Chapter 413

Mu Qianqian didn't seize the opportunity that was supposed to drive a wedge between the two of them. She wanted to learn the wallet-stealing skill from Mu Taotao too much.

So she wisely didn't betray her, but pretended to be crazy and said: "Did I say anything just now?"

"You just said that."

Mo Yanshao said very affirmatively, and at the same time stared at her seriously, making her feel bad all over.

"I really didn't say anything."

This is a good time, instead of chasing Mu Taotao for questioning, Mo Yan pointed the finger at Mu Qianqian.

Mu Qianqian had never felt so embarrassed before.

She used to be fearless, relying on Xu Feiyang to help her.

By the way, where is Xu Feiyang?
Mu Qianqian suddenly felt that it would be great if he was here, and she would not be afraid of anyone.

But Mu Qianqian's luck is really good, she can do whatever she wants.

Just when Mo Yanshao forced Mu Qianqian to tell what Mu Taotao did just now, Xu Feiyang drove an off-road vehicle and stopped beside them.

When he got out of the car, he was about to ask what was going on, but when Mu Qianqian saw him, he rushed towards him.

"Feiyang, save me!"

That posture was as if Mo Yanshao had really bullied her.

Xu Feiyang naturally hugged Mu Qianqian, then turned his gaze to Mu Taotao and Mo Yanshao.

"Mr. Mo, what happened, did Qianqian embarrass you?"

Mo Yanshao never thought that Xu Feiyang would come here so soon.

He hasn't done anything to that woman yet.

Mu Taotao did not expect that Xu Feiyang would appear so soon.

When I was at the beef noodle restaurant, Xu Feiyang called her and told her that Mu Qianqian had run away from home and told her to pay more attention.

Now, several people all meet here.

This has to be said to be a kind of fate.

Mu Taotao didn't know if meeting the Mu family like this was a good fate or a bad one.

"Brother Feiyang."

Mu Taotao also greeted him politely.

"Taotao, it's really great that you're safe and sound, Qianqian didn't bother you, did she?"

Although he was holding Mu Qianqian's hand, it could be seen that Xu Feiyang also cared about Mu Taotao.

This made Mu Qianqian, who was already narrow-minded, even more unhappy.

She couldn't help tugging on Xu Feiyang's sleeve, and said dissatisfiedly at him: "Xu Feiyang, are you here to find me?

Or are you here to see Mu Taotao? "

This misunderstanding is huge, not to mention that Mo Yanshao is still here, even if he is not here, he can't talk nonsense.

Therefore, Xu Feiyang immediately explained: "Qianqian, you can't be so rude."

"Isn't it? Why do you all think, what will I do to her?"

When Mu Qianqian thought of Mo Yanshao's arrival, he also looked nervous and looked at her with hostility.

It was not easy for someone who grew up with her to come here, thinking that she was talking to her, but she didn't expect that the other party would also ask Mu Taotao if there was anything wrong, which made Mu Qianqian feel so embarrassing.

"Why do you all think that it's me, Mu Qianqian, who can bully others, why didn't you think that she, Mu Taotao, would also frame her?
You didn't come just now, if you came, you would see..."

Mu Qianqian is about to tell about Mu Taotao stealing other people's wallets to frame her.

And Mu Taotao kept giving her winks, telling her not to speak.

This time it was Jin Wanyong who interrupted Mu Qianqian: "Mu Qianqian, have you forgotten? It's your turn to clean the classroom tomorrow, and I'm here to tell you about it."

Jin Wanyong's words successfully distracted Mu Qianqian from what he wanted to say.

Not only did she roll her eyes at Jin Wanyong, she said, "Jin Wanyong, when did you become so kind? You obviously came here with Mu Taotao, why did you come to find me?"

"Because I knew you might come looking for Mu Taotao, so I followed her. Facts have proved that my guess was correct, and I found you."

Jin Wanyong continued talking, and walked over to pat Mu Qianqian on the shoulder, and whispered in her ear: "If you dare to tell what happened just now, I will tell you not to have a good time in school in the future."

Jin Wanyong's threats are very effective.

Because the witch is not afraid of anything for thousands of days, but the one she is most afraid of is this classmate Jin Wanyong in the class.

Who told him to be the class teacher's nephew?

He is also the heir of the famous Han family enterprise. In short, his background is much stronger than hers.

So let's submit obediently, otherwise she really won't have a good time in that class.

No matter how good she is at tricking people, but Jin Wanyong, she is absolutely invincible.

Swallowing this breath hard, Mu Qianqian walked towards Xu Feiyang's car, and then said to him viciously: "Did my dad tell you to come out and look for me? Hurry up!"

Jin Wanyong was very satisfied with her cooperation.

Without looking at other people, Jin Wanyong swaggered away.

Xu Feiyang greeted Mo Yanshao and left with Mu Qianqian.

Mo Yanshao and Mu Taotao were the only ones left.

The situation where the two of them were alone made the atmosphere very awkward.

Mu Taotao originally wanted to apologize, but when the words came to his lips, he couldn't say anything.

She hates the current atmosphere very much, so she said that if there is nothing to do, I will go back first and leave.

Mo Yanshao didn't want to lose the opportunity to talk to her, so he took a step forward and grabbed her wrist tightly.

The strength was neither light nor heavy, just enough to make her unable to break free.

"Why are you holding my hand?"

Mu Taotao originally wanted to speak nicely, but she spoke in a very disdainful tone, a bit hurtful.

But Mo Yanshao didn't care about her bad attitude, he just said, "Is that why you don't want to see me?"

In one sentence, Mu Taotao really didn't know how to answer.

It's not that I don't want to see him, it's that I don't know how to face him.

Mu Taotao turned her head and looked at the other party with a dull expression, unable to say a word.

"Don't you really want to see me?"

Mo Yanshao looked at her silence, not only asked.

Seeing that Mu Taotao was still silent, Mo Yanshao nodded: "Okay, I understand, then I'll go, it's okay, right?"

Mo Yanshao was about to leave in a fit of anger, but Mu Taotao stopped him: "Wait a minute."

Mo Yanshao stood still and turned to look at the woman.

Mu Taotao actually didn't know why he was going to stop him.

A sorry that was so small that even the other party couldn't hear it came out of her mouth.

"What did you say?"

"It's fine if you don't hear it."

For Mu Taotao, it was really difficult to get her to say sorry, especially after the two of them quarreled.

But she thought that the other party didn't hear it, but it was not the case. What kind of person is Mo Yanshao?
(End of this chapter)

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