Chapter 395

"For the second shot, I want you to give me the antidote, and I will take your other hand to shoot. This deal will be fair, how about it?"

Although Leng Yihan endured great pain because of the first shot, he still stood there tenaciously and said to Leng Yifeng.

Leng Yifeng has no reason to refute, the other party has already fired a shot, if he does not hand over the antidote, then he has no credibility, and I believe his own brothers will look down on him.

So he said straightforwardly, "Just do it like this."

Leng Yihan took the antidote from Leng Yifeng's hand and put it in his arms, then grabbed Leng Yifeng's other hand to hold his shooting hand, and could feel that the opponent's hand was Shaking more than him.

Enduring the severe pain, Leng Yihan still laughed and said, "Leng Yifeng, you are not so courageous, are you?"

"It's a joke, it's your leg, why should I shake it?"

Leng Yifeng collected his mind and really didn't let his hands shake anymore.

After the second shot, everyone couldn't bear to watch such a bloody and cruel scene.

Leng Yihan still insisted on standing there and said to Leng Yifeng: "Second brother, are you satisfied now?"

"Leng Yihan, you really have the guts. After you have the guts, you'll just stand like this, hahaha..."

Leng Yifeng knew that he was trying to be brave, he was shot in both legs and knees, shooting at such a close range, even if there were any bulletproof measures, it would not help.

So he thought that Leng Yihan was just trying to be brave.

So he laughed and walked away with his own people.

After Leng Yifeng's men drove away with him.

Sure enough, as Leng Yifeng expected, Leng Yihan couldn't hold on any longer, and fell to his knees with a "boom" in the mud that had already started to snow.

Blood and water mixed with muddy water, making the wound on his knee look even more horrific.

"Young master, why did you do this? We should be the ones who should be crippled.

We are sorry for you. "

Several of his confidants knelt in front of him, weeping bitterly.

Snowflakes are still falling in the sky, and the weather is unbelievably cold.

For Leng Yihan, this is a difficult winter.

Because of the antidote that can restore Mu Taotao's memory, he may spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair.

"You don't really want to see me in the snow all the time, do you?"

Leng Yihan forced a smile and said jokingly.

His subordinates did not dare to be negligent, and they all worked together, handed him to carry it into the car, and then the car rushed towards the hospital in the city.

What they went to was not an ordinary hospital, but the private hospital where Mu Taotao received treatment.

The dean of the hospital is an authority in the medical field known to Leng Yihan, an old professor named Dr. William.

When Leng Yihan was sent there to be examined by Dr. William, he couldn't believe his eyes.

"Han, why is your wound so serious? It doesn't look like it was shot by someone else, but it looks like you wounded yourself with a gun."

Leng Yihan admired William's piercing eyes, he just stretched out his thumb lightly, and said, "Doctor, help me take out the bullet, thank you."

"Han, your leg is probably going to be useless. Even if the bullet can be taken out, the nerves and soft tissues in the knee have been irreparably damaged by the bullet. It will be difficult for you to stand up again in the future."

"That's my business, Dr. William, you just need to take care of my wound."

Leng Yihan insisted.

His forehead was constantly sweating, which showed that he was suffering great pain.

Ordinary people can't bear such pain at all. A gunshot wound is enough to make people never forget that pain, tormenting a person's life, no matter whether it is windy or rainy, or the weather changes slightly, the pain will follow.

For the antidote of Mu Taotao, Leng Yihan sacrificed a lot.

Shaking his head, Dr. William instructed the nurse beside him, "Get ready for the operating room immediately, anesthetist, and prepare for the operation."

"Wait, I'm going to give this antidote to Mu Taotao, can I have the surgery after I'm done?"

Leng Yihan made the last request before the operation.

And William shook his head and shouted: "Han, you are really crazy, do you know that?
You are crazy! "

"I'm not crazy, I'm just doing what I should do."

Although the wound was so painful that he could no longer speak a complete sentence, he still insisted on saying so.

William had no choice but to order someone to help him into a wheelchair, let him sit in the wheelchair, and take the glass bottle containing the antidote to Mu Taotao's ward.

At this time, Mu Taotao was flipping through a book of fairy tales, the name of the book was "I will only be your Little Mermaid in the next life".

The book tells that after the mermaid disappeared, the prince realized that the person he liked was actually the mermaid that turned into a bubble.

So he lived in regret and loneliness, and the girl who married him did not get the happiness he imagined.

She knew that she had actually robbed the mermaid of happiness, so she became unhappy.

In the end, the girl chose to leave the prince and left a letter, which said that if there was an afterlife, she would be willing to replace the mermaid and be the only one of the prince, and would be the first to rescue him after he fell into the water. , to become his real savior.

This deliberately tells us that even if we get happiness from others, we will make ourselves unhappy because it belongs to others.

If you want to become happy yourself, you must use real skills to obtain it.

Mu Taotao read this book and understood this truth, but she didn't know who to use it on?

At this moment, she saw Leng Yihan who was being pushed in in a wheelchair.

His complexion looked so bad, and his eyes were so dull.

This made Mu Taotao very surprised, she couldn't help but put down the book and looked at him, and said with concern: "What's wrong with you?
Why does your face look so bad? "

The talkative subordinate on the side wanted to tell the whole story, but was stopped by Leng Yihan with terrifying eyes.

"Taotao, I... just say a few words and leave."

"Where are you going?"

Mu Taotao couldn't help asking.

These days, this man has been talking to her, telling her a lot about Mu Tao.

Although she wasn't sure if that Mu Taotao was her, it was a fact that she didn't feel lonely and scared with his company these few days.

"Leng Yihan, what happened to you? Can you tell me?"

"My running out, it, everything will be fine, don't let me down..."

After Leng Yihan finished speaking, he finally couldn't hold on anymore and fell into a coma. If his subordinates hadn't picked it up for him, the medicine might have slipped from his hands.

The others didn't dare to say anything, they just handed the glass bottle to Mu Taotao, and then pushed him into the operating room under Dr. William's urging.

(End of this chapter)

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