Chapter 392

The baby-faced Qiyuan patted his chest and promised.

Zhu Ying bowed her head and did not speak, Leng Feng always maintained a calm and self-restraining appearance, and Ziyue was always unruly, fiddled with her long purple hair, looked at the foreign street scene outside the window and said: "The babes here are not bad, I can consider Leave."

As soon as he said those words, Zhu Ying slapped the back of his head hard.

"Hey, are you trying to murder your husband?" Ziyue expressed her dissatisfaction with Zhu Ying's violence.

Zhu Ying was really pissed off by his running around the train: "Whose husband are you? Don't laugh so hard!"

"Hehe, then when I was about to die, who told me who I was going to marry after I died?"

Zhu Ying was rendered speechless by Ziyue's words, and really couldn't utter a word.

Mo Yanshao has no objection to his subordinates joking with each other, but now is indeed not an opportunity.

He also wanted to know who took Mu Taotao away.

"You each share a point. You must find out Taotao's whereabouts as soon as possible. I will go to the hotel and wait for your news."

After Mo Yan said less, he got out of the commercial vehicle, then got into another small car next to him, and drove away.

Fenghuaxueyue looked at each other, stopped talking, got out of the car one after another, and went to do their own things.

It is not difficult for them to check the trajectory and details of a person's life.

In a word, they will not let go of any clues.

Mo Yanshao drove the car and didn't go back to the hotel right away, but drove around the city several times.

He was feeling the feeling of Mu Taotao after he came to this strange city after amnesia.

That feeling is not very pleasant.

"Taotao, living alone in an unfamiliar place, and not even familiar with the language, must be very lonely, right?

Where are you now? "

Thinking of her living alone after amnesia, Mo Yanshao even has the heart to kill.

Occasionally, on the road, I saw a little girl running fast because she stole someone else's wallet. The appearance of wearing a red thread hat was very similar to Mu Taotao who escaped from his office back then.

At that time, she didn't have amnesia, but she just hated being his bride, so she had to run away even if she had the ability to be a snitch.

Now that I think about it, it's ridiculous.

So Mo Yanshao got out of the car without hesitation, and stopped those tall and strong men who wanted to run after the girl.

"He must be with that woman, beat him down first."

The leader, a tall and strong man, spoke loudly in the local dialect.

Mo Yanshao didn't get out of the way, and those tall and strong men rushed forward, and they were all knocked down within a few rounds.

Immediately afterwards, Mo Yanshao took out a stack of banknotes from his pocket and threw them on these people, saying coldly, "Is this money enough for your stolen money and medical expenses?"

After that, he turned around and got into the car, and then continued to drive away.

When approaching the next intersection, a little girl wearing a hat with a red thread stood in front of his car with her arms outstretched.

Mo Yanshao slammed on the brakes and stared at the woman in front of him.

It was a young looking girl, about 20 years old.

Her face was a little dirty, but her eyes were still lively and beautiful.

Really, Mu Taotao has some imaginations.

There was a hint of a smile on Mo Yanshao's lips.

It seems that he saved the wrong person.

The girl saw Mo Yanshao smiling at her in the cab, and thought of his handsome appearance when he helped her out.

The girl became more courageous, she simply opened the passenger door, sat in, and ordered Mo Yanshao: "You treat me to dinner."

The girl spoke the local language, but she clearly had an oriental face.

"Am I obliged to treat you to dinner?"

"You are my partner, of course you have an obligation."

The girl continued.

Mo Yanshao folded his arms around his chest and shrugged, not intending to drive the car away.

"Hey, you are not so stingy, are you? I just asked you to treat me to a meal."

The little girl pouted dissatisfiedly.

"I have a fiancee and I'm looking for her. If you really want to eat, I can give you money and let you eat by yourself."

Without further ado, Mo Yan took out his wallet.

But the woman snatched the wallet, stared at the picture of Mu Taotao inside for a while, and then said: "She is very ordinary, and she is not as beautiful as me. What do you like about her?"

Being criticized that Mu Taotao is not pretty, Mo Yanshao was not calm anymore, and ordered the girl to chase her away: "You can go, I regret helping you today."

"Hey, you're not so stingy, are you? If I say she's beautiful, don't you think it's hypocritical?
How can anyone say that a photo is beautiful?
Besides, I'm telling the truth. "

Without further ado, Mo Yanshao got out of the car and walked around the front of the car, preparing to pull the woman out of the car.

The woman also realized that she was indeed a little too much.

So she obediently got out of the car, and waved to Mo Yanshao: "Well, I was wrong, I shouldn't say that your fiancée is not beautiful enough, so be it, there will be a period later."

After saying that, the little girl swaggered away with her small backpack on her back.

Mo Yanshao looked at her leaving back and shook his head.

He didn't think he would ever have the chance to meet this little girl again.

Mu Taotao didn't know where she was at all, she only knew that she couldn't see her father, her mother who was suffering from schizophrenia, and brother Feiyang.

They all need her, so she must go back.

"let me out!
let me out! "

Mu Taotao was a little hysterical, but what she got in exchange was only a group of indifferent male bodyguards.

They would not let her go, but said to her expressionlessly: "Our young master has ordered you to stay here and not go anywhere."

Leng Yihan was already mentally prepared for Mu Taotao's reaction.

Now that her memory has been lost, don't expect her to remember him.

However, Leng Yihan didn't want her to just replace others and live in this foreign city.

He had to find a way to restore her memory. By that time, what kind of life she would choose was all her business.

Just when Leng Yihan was about to negotiate with Ghost Sage, Mo Yanshao also found out Mu Taotao's whereabouts.

"You mean, she has been studying here as Mu Qianqian for the past few months, but she was finally taken away by Leng Yihan's men?"

"From what we've investigated, that should be the case.

Those who took her away were members of the Yanlong Gang, and the young master of the Yanlong Gang was Leng Yihan. "Zhu Ying said with certainty.

If Leng Yihan took Mu Taotao away, then she must be safe.

Just what is his purpose in taking her away?
When Mo Yanshao thought of this man who had never given up on Mu Taotao, he couldn't help but want to get angry.

What he was afraid of was that if the woman stayed with that man for too long, there would be some emotional changes.

(End of this chapter)

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