Chapter 427

"Leng Yihan knew that Mu Taotao was probably not in Leng Yifeng's hands.

Now there seems to be a problem within the Yanlong Gang, and it is normal for the old man to ask him to go back.

And Mo Yanshao could only do Mu Taotao's search.

Although Leng Yihan felt sorry, there was nothing he could do.

He knew that if he could not gain a foothold in the Yanlong Gang, it would be very difficult for him to see Mu Taotao again in the future.

Therefore, he cannot give up his position in the Yanlong Gang.

Leng Yihan left a certain country and went back, but Mo Yanshao didn't stop looking.

He asked Fenghua Xueyue to search all the inbound and outbound flights on the day Mu Taotao disappeared, as well as land, water and other major transportation routes, but Mu Taotao just couldn't find it.

It was as if she had evaporated from the world.

Thinking of this word, Mo Yanshao became inexplicably irritable.

The last time I couldn't find Mu Taotao was because she took the medicine to change her appearance. This time, could it be the same situation again.

How could she be stupid enough to make the same mistake?

By the way, there is another person who will be disadvantageous to her, and that is Mu Qianqian.

Therefore, Mo Yanshao still thought of asking Mu Qianqian to clarify.

Mu Qianqian never thought that he would be caught playing video games while hiding in a back alley, and brought to Mo Yanshao.

At first Mu Qianqian thought that Xu Feiyang sent someone to arrest him, so he acted like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water.

But when she found out that the person who was looking for her was Mo Yanshao, she was really surprised, she couldn't help squinting her eyes and asked the man, "Why are you looking for me? Have you figured it out and think I'm better than Mu Taotao?" , want to marry me?"

This little girl is really brazen, but Mo Yanshao doesn't have so much time to talk nonsense to her.

"Mu Qianqian, Taotao is missing, did you hide her?"

"What? That woman disappeared? When did it happen? Wow, what kind of rhythm is this? Is it the rhythm of the sky?"

Mu Qianqian felt that she had let out a lot of anger. Mu Taotao was gone, and it would be best if she would never come back again, so she was even happier.

Mu Qianqian had a joyful expression on his face, while Mo Yanshao looked mad.

He stared fiercely at the little girl who had the same face as Mu Taotao, and growled at her, "Mu Qianqian, let me ask you again, is she hidden by you?"

Mu Qianqian looked at the nails that she had just painted, and said casually, "Young Master Mo Yan, you underestimate me, don't you? If I catch her, will I hand her over to you?"

This little girl is so courageous that she dared to play tricks with Mo Yanshao.

"Mu Qianqian, it's better not you, otherwise I have a hundred ways to make you tell her whereabouts."

Mu Qianqian acted like I was terrified: "Whatever you want, I'd like to try the one hundred methods you mentioned. Is there one that forces people to go to bed?"

Such impudent words came from a little girl, and she herself was not at all ashamed.

At this time, Zhu Ying came out from the next room, shook her head to Mo Yanshao and said, "Boss, I just tested with a lie detector, it wasn't her."

"What? Are you testing me with a lie detector?"

Mu Qianqian felt as if she had been humiliated.

But Mo Yanshao just gave her a casual look, and then said to Zhu Ying who was beside him: "Since it's not her, let's send her back, let's find another way."

At this time, Mu Qianqian was like a little leopard that had gone mad, wanting to charge towards Mo Yanshao: "Why are you doing this to me? What qualifications do you have to use a lie detector on me?"

But Zhu Ying stopped the little girl and asked someone to drive her out of that room.

Although Mu Qianqian kicked and made noises, there was nothing he could do about Mo Yanshao.

"I'm tired, I want to go back to my room and have a rest, you go to your own work."

Mo Yanshao's face showed fatigue, he entered the room alone, leaving Fenghuaxueyue outside.

"Does this Mu Taotao have a problem with his fate? Why does he keep disappearing while playing?"

Ziyue couldn't figure it out, they almost pulled out all the intelligence relations, but they couldn't find this woman.

No wonder he was thinking about getting angry.

Leng Feng, who has always been silent, put his fingers on his lips, rubbed them, and analyzed: "Could it be that she didn't take the transportation we want to check to leave at all?"

"By the way, you can look for it in the city first. It is impossible that the camera did not capture her footage."

This reminded the others that they decided to call all the surveillance cameras in the city to take a look.

This requires the help of Qiyuan's hacking skills.

Think foreign governments, but they will not provide any help.

When Mu Taotao stayed in that castle until the second day, he really had a good night's sleep.

When she woke up the next day, looking at the time displayed on her phone, it was already past nine in the morning.

Mu Taotao really didn't expect that she would wake up so late. In the past, her biological clock would wake her up before eight o'clock.

What happened today? It's already nine o'clock.

Could it be that this bed is too comfortable to sleep on?Or is it the effect of the incense?

Mu Taotao got up and dressed, and walked out of the room. The expressionless maid said to her in English, follow me.

Mu Taotao followed her to the restaurant.

"Little girl, are you sleeping well?"

The blond man was already eating a delicious breakfast at the long dining table.

Mu Taotao didn't respond to the man's greeting, but sat down to eat his own breakfast, cereal, black bread, very European style.

However, because the ingredients are very authentic and fresh, it is naturally delicious and leaves a fragrance on the lips and teeth.

"What do you want to do today?"

The man asked himself and answered, "Why don't you go to see a lion-tiger fight?"

Mu Taotao almost choked on his words.

What he said shouldn't be true, right?Lions and tigers fight each other.

"Tell me, if a lion and a tiger meet, which one of them will fight better?"

Mu Taotao rolled his eyes at him: "These two species don't seem to live together at all. How could they fight?"

"That's not necessarily true. Look, don't there be both lions and tigers in the zoo?"

The blond man explained.

Indeed, he was right, no matter where the animals came from in the zoo, the more complete the species, the better.

"After eating, I'll take you to have a look. Let's make a bet and guess whether the tiger will win or the lion."

Mu Taotao wanted to say, I'm sick, I'm fine to watch the beasts fight.

But she didn't respond to his words, just buried herself in her breakfast.

After breakfast, the blond man walked out of the dining room first, and walked to the open space in the middle of the castle.

Mu Taotao didn't intend to leave, but because of the robot bodyguards who looked the same, she was "invited" to the open space in the middle of the castle.

(End of this chapter)

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