Chapter 396

The others didn't dare to say anything, they just handed the glass bottle to Mu Taotao, and then pushed him into the operating room under Dr. William's urging.

When Mu Taotao heard that Dr. William had ordered Leng Yihan to be pushed into the operating room, he couldn't help but want to ask him what happened and why he had to go into the operating room.

Leng Yihan, who was walking at the back, still couldn't hold back, and said to her: "The young master was shot in the leg, and needs to be operated on immediately to remove the bullet, otherwise he might lose his life."

"Why was he shot?"

Mu Taotao asked out of concern for him, and didn't think of anything else.

"Don't ask me about this, no one will tell."

The subordinate gave her a meaningful look, pushed her hand away from him, and walked out of the ward.

Mu Taotao held the glass bottle and looked at the little red pill inside, feeling inexplicably sad.

Is it because of this medicine?
He was shot.

Could it be for this reason?
Mu Taotao hoped that the answer was no.

She was the only one left in the ward.

He held the medicine and looked around for a long time.

Mu Taotao didn't know whether to take this medicine or not, and always felt a heavy feeling.

I don't know what will happen after eating it?

If you don't eat, you will never know what the result will be.

So, with her eyes closed and her heart swaying, Mu Taotao quickly swallowed the bright red pill that looked like a mole between her eyebrows in her palm.

After a while, there didn't seem to be any adverse reactions, but slowly, something came up.

What kind of feeling is that?

There was a bang in his head as if it had exploded, and then the memories of the past flooded in like a flood that opened the gate, almost crushing Mu Taotao's head.

Mu Taotao hugged her head vigorously, but those memories kept pouring in like a blowout, which made her brain almost unable to hold it.

Not only the memories of the past, but the memories of the present are also there.

She didn't forget the present just because she remembered the past.

It turned out that she was designed by Mu Qianqian and turned into her.

She was also regarded as Mu Qianqian and went to study in that private high school.

She met Teacher Jin and her nephew Jin Wanyong.

She was almost expelled from school for helping him buy cigarettes.

Mu Qianqian is a saboteur, isolated by people in school, her conduct is very bad.

Her mother was at odds with her father because her own mother was her father's love.

Mu Taotao was completely insane by these chaotic memories.

She can't accept this reality.

Why do this to her?

She also remembered Leng Yihan.

That man with a cold appearance, but this time he was willing to bring her the antidote in order to help her recover her memory.

What happened to him?
Why are you in the operating room?

As for Mo Yanshao, if he can't recognize Mu Qianqian who is pretending to be himself, will the two of them..."

But Mu Taotao didn't want to think so much anymore, she just wanted to know what happened to Leng Yihan in order to help her get the antidote.

Mu Taotao was finally able to calm down after all the memories began to return to their place one by one.

The first thing she wanted to know was what happened to Leng Yihan.

Mu Taotao left the hospital bed, put on slippers and went out.

It was quiet outside the ward.

But when he came outside the operating room, there was a group of Leng Yihan's subordinates waiting there.

Their faces were full of sadness, each of them lowered their heads, and no one spoke.

Mu Taotao felt this desolate atmosphere, as if Leng Yihan was going through the test of life and death.

Her heart couldn't help but lift up.

She would really feel guilty if she hurt him just to get the medicine.

"What happened to Leng Yihan? Who will tell me?"

Mu Taotao asked aloud, with concern on her face.

But those Leng Yihan's subordinates didn't answer her question, they just looked up at her quickly, and then avoided her questioning gaze.

However, with just this glance, Mu Taotao could feel a lot of dissatisfaction and criticism in their eyes.

Why is this?

No one paid attention to Mu Taotao anymore, everyone was quietly waiting for the operation to end.

Mu Taotao did not leave either, she also waited with them.

She wanted to see with her own eyes how Leng Yihan was doing.

She also asked him what he meant by what he had told her earlier.

Time passed by, and the wait became very long.

While waiting, the closed door of the hospital opened and someone broke in.

Looking at the tall man who walked in with a suit of wind and dust, Mu Taotao couldn't feel his own breathing for a moment, but he could hear his heart beating very powerfully and quickly.

This is the person she thought about day and night before she lost her memory, and she always wanted to be with her forever.

But now seeing him again, there is a feeling of pain that has been gouged out from the bottom of my heart. It hurts so much that people don't want to live anymore.

Mo Yanshao, why do you always appear with a heartbreaking feeling when you appear?

Mu Taotao just looked at the man who was walking step by step.

His eyebrows and eyes are still handsome and beautiful, and his aura is still full, but what about the lingering haze in his eyes?

"Peach, are you okay? I'll take you home."

"I'll take you home!"

"I'll take you home!"


This is the voice that has been echoing in Mu Taotao's mind, are you going home?
Where is her home?

Go back to his home?
Is there still a place for her there?
Did he come too late?

"Yan Shao, you finally came to pick me up."

Mu Taotao muttered these words, tears dripped from his eyes.

There was an expression of disbelief on Mo Yanshao's face.

He took a few steps and walked in front of her, his voice was full of surprise: "Have you recovered your memory? Do you know me?"

Mu Taotao lowered her head, retreated, and continued to cry bitterly.

Yes, she remembered everything, but the person who helped her recover her memory fell down.

What should she do?
Mo Yanshao broke in here alone.

He didn't bring any helpers, because he didn't come to fight, nor did he come to rob Mu Taotao.

He just wanted to have a good talk with Leng Yihan.

But Leng Yihan's subordinates don't think so.

They thought that Mo Yanshao came to take Mu Taotao away to make things difficult for their young master.

So when Mu Taotao and Mo Yanshao were talking, those subordinates slowly moved over and surrounded the two of them, and the atmosphere became extremely tense.

"I didn't come to fight with your young master, please Leng Yihan come out and talk to me."

Mo Yanshao said to those subordinates.

But no one answered his question.

Because of Mo Yanshao's words, Mu Taotao just remembered why he was standing here.

(End of this chapter)

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