Chapter 426

As the man spoke, he cut open the red meat on the plate in front of him with a knife, then forked it with a fork, and then gracefully stuffed it into his mouth, and chewed it carefully.

Afterwards, he picked up the red wine on the side, took a sip, then raised his golden-brown eyebrows, smacked his lips, and spoke a language of which country he didn't know.

Judging from the fact that Mu Taotao has learned English and German, it is obvious that this man does not speak the languages ​​of these two countries.

Could it be France?
Mu Taotao was really surprised.

This man is a Chinese hand, and there are no barriers to communicating with her. Just now he spoke such a language, how many languages ​​does he know?
Seeing Mu Taotao looking at her with a surprised expression, the man guessed that she didn't understand what he just said, so he said lightly: "The Spanish I just said means very delicious."

Spanish is indeed a language she doesn't know, and this man is really amazing.

Mu Taotao lowered her head, trying not to look at him eating, nor at the food on the table, because she was actually very hungry.

But seeing other people eating, or staring at the food on the table, would be too much for her.

"Well, I'm full, I'm going upstairs to rest, you can do whatever you want."

After the man finished speaking, he wiped his mouth with a napkin, got up from the chair, and strode out of the restaurant.

And there is still a lot of food on the table, which is enough for a dozen people to eat.

Mu Taotao saw that the man left, and there was still so much food left on the table.

Think about the consequences of the hunger strike?There really will be no strength to escape.

Eat, if you don't eat, you won't have the strength to escape.

When Mu Taotao thought about it, he really started to eat what was on the table.

There is really everything to eat here, and there are several women in maid costumes standing beside them, all of whom look like foreigners.

They stood there motionless like clay sculptures.

But Mu Taotao obviously felt that when she went to get something to eat, those "sculptures" were secretly laughing.

Why is this?

The main reason is that her eating looks are too "good-looking".

Mu Taotao didn't bother to care about what they were laughing at, since she had the strength to run away after she was full.

Mu Taotao tore off a thigh of a roast goose, put it sideways in his mouth, and began to eat it with big mouthfuls.

The honey sauce of this roast goose is really good, the taste is very good, the meat is also very tender, it tastes special.

Mu Taotao was probably frantic with hunger, so the way he ate must be indecent.

Not only did he eat the goose legs with relish, but he also poured himself a glass of red wine.

This taste is really not something ordinary people can eat.

But Mu Taotao's natal family made wine, so she could taste good wine and bad wine.

The owner of this castle obviously has very good taste, and the taste of this wine is also very authentic, which is by no means comparable to ordinary wine.

Mu Taotao ate goose meat and drank red wine, enjoying the satisfaction brought by the food.

When the food is finished, the next thing is to go to bed at night.

The castle is so big, of course there is no need to worry about sleeping landlords, but Mu Taotao doesn't know if there will be ghosts or vampires at night if they spend the night in such a castle?
Hey, it's all about scaring yourself.

Mu Taotao imagined the scene in the horror movie, she was taken aback, and then quickly told herself, don't be afraid, anyway, her blood doesn't taste good, and she hasn't offended anyone, so don't be afraid.

While Mu Taotao was thinking this way, the blond maids spoke English to her expressionlessly, and then took her to the bedroom on the second floor.

The furniture in the room is all available. The old patterned wooden bed is covered with snow-white sheets and quilt covers. It looks brand new and spotless.

There is also an incense in the house that can soothe the nerves, which shows that the owner of the castle treats guests well.

Mu Taotao's mind also settled down.

She thought, it seems that the person who can entertain her so well does not have any malicious intentions.

Mu Taotao's peace of mind was completely opposite to the state of mind of the people looking for her outside.

Not long after Mo Yanshao returned from Iceland by private plane, he heard the news that Mu Taotao had disappeared.

There is no difference between him and Leng Yihan, Fenghua Xueyue's entire team is dispatched.

Although the Xiao organization is not as large as the Yanlong Gang, it is also not to be underestimated.

It's just that no one would have thought that Mu Taotao didn't take the plane, ship or railway, but stayed in that city.

Just not in the city center.

Mo Yanshao and Leng Yihan thought that something happened to her and she was taken away by one of their enemies.

Leng Yihan can only think of his second brother Leng Yifeng.

He tried to embarrass himself time and time again. At first, he let himself cripple his legs, and later, during the second operation, he made things wrong in the car.

This time, Mu Taotao was gone, and Leng Yihan could easily think whether his second brother had tampered with it.

So Leng Yihan mercilessly found someone to find Leng Yifeng.

Even though he was sitting in a wheelchair, Leng Yifeng couldn't suppress his domineering and coldness.

And Leng Yifeng didn't expect that his third brother was such a cold-hearted and cold-blooded person.

It seemed merciful enough for him to let him cripple his own legs.

Leng Yihan had his kneecaps dug out directly, just like how Pang Juan treated Sun Bin during the Warring States Period.

Once the kneecap was dug out, Leng Yifeng's leg would be completely useless.

Not only that, but Leng Yihan forced him to reveal Mu Taotao's whereabouts.

"Second brother."

The voice of the man in the wheelchair came lightly, but it sounded like a curse in Leng Yifeng's ears.

"What exactly do you want?"

Leng Yifeng couldn't bear the piercing pain at all, and even gasped for words.

The howling just now was enough to break the roof of this dilapidated factory building.

But Leng Yihan completely ignored his pain, and continued to ask: "What have you done, you'd better tell it once, don't force me to torture you again."

"Leng Yihan, you are so cruel. After all, I am your second brother, and you are so cruel to me."

"Really? Am I being cruel to you? Second brother, I thought we were just treating others in the same way.

Don't you do the same to me? "

"But I didn't..."

Leng Yifeng couldn't speak anymore.

His face was as pale as paper, his legs were bloody, and the two protruding parts of his knees had been abruptly gone.

Leng Yihan didn't even look at his crippled leg.

Leng Yifeng didn't give an answer that satisfied Leng Yihan, and he passed out.

Then the old man sent someone to tell Leng Yihan and Leng Yifeng to go back to the country to meet him.

"Leng Yihan knew that Mu Taotao was probably not in Leng Yifeng's hands.

(End of this chapter)

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