can't look directly at it.

After a while, Jin Wanyong smiled, and looked at Mu Taotao with cold eyes: "Did you misunderstand something? Did I say I like you?"

"Nothing is the best, so don't do those unnecessary things in the future."

After all, Mu Taotao took the lead and sat back in his seat.

Then came Jin Wanyong.

Seeing that there was no good show to watch, the other students also sat down.

The witch Mu Qianqian was gone.

The current "Mu Qianqian" is so proud that he doesn't even pay attention to a prince like Jin Wanyong.

Once again, she became the public enemy of all the girls in the school.

In their view, if she agreed to Jin Wanyong's request for a relationship, she would also be a public enemy of the whole school.

But now, she openly said such words to Jin Wanyong, which is unforgivable.

Mu Taotao was inexplicably isolated.

Whether it was eating, walking, or something, she could hear all kinds of dissatisfaction with her.

Said that she is a girl who doesn't know what is good or bad, who is not grateful, and who is self-righteous.

Mu Taotao was really wronged!
What did she do wrong?
Why did no one condemn Jin Wanyong's behavior?
What charm does he have that can make people only talk about her and not mention his faults?
No matter what Mu Taotao thinks, life in this school is really not easy.

Until one day, Mu Taotao didn't come to school and was picked up by a car on the way.

The rumors seem to have died down.

From then on, Mu Taotao disappeared from the private high school.

"Doctor, is her illness cured?"

A man dressed in black with a cold and arrogant image was asking a doctor in a white coat.

His voice is cold and cool, and his face is even more expressionless, giving people a feeling of power without anger.

The doctor looked at the results of the examination, shook his head, and said honestly: "This lady did not suffer from amnesia due to external impact.

It's the drugs.

(End of this chapter)

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