Chapter 400

"Lisa, do you take me for someone else? That's why you dare to talk to me like that?

You never dared to talk to me before, did you? "

Lisa herself was confused.

"Miss, isn't that you from before?"

That kind-hearted Mu Qianqian who still calls her Aunt Lisa.

"Of course not. There was a stupid woman who looked exactly like me, but in fact she was completely different from me. Did you take me for her?"

Mu Qianqian's words made Lisa think of the fact that Mu Qianqian dared to talk to Yu Xiu'er, not afraid of the fact that she would bite.

Once because of Mu Qianqian, Lisa was moved to tears.

"Could it be that the eldest lady who was bitten by his wife many times is not you?"

"Bitten by your wife? Are you crazy? Who wants to be bitten by that woman?"

"But that woman is your mother!"

It wasn't Lisa who said this, but Xu Feiyang who came down from upstairs.

He really didn't expect that Mu Qianqian still refused to properly address her mother.

The woman who was pregnant in October and worked so hard to give birth to her became the woman in her mouth.

It's fine if other people talk like that, but Mu Qianqian is her biological daughter.

On the other hand, Mu Taotao, who had lost her memory back then, was willing to treat herself as Yu Xiuer's daughter, not afraid of being bitten by her, and wanted to stay by her side.

Now Yu Xiu'er's condition has improved a lot, thanks to Mu Taotao's company.

Mu Xingtian also said that if given time, it is possible for Yu Xiuer's schizophrenia to be cured.

The most important point is that she needs someone to accompany her, someone who is willing to be by her side.

Because of Mu Taotao's relationship, Mu Xingtian also realized that the most important thing is to cherish the talent in front of him when the beauty is gone.

No matter what, during his entire entrepreneurial process, regardless of hardships or not, Yu Xiuer has always been with him.

He has no reason not to be responsible to her.

Many of the company's affairs can be handled by Xu Feiyang, and he can spend more time with her.

Xu Feiyang's words made Mu Qianqian even more disdainful.

She stood up from the sofa and looked at Xu Feiyang with disbelief in her eyes.

In the past, Xu Feiyang rarely talked to her in such a lecture tone, what's wrong with him now?
"Xu Feiyang, have you eaten the guts of a leopard? Who gave you the courage to talk to Miss Ben like that?"

Xu Feiyang can be sure that the Mu Taotao in front of him looks exactly the same, but her personality is very different, she must be the real Mu Qianqian.

Now that she is back, it means that this game of changing identities is over.

Mo Yanshao must have gone to find the real Mu Taotao.

"Qianqian, haven't you played enough? Hasn't this incident taught you a lesson?

Can you be more mature?Stop acting like a kid? "

"Who do you say is a child? Me? How am I like a child? I am very mature. Do you want to see it?"

Mu Qianqian looked at Xu Feiyang provocatively, approached him step by step, and breathed out at him on tiptoe.

She can be sure that Xu Feiyang likes her, that's why she is so bold and unscrupulous.

However, some things are always changing quietly.

For example, Xu Feiyang's mood towards Mu Qianqian.

In the past, he always thought that he would be able to endure her all the time, use his love to influence her, and tolerate her.

But now he realizes that that's not called love. Excessive tolerance and pampering will only harm her and make her even more lawless.

She should know what is right and what is wrong.

"Qianqian, don't make trouble anymore, okay?"

"Am I making trouble again? Xu Feiyang, do you know that you are inexplicable? You accuse me inexplicably, do you know?
Also, I keep calling that woman that woman, is there anything wrong with that? "

"She's your mother, not that woman."

"Hehe, I don't need you to remind me of this, I know it too, but I don't feel comfortable calling her like that!"

Mu Qianqian raised her head slightly, her eyes still full of provocation.

Xu Feiyang's handsome face turned red with anger, his breathing became a little short, and his hands on both sides of his body were clenched into fists.

He really wanted to teach this ignorant girl a lesson, but he couldn't do that.

He knew that he couldn't do anything, and he never thought about doing something to Mu Qianqian.

But he didn't do it, but someone did.

When Mu Xingtian helped Yu Xiuer come down from upstairs, he happened to overhear the conversation between Mu Qianqian and Xu Feiyang.

Mu Xingtian left Yu Xiu'er where he was, walked over quickly without hesitation, then slapped Mu Qianqian hard, and blushed angrily and cursed: "Mu Qianqian, you even your sister! Not as good as a finger.

She knows how to be grateful, but what about you?You feel like everyone in the world owes you, but have you ever thought about what you brought to others when you came into this world?
What else but disaster? "

"Mu Xingtian, do you dare to hit me?"

There was monstrous hatred in Mu Qianqian's eyes.

She caressed one side of her face, with tears about to fall in her eyes.

But her tears were not tears of regret, tears of hatred.

She completely regarded Mu Xingtian as an enemy.

Seeing this scene, Yu Xiu'er's eyes were also filled with tears, and she felt a deep sense of self-blame in her heart.

She couldn't help rushing over, stood between Mu Xingtian and Mu Qianqian, and said to Mu Xingtian, "Xingtian, don't hit Qianqian anymore. I didn't teach her well. It's me, the mother, who is negligent. Please forgive me." Is she okay?"

Yu Xiuer's tears made Mu Xingtian tangled and sad.

It's not that he wants to beat Mu Qianqian, it's that her behavior in the past really deserves a beating.

Think about the warmth and tenderness that Mu Taotao felt after coming to this house.

But when she came back, it was a mess.

It's okay to be rude to the maid, but it's okay to be rude to your own mother.

She caused trouble at school, was bold enough to switch identities with her own sister, and almost married her fiancé.

Could such absurd things be done by a sensible and obedient girl?

But Mu Qianqian didn't appreciate Yu Xiu'er speaking for her at all, so she just got up and ran out.

Xu Feiyang shouted behind her.

Mu Xingtian said: "It's better not to come back, so as not to cause trouble at home."

"Uncle Mu, Qianqian's temper did not become like this in a day or two, even if she wants to change, it will take time.

So, I'm going to chase her back and persuade her well. "

Mu Xingtian didn't say anything, but fortunately he had Xu Feiyang, his adoptive son, by his side, otherwise he really felt that raising a child would be trouble for him, especially raising a child like Mu Qianqian, if it was Mu Taotao A child who can warm people's hearts, that's great!

(End of this chapter)

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