Chapter 428

Mu Taotao didn't intend to leave, but because of the robot bodyguards who looked the same, she was "invited" to the open space in the middle of the castle.

After a while, a bodyguard in black with the same appearance drove a sightseeing tour bus.

The blond man sat up first and put on his sunglasses, then asked Mu Taotao to sit next to him.

A tour bus enough for seven or eight people, just the two of them, and the silent robot, started slowly and drove towards the depths of the castle.

It was only then that Mu Taotao realized that the castle was really big, and there was no one on the street, it was basically an empty city with no other residents except the blond man and his group of loyal bodyguards.

The car moved forward slowly, crossed the deserted street, and headed for the suburbs.

Gradually, the field of vision became wider, and a long coastline could be seen not far away.

But Mu Taotao knew that there was no way for her to escape.

The castle was on a mountain, and the mountains were so majestic, maybe there were beasts infesting them, so she had no chance of escaping.

Can't even see the way.

Really sad!
Unexpectedly, the sightseeing car really came to a place full of all kinds of weeds, and here, there are really lions and tigers.

They lie lazily among the grass, and it is not even superfluous to look at them, as if they are used to being watched like this.

Mu Taotao was surprised that there were really ferocious beasts like lions and tigers here, and what the blond man said about watching them fight was not kidding, but the truth.

The man quickly took out a large lump of bloody, smelly dead chicken from the back seat of the car, and threw it between the lion and the tiger.

And lions and tigers are carnivores, so how can they not smell the food.

So the two ferocious beasts focused their attention on the dead chicken at the same time.

"Look, a good show is about to be staged."

The blond man had a childlike innocent smile on his face, and his eyes were fixed on the two beasts. It seemed that he really liked watching this kind of performance.

How lonely and boring is he to do such a thing?

Mu Taotao shook his head helplessly, and then heard the blond man grinning and said: "Beautiful lady, hurry up and place your bet, do you think the lion will win? Or the tiger will win?"

"If they both lose, what's the point?"

Mu Taotao was very worried about this result.

"No, don't worry, I'll let you guess first. If it were me, I would naturally know the result."

The blond man said firmly.

"You raised them all?"

"That's it."

That's no wonder, he naturally knows the habits of the pets he raises, but Mu Taotao doesn't think he can guess it accurately.

Regardless of it, it's boring anyway, so just guess one.

In her impression, although the tiger is the king of the forest, the lion is bigger, so she guessed that the lion should have the upper hand.

Why is the tiger not as majestic as it looks?
"I guess it's a lion."

Mu Taotao replied casually.

"I knew you would choose such an answer, let's wait and see who will win."

The blond man pursed his lips and smiled, and asked Mu Taotao to observe carefully to see who would win.

The dead chicken was thrown between the tiger and the lion.

The two beasts got up at the same time.

But to Mu Taotao's surprise, they didn't rush towards the food at the same time as if they were extremely hungry, nor did they regard each other as an enemy and wanted to fight it to the death.

The two beasts just walked slowly to the dead chicken, one circled clockwise and the other counterclockwise, and then the tiger walked aside and lay still.

The lion ate the dead chicken by itself, but after a while, the lion opened his mouth wide, and the dead chicken was taken apart and eaten, leaving nothing behind.

"what is this?"

Mu Taotao was stunned.

"You win, how about it?"

The blond man said.

"But they didn't fight at all."

Mu Taotao was puzzled.

"It was the lion who ate the food, so of course it won."

It was agreed that a lion and a tiger would fight, and that could be counted. The two beasts didn't even have the thought of roaring at each other.

It was so bland.

It's so boring.

Mu Taotao didn't think such lions and tigers were attractive at all.

Seeing her displeased face, the blond man said: "I didn't expect you to love watching beasts fight so much, why don't I show you other animals next time?"

God, he doesn't have other species, does he?

Although this piece of grassland is very large and vast, he can raise whatever he wants, but this is not the way to raise it.

It's amazing enough that lions and tigers live together.

"Uh, I think it's better to go back to the castle and stay. I don't really like watching beasts fight."

It was out of curiosity before, but now it's not at all.

The blond man didn't hesitate, so he took Mu Taotao back to the castle.

In Mu Taotao's heart, what she hopes most is that these three days can pass faster, so that she can leave earlier.

When she stayed until the second night, there was a terrible roar in the castle.

The voice was rough, with a terrifying trembling sound, as if it could penetrate the roof, echoing throughout the castle.

This made Mu Taotao couldn't help thinking that in Mu Xingtian's townhouse, Yu Xiu'er, who was suffering from schizophrenia, had made the same terrible roar.

Could it be that there was also a schizophrenic in this castle?

Mu Taotao was really about to be frightened.

If that's the case, she doesn't want to be bitten by someone she doesn't know anymore. Who knows if she will get rabies or something?
Of course, this possibility is relatively small.

"What exactly is going on?"

Just when Mu Taotao was full of infinite reverie about that terrifying voice, someone hurriedly ran towards her room.

One of the maids of this castle, Mu Taotao does not know the name,

"Miss, can you please go and see my husband, he seems to be really dying."

"Your husband?"

"It is Mr. Devinson, the master of the castle."

Only then did Mu Taotao know that the blond man's name was Devinson.

"What's up with him?"

"He's got a brain tumor and at some point he's going to let out a horrible roar of pain."

the maid explained.

Mu Taotao suddenly sympathized with that man.

In such an empty castle, apart from himself, he could hardly see any of his relatives, and if he was sick, probably no one would comfort him or visit him, right?
Mu Taotao quickened her pace and followed the maid towards Devinson's room.

This is a bedroom with incomparably gorgeous decorations. Those gilded decorations emit a dark, cold light, but it can't make people feel the slightest warmth.

(End of this chapter)

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