Chapter 412

"Jin Wanyong, we are classmates, why don't you face me?"

"Did I consider you my classmate?"

"Then what do you take her for?"

"We were in the same boat once."

Jin Wanyong pointed at Mu Taotao and said coldly.

Mu Qianqian had nothing to say.

She doesn't understand, is it true that classmates are not as important as the people on the same boat.

But towards Jin Wanyong, she still has some fears.

However, Mu Taotao did not buy Jin Wanyong's account.

In the past, he was only wary of Mu Qianqian, so he fell in her way.

She didn't believe that she would stumble twice in the same place.

"Mu Qianqian, if you have any ability, just use it, and see if I, Mu Taotao, are afraid of you.

By the way, you don't know yet, do you?what i used to do. "

Mu Taotao cheated and said to Mu Qianqian.

Mu Qianqian looked at her puzzled, not understanding what she was talking about.

And Mu Taotao just sneered, and looked around in the blink of an eye.

There was a parking lot nearby, Mu Taotao walked towards it, and soon, a young woman got out of a car, dressed very fashionable, she looked very rich.

Mu Taotao walked over and patted the woman on the shoulder: "Miss, you lost your wallet."

The woman didn't doubt her words, she really looked back and found that there was no so-called wallet on the ground.

The woman was about to have a seizure when Mu Taotao disappeared in a flash.

When the woman touched the small Kun bag she was wearing, she realized that the bag was really gone.

"Damn thief, return my wallet quickly."

The woman chased after Mu Taotao, but Mu Taotao was not in that direction at all.

And Mu Qianqian happened to be in that seat.

This is good, the woman grabbed Mu Qianqian and said loudly: "Well, you female thief, you just walked away with my wallet while talking to me, why don't you hurry up and hand it over!"

Mu Qianqian was stunned at the time, how could she not know that Mu Taotao had the ability to set things up like this?
"Not me, really not me."

Mu Qianqian tried to explain for herself, but the woman wanted to call the police.

"Miss, please don't call the police, it's just a joke, don't take it seriously.

I'm also reminding you, don't strike up a conversation with strangers casually, be careful that your wallet will disappear. "

Mu Taotao ran out from nowhere and handed the woman's wallet back to her.

Lost and recovered does not make women feel happy, but feel that they have been tricked.

"You guys are too much, don't you have parents to discipline you for doing such a thing?

Not a thief at all. "

The woman is still not convinced.

However, Mu Taotao's complexion has darkened. She allows others to say that she is a thief, but she never allows others to say what is wrong with her parents.

The path she chose was her own, and she chose to be a snitch back then, not because her parents taught her.

Mu Taotao's complexion was not good, so his words were not pleasant to listen to: "Miss, can't you tell the good from the bad?
If I'm really a thief, will your wallet be returned?
I took the wallet. Are you not ashamed for wronging others? "

Mu Taotao's lesson made the woman realize that she was wrong, so she quickly left in despair with her wallet.

As soon as the woman left, Mu Taotao came to Mu Qianqian and said to her, "Did you see that? If I want to punish someone, I won't lose to you. Do you want to try something else?"

Mu Qianqian was overwhelmed with admiration for Mu Taotao's ability to take away other people's wallets in an instant, and couldn't help but grabbed her arm and said, "How did you do it? How about performing it again?"

Mu Taotao almost fell over.

She just wanted to use this method to teach Mu Qianqian a lesson, but she never thought that she would be interested in being a snitch.

Is she overdoing it a little bit?

Thinking of this, Mu Taotao broke into a cold sweat.


Mu Taotao didn't finish his sentence, the phone rang, and this time it was Mo Yanshao who called.

Mu Taotao hadn't spoken to him for a long time.

She didn't know what he was calling at this time.

But she didn't refuse to answer his call.

She still owed him an apology for beating him in Leng Yihan's ward before, but he doesn't seem to need it either.

Mu Taotao went to Yilian to answer Mo Yanshao's call.

"Taotao, did Mu Qianqian look for you?"

Mu Taotao didn't expect that Mo Yanshao was asking about Mu Qianqian, so he couldn't help but glance at the excited Mu Qianqian, and said cautiously, "Are you looking for her?"

"It's not that I'm looking for her, I'm worried that she will look for you, which will be bad for you."

"Why is she against me?"

Mu Taotao felt that Mo Yanshao's worry was unnecessary, so he stood up straight.

"Have you forgotten? It was she who made you lose your memory and turned into her."

"That's already a thing of the past, and what to do with it."

Mu Taotao was very puzzled.

Unexpectedly, this woman would think so, and Mo Yanshao was completely speechless.

"Did she come to see you?"

"She's on the phone. Do you want her to answer the phone?"

"Then what did she do to you?"

Mo Yanshao's voice suddenly became tense.

"She didn't want to do anything to me."

Mu Taotao spoke the truth.

But Mo Yanshao still didn't believe it: "You wait there, both of you don't move, I'll come right over."

Mu Taotao wanted to say, what are you doing here?

However, Mo Yanshao had already hung up the phone, and then rushed towards the hotel where Mu Taotao was staying.

He drove here by himself, and the distance was tens of kilometers, which took about ten minutes.

Mu Taotao also planned to let Mu Qianqian go back quickly, but Mo Yanshao's people had already arrived.

Jin Wanyong did not leave either.

He was curious about the relationship between this man who came flying and his classmate and the woman named Mu Taotao.

Jin Wanyong's curiosity had no answer in the end, because Mu Taotao asked him to take Mu Qianqian back.

"Why should I bring her home?"

Jin Wanyong was very unconvinced.

"Because you are classmates."

Mu Taotao pointed out bluntly.

These words really left Jin Wanyong no room to refute.

And Mu Qianqian fell in admiration for Mu Taotao's unique skill of quickly taking out the wallet.

She ran over with blinking eyes and said to Mu Taotao, "Where did you learn that hand?"


Mu Litao was puzzled, not knowing what she was talking about.

"I mean, you just got from that woman..."

Mu Taotao's expression changed, and she hurriedly covered the woman's mouth.

She didn't want Mo Yanshao to hear the fact that she was stealing from others again.

However, Mo Yanshao seemed to have heard some clues, he couldn't help frowning and said to Mu Qianqian: "What did you just say?"

Mu Qianqian saw that Mu Taotao was always winking at her.

Mu Qianqian didn't seize the opportunity that was supposed to drive a wedge between the two of them. She wanted to learn the wallet-stealing skill from Mu Taotao too much.

(End of this chapter)

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