Chapter 425

At this time, the black-clothed bodyguards around her retreated to the sides a little bit, and a figure in black armor and a helmet appeared behind the black-clothed bodyguards.

Mu Taotao couldn't help but opened her eyes wide and looked at the man in armor.

Because she can be sure that the voice is coming from him. The man who speaks Chinese should sound about 40 years old.

Mu Taotao stared closely at the man's face, and then saw him take off the helmet bit by bit.

What she couldn't believe was that the faces of the people in the armor were the same as those of the bodyguards in black.

That is to say, he didn't come from China like her, but an out-and-out European and American.

Could it be that these bodyguards in black are his clones?


Mu Taotao pointed at the man, then at the black-clothed bodyguards, too shocked to say a word.

"Do you want to ask, why do these people look exactly like me?"

Mu Taotao couldn't speak and could only nod desperately.

There was an evil smile on the corner of the man's lips, and he said proudly: "I produced them all, of course it's best to make them according to my appearance."

Hearing that the man said that these people were made according to his appearance, Mu Taotao was a little relieved, but still asked curiously: "Are they real people, or..."

The implication is that it's not a clone, it's a robot.

"Of course I won't let my genes be copied, they are just robots, responsible for the safety of this castle."

"Why did you catch me here? What's your purpose?"

Mu Taotao got to the point.

But the man smiled and went to sit on a gorgeous chair behind Mu Taotao, then slowly raised his blue eyes and said to her: "I didn't arrest you, you came here, no ?"

Mu Taotao was really stunned by his bandit logic.

Obviously he was the one who grabbed her from the castle and made it impossible for her to leave, but he said that she came by herself.

"obviously it is……"

"Obviously you are the one who approached here by yourself. I'm called sitting on the sidelines."

This man's idioms are used so well, he is a Chinese hand at all.

No, how could she think of using this word at this time.

"Are you with that taxi driver? How many ignorant girls have you imprisoned here?"

"An ignorant girl? Well, there is indeed one, right in front of you."

The way the man looked at her was not mocking at all.

She was an ignorant girl, maybe, she was so ignorant that a taxi driver brought her here.

She was also really ignorant, she didn't foresee that such a thing would happen, but she was attracted by the outer wall of the castle at that time, so she came here involuntarily.

"What do you want me to do by bringing me here?"

Mu Taotao's eyes were full of defense, and he looked at the blond man in front of him warily.

"I'll give you three answers, let you guess why I brought you here?"

The blond, blue-eyed, middle-aged man sat on the gorgeous throne-like chair, resting his chin on one hand, and said in a very leisurely manner.

Mu Taotao really didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Can you let me out if the answer is correct?"

"Of course, there is also a precious gift."

"The gift is fine, I just want to go home."

"But I won't ask this question for now. You have to stay here for three days, and I will tell you the answer after three days."

The man said so.

"Three days? You mean I'm going to be here for three days?"

"Of course, you came here voluntarily."

After saying that, the blond man gave her a wink, then got up from the chair and left lightly.

Mu Taotao is going crazy.

She couldn't stay in such a gloomy castle like a haunted house for a minute, but this lunatic man actually wanted her to stay for three days.

No, she had to save herself, so Mu Taotao took out her cell phone and planned to call for help.

By the way, the emergency number here is [-].

However, what she didn't expect was that this ghost castle didn't even have the most basic signal, and couldn't even make a call to the police.

What the hell place?why?

Mu Taotao was really desperate.

She can't sit here and wait for death, she must find a way to escape from here.

She is a snitch. I have never seen such a high-rise building. Can a castle trap her?
Mu Taotao decided to search hard to find a way out, there will always be a way out.

With that in mind, she left the hall and ran outside.

There are many vaulted corridors here, leading to all corners of the castle, and there are also stone stairs under the outer wall, which can climb to the heights of the castle.

Mu Taotao followed one of the stone steps to the top of the castle, and had a clear view of the whole castle.

However, there is really nowhere to see the road leading to the outside of the city, except for the wooden fence that can be opened.

If you want to jump off the city wall, the height is about ten meters.

Well, even if she is a snitch, she must have climbing tools before she can climb down from such a high place.

And the so-called kung fu of flying over eaves and walls is something that only exists in martial arts novels.

What's more, wherever she went, there were two black-clothed bodyguards who were exactly like the blond man. Where could she run, and how could she jump off such a high city wall?

Mu Taotao is really going crazy, and he can't use the only communication tool with the outside world, and he also suffers from lack of tools if he wants to perform the unique skill of snitch.

That night, Mu Taotao was put in front of the man in armor one by one by bodyguards in black who looked exactly the same.

But at this time, the man was waiting for her in a huge hall that was recognizable as a restaurant even though it was sultry.

The long dining table, which is enough for a dozen people to eat, is filled with all kinds of fragrant food, and the appearance is very good.

At one end of the long dining table, the man changed into a medieval court dress embroidered with gold thread. The swallowtail-like costume design and the silver-white wig cover him, as if he was photographing a medieval court The play is average.

I don't know if this person likes role-playing, sometimes he wears a knight costume, and sometimes he wears a court costume, and I don't know what kind of appearance he will be the next time he appears.

Mu Taotao ignored him and didn't look at the food on the table, as if he was about to go on a hunger strike.

"If I were you, I would have to fill my stomach first, so that I could get out of here, wouldn't I?"

As the man spoke, he cut open the red meat on the plate in front of him with a knife, then forked it with a fork, and then gracefully stuffed it into his mouth, and chewed it carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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