Chapter 401

Mu Xingtian didn't say anything, but fortunately he had Xu Feiyang, his adoptive son, by his side, otherwise he really felt that raising a child would be trouble for him, especially raising a child like Mu Qianqian, if it was Mu Taotao A child who can warm people's hearts, that's great!

"Is there any news about Taotao?"

"Not yet, but I believe she was taken away by someone who wanted to protect her, and she will not suffer any harm."


Mu Xingtian looked at the void, and did not stop Xu Feiyang from pursuing Mu Qianqian.

He just lamented that the two children were born to him, and they were almost identical in appearance, and no one else could tell them apart, not even his own father.

But their personalities are really different.

His education as a father was a failure.

Yu Xiu'er came over, leaned against Mu Xingtian, and said in a gentle voice: "Xingtian, is the child who was bitten before really her child?

The one named Taotao? "

"Xiu'er, would you be willing to take her back to live with us?"

Mu Xingtian straightened her upright, made her face him, looked at her deeply and said.

Yu Xiu'er thought a lot. She rarely gets sick recently, so she can think about problems with normal thinking.

She also thought that when that child was by her side, her smile was so warm, it was so easy to make people happy and at ease.

But she really didn't expect that she was the child of the dead Wan Xiu'er.

She looks almost exactly the same as her own daughter, but she is a heart-warming child.

From Mu Xingtian's point of view, Yu Xiu'er's hesitation is because he still can't let go of Wan Xiu'er, right?
"It's okay, if you don't want to, let her be outside. I believe she will not lack people who like her."

"No, Xing Tian, ​​if you want to do that, then take her back, right?

In fact, I also think she is very good, very cute. "

With Yu Xiuer's consent, Mu Xingtian couldn't help hugging his wife excitedly again.

Why didn't he discover that Yu Xiu'er is also an extremely kind woman?

Why did it make her mental state a problem?
As a husband, he has an unshirkable responsibility.

"Young master, Miss Mu Taotao is still outside, refusing to leave."

Standing in front of Leng Yihan respectfully, the black dragon said to him.

"Then let her go."

Leng Yihan insisted on being cold-hearted and didn't intend to talk to her.

If he insisted on ignoring her, she should leave with a sense of humor.

Mu Taotao who was standing outside the ward did not leave.

Not only did she not leave, she didn't eat or drink, and she looked particularly bad.

Her lips were chapped, her face looked sallow and sallow, and she looked like she might pass out at any moment.

There was only one thought in her mind, if Leng Yihan didn't accept her care for a day, she wouldn't leave for a day.

Heilong reported Mu Taotao's situation to Leng Yihan.

His frozen heart also cracked little by little.

"If this continues, I'm afraid Miss Mu Taotao won't last long. She hasn't slept or eaten for three days and three nights. She's like this..."

"Let her in, I have something to say to her."

Leng Yihan suddenly put down the book he was reading, and said coldly to his subordinates.

God knows, he didn't read the book at all, because the book was held upside down, how could it mean that he was reading it?

Mu Taotao was asked to go in to meet Leng Yihan, and finally she had a long-lost smile on her face.

He is willing to see her!
He was finally willing to see her!
Mu Taotao couldn't help running towards Leng Yihan's ward happily.

As soon as she walked in front of him, before she could say a word to him, there was darkness in front of her eyes, and Mu Taotao fainted.

Seeing her like this, Leng Yihan's face turned pale with panic: "Let Dr. William see her right away."

"Yes, my lord."

Soon, a hospital bed was added beside Leng Yihan, and Mu Taotao was helped to lie on that hospital bed.

When she woke up, she turned her head and found that it was Leng Yihan lying on the bed next to her.

He looked at her softly, with endless warmth in his eyes.

The woman's stubbornness had to make him succumb.

He didn't know how long she would go on hunger strike if he didn't let her into the ward.

After seeing her, Dr. William said: "Her body is already weak to the point of dehydration. If we don't infuse her with nutrient solution, I'm afraid her internal organs will be damaged, and it will be irreparable in the future."

Amid Leng Yihan's violent roar, Mu Taotao was quickly sent to the hospital bed, and then received a drip.

Now she can wake up because she has slept enough for the past three days and received nutritional drips. With energy, she can wake up quickly.

"Are you feeling better?"

Leng Yihan smiled at her.

"I'm fine, but you, how are you?"

When Mu Taotao thought that he had crippled his legs for himself, the guilt in his heart was endless.

"I'm fine, I can leave the hospital as long as my injury recovers."

"Leng Yihan, I don't understand, why do you have to do that? Is it really important to you that I can restore my memory?
But I don't have a deep impression of you in my memory, and you are not my favorite person, why do you still..."

"I just want you to restore your memory and become the old Mu Taotao, the Mu Taotao who loves to laugh and I like it very much, but I don't want you to remember that I am the person you love the most."

When Leng Yihan said these words, his expression was slightly sad, which made people feel unable to move their eyes away.

Mu Taotao had a sore nose and almost burst into tears: "Why are you doing this?"

"I've said it earlier, I didn't want you to remember my whole life, and I didn't intend to let you know the fact that I exchanged my legs for the antidote."

"But I know it anyway, don't I?

I see, can I leave you alone? "

Mu Taotao was still crying.

She couldn't help crying.

As long as she thought that this man had traded her healthy legs for the antidote, she would hate herself to death.

What should he do with the rest of his life?
If Mo Yanshao was in a wheelchair when he married Mo Yanshao, it was also pretended by him.

However, Leng Yihan was shot twice in both legs, it was a real waste, and she may be accompanied by a wheelchair in the future, how can she not feel guilty?

Mu Taotao's crying made Leng Yihan feel as if his heart had been cut out: "Don't cry anymore, didn't I tell you? I won't let you be responsible for me, and I don't need your care. I'm Yan The young master of the Dragon Gang, there will be many people willing to take care of me, even if I really need to use a wheelchair, it doesn't matter."

"Leng Yihan, I owe you, how do you want me to pay it back?"

Mu Taotao still didn't listen to him, and still cried like rain.

On Leng Yi's cool and handsome face, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and there was a wry smile on the corner of his lips: "I don't mind your body promise, are you willing?"

(End of this chapter)

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