Chapter 430

Naturally, Mu Taotao was not the only one who attended his funeral. The priest, the lawyer, the servants of the castle, and the bodyguards in black all came.

Although he knew that those bodyguards were robots, Mu Taotao still felt that they were just like Devinson, and they should belong to this castle.

The wooden fence leading to the outside world was finally opened, and Mu Taotao could go out from the castle named after the dead owner, but she felt a little bit reluctant.

The short three days made her feel that it was worth a lifetime to reminisce, because of that warm uncle, Devinson.

The time I spent with him was short, but the memory is deep.

And this castle, she can only reluctantly accept, for the wishes of the dead.

Mr. Lawyer also said that the castle now belongs to her, Miss Oriental, and it is not up to her how to deal with it.

Mu Taotao felt that such a castle would be more prosperous if people lived in it. As for the disposal, she would of course keep it there, and would not sell it or give it to others. Let it exist more vigorously.

Standing outside the wooden fence, looking at the still fresh green plants that covered the entire city wall, Mu Taotao was really moved.

Thinking about it a few days ago, it was because of these green elves that I came here, and then I met Devinson and watched lions and tigers fight with him.

It's just that he went to heaven too soon, and she didn't even have time to say goodbye to him properly.

Or, he has been waiting for someone to appear, and then he can hand over the castle, and he can leave with peace of mind.

"Why are you so preoccupied? Do you know that everyone is looking for you like crazy?"

A male voice like the sound of heaven came from behind.

You don't need to look back to know who the voice belongs to.

When did he come?
Have they been looking for her for a long time?

Mu Taotao could imagine the anxious look on their faces when he was being looked for.

I'm really ashamed. It's not that she doesn't want to be found by them, but that this castle is really amazing. There is no signal inside, and I can't even dial [-]. Who can be blamed?

Mu Taotao turned around and looked at the person with an innocent face.

Mo Yanshao was wearing a tall suit, which could have complemented Zhilan Yushu with his tall figure.

But at this moment, Mu Taotao saw that Mo Yanshao's face did not hide his fatigue and sadness, especially the black pupils that were as black as night, like a bottomless pit, which attracted people and couldn't turn their eyes away.

He lost weight and lost his former style, what's going on?
With fascinated eyes, Mu Taotao approached the man little by little, wanting to touch his face.

Mo Yanshao was also looking at the woman.

She was really heartless, her face was rosy and rosy, and there was no sign of suffering or grievance at all.

That's great, isn't that exactly what he wants?

There was nothing wrong with her, she was doing well, that was all he wanted, what more could he ask for?

Do you want her to be like himself, to make people haggard because of Yixiao?

"Yan Shao, what's wrong with you? Why did you torture yourself like this?"

The woman's eyes cast a hazel amber light in the sunlight.

For Mo Yanshao, what he wants to see is the safety of the woman, the rest is really not important.

Without warning, Mo Yanshao stretched out his arms and hugged the little person in front of him tightly.

Her body was still so soft, hugging her made one feel extremely at ease and warm.

"Why do I do this, don't you understand?"

Mo Yanshao began to thank God for letting him finally find her and not make him feel regretful.

Beside the black Hummer not far from the two of them, Zhu Ying and Ziyue always felt sour when they saw the scene of the two embracing each other. \
Especially Ziyue: "Do you think the boss is interesting? After spending so many years on a woman, if it were me, there must be a leaf among thousands of flowers without touching my body."

His rambunctious tone only drew Zhu Ying's eyes: "No wonder, you are just like that."

"Hey, how am I? Xue, you can't look down on people like this."

Ziyue seldom calls Zhu Ying by name, Xue is her code name.

Many times when I look at her, she is really like snow, cold and beautiful. When people want to get close to her, be careful not to get frostbite from her. She is beautiful and dangerous.

It was difficult for Zhu Ying to calm down in her heart.

She was hurt by Mo Yanshao since she was a child, and she has always been loyal only to him.

As long as it was for him, he would go through fire and water, and he would not hesitate.

But Zhu Ying never thought that one day her master would go through fire and water for other women and would not hesitate to do so.

That woman is Mu Taotao.

During these three days, Mo Yanshao hardly closed his eyes. In order to check the monitoring data that Qiyuan called up, without letting go of any clues, his eyes were fixed on the computer screen, so focused that it was outrageous.

They finally paid off, they still captured the picture of Mu Taotao getting into the taxi.

The sign of that taxi was also enlarged infinitely.

Later, the taxi driver was also found.

At first, the driver didn't remember that he had ever driven an oriental woman.

It wasn't until he saw the video that the driver remembered that he had indeed done such a thing.

Because the woman didn't talk much while sitting in the car, and said that she was dragging her around casually, the driver took her to a castle in the suburbs.

As for the purpose, it is simply a temporary idea.

But he didn't expect that the driver's unintentional move would make the woman disappear for three days.

It seems that only by going to the old castle can we know whether the woman is really still near the castle.

When Mo Yanshao and Zhu Ying arrived at the castle, what they saw was Mu Taotao being released and seeing the castle from afar.

"Tao Tao, tell me, why are you here and didn't go back to the hotel in the city?"

Enough hugs, the general manager asked to understand what happened to all this.

"Well, it's a long story. As soon as I got close to this castle, I was pulled in by the owner of the castle, and then I couldn't come out."

"Where is that man now?"

Hearing that Mu Taotao was imprisoned here, Mo Yanshao had an angry expression on his face, and no one would suspect that he would explode in the next second.

"There's no need to look for him. Mr. Devinson is too lonely. I happened to be passing by, so he forced me to stay in this castle with him."

"Did he treat you well?"

Mo Yanshao's rage turned into nervousness again, he held Mu Taotao's hand tightly, and asked him very carefully.

"Don't be nervous, look at me so relaxed now, what will happen to me."

Mu Taotao has a relaxed expression on his face, and it's really relaxed, it doesn't seem like he's pretending.

Only then did Mo Yanshao let go of his heart.

"He's really weird."

(End of this chapter)

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