Chapter 391

"I don't know, Qianqian, is there something wrong with you?"

In fact, Xu Feiyang was most worried about Mu Taotao's safety. He didn't know who took her away.

"Yes, Mo Yanshao saw through me, this game is not fun, I'm coming back."

Mu Qianqian didn't care about the Tao.

To her, it doesn't matter if Mo Yanshao doesn't love her, anyway, she has successfully prevented his and Mu Taotao's wedding from being held as scheduled, and this is the happiest thing for her.

It was her goal to destroy Mu Taotao's marital happiness and prevent her from getting what she wanted.

As for not being able to be with Mo Yanshao, she didn't care.

As for a man, as long as she thinks about it, she doesn't care about Mo Yanshao.

But when Xu Feiyang heard her say that she would come back, he was a little silent.

After a while, Xu Feiyang said: "Uncle Mu always thought that Mu Taotao was you, and he likes you very much now, but Taotao has disappeared, Uncle must be dying of anxiety.

And your mother..."

"Don't mention them to me. I didn't come back to see them."

Mu Qianqian didn't expect Xu Feiyang to tell her this.

I don't know what ecstasy soup Mu Taotao has given them during this time, they all seem to like her very much.

How is this possible?
She is Mu Qianqian, the domineering and domineering young lady of the Mu family.

It is impossible for her to be as docile as a little sheep like Mu Taotao.

Mu Qianqian ignored Xu Feiyang's nagging and hung up the phone.

Holding the disconnected phone, Xu Feiyang couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

But he never expected that when he turned around, he found that Mu Xingtian was standing there with a livid face, staring at him intently.


Xu Feiyang instinctively became guilty.

He didn't know how many conversations Mu Xingtian had heard between him and Mu Qianqian.

"Feiyang, who were you talking to just now? Is what you said true?

The one who is with us recently is not Qianqian at all, but my other daughter, Taotao? "

"Uncle, I was just joking, not real."

Xu Feiyang wanted to cover up with a guilty conscience.

But Mu Xingtian no longer believed him: "Feiyang, you are an honest child, how could you do such a thing to deceive adults?
Qianqian must have brought you down, right?

How can you follow her in everything?

It's not doing you or her any good.

So you'd better tell me the truth, is it Taotao who is with us recently? "

Who is Mu Xingtian, how can he hide it from him?

Xu Feiyang looked at Mu Xingtian for a while, and had to nod, acquiescing to the fact that Mu Taotao wanted to live here.

"Where has she gone now? My daughter, Taotao."

Because Mu Xingtian was so excited, his face turned crimson.

He never thought that one day he would be able to live with his eldest daughter, Mu Taotao.

It's no wonder that recently he feels that he is surrounded by a sense of happiness, which comes from the care and love of another daughter.

She would rush downstairs with a smile on her face, call him daddy, and tell him things like hard work.

In the past, Mu Qianqian could not get such language care.

Mu Taotao is not only good at talking, but she also cooks the dishes herself, giving him this to be his father's food.

Her skills are no worse than those of the chef he hired.

Most importantly, he can deeply understand her heart.

Isn't this the happiness of having your daughter?

Why haven't I experienced it before?
Because Mu Qianqian was never willing to do such a thing for his father, instead he took care of her.

As daughters, the difference in treatment is too great.

At first, he also thought that it was Mu Qianqian's abnormal behavior due to amnesia, but now it seems that he has a different daughter by his side.

Xu Feiyang stood there unable to say a word.

He knew that Mu Xingtian trusted him so much, he shouldn't have lied to him.

"Uncle Mu, Taotao was taken away by someone, but I don't know who the other party is. Now I can't find any clues."

"Did you call the police?"

The only thing Mu Xingtian could think of was to call the police.

Later, he thought of another character, an old friend of his who was a good friend who used to be the detective of the criminal team. If he was asked to help with the investigation, there must be a way.

Xu Feiyang and Mu Xingtian tried their best to find out Mu Taotao's whereabouts.

The next day, an assistant called from outside the office and said, "A Mr. Mo said he wanted to see the chairman."

"Surname Mo?"

Mu Xingtian repeated the surname.

"Could it be Mo Yanshao?"

Xu Feiyang couldn't believe his ears, how could Mo Yanshao act so fast?

However, Mo Yanshao did appear in front of Mu Xingtian and Xu Feiyang very quickly, much faster than they imagined.

"What is the purpose of my coming, I believe you two don't need me to explain more?"

Mo Yanshao looked neither humble nor overbearing.

Xu Feiyang and Mu Xingtian just looked at each other, they knew they were wrong, so they couldn't refute Mo Yanshao.

In the end, Xu Feiyang struggled to speak, telling the truth: "Mr. Mo, you are late, Taotao is gone."


This was the last thing Mo Yanshao wanted to hear.

What is Taotao missing?
"How did she disappear? Was she taken away by someone?"

"That's not clear, we are also investigating."


Mo Yanshao had an annoyed expression on his face.

He really felt that they were suspected of deliberately not handing over Mu Taotao, otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence that Mu Taotao disappeared as soon as he came.

"What I said is real."

Xu Feiyang also said helplessly, "You have found this place, so I dare not lie to you again."

Mo Yanshao stared at Xu Feiyang for a while, with suspicion in his eyes.

In the end, Mu Xingtian came out to smooth things over and said, "Mr. Mo, I know you like Taotao very much.

While she is the person you like, she is also my daughter. How could I disregard my daughter's happiness and let the person she likes not find him? "

"It's hard to say, but you have two daughters, who knows if you will favor one of them?"

The implication is that even after Mu Qianqian did such an abominable thing, he never heard Mu Xingtian complain about her.

"This one……"

Mu Xingtian really had nothing to say.

The conversation of the three people broke up unhappy.

Mo Yanshao left one of his subordinates to monitor secretly at Mu's Medical, and report any news in time, while he got in the car to meet Fenghuaxueyue.

For the current Fenghua Xueyue, there is nothing to do for more than a year, and they are very itchy.

"It seems that we will start to investigate after Mu Taotao came here."

Mo Yanshao said so.

"no problem."

(End of this chapter)

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