Chapter 431

"He's really weird."

"He is not a weirdo, but a poor man.

He waited to die in this castle because he had a terrible brain tumor and didn't want to hurt others.

But he was unwilling to die like this, so he always hoped that when he was dying, he would meet someone who could hand over the castle to that person.

And I just happened to be the one he was waiting for, so the current owner of this castle is me. "

Mu Taotao licked her lips and said.

"What? No way? Now you are the master of this castle, you want to stay?"

Mo Yanshao simply felt that this world was a fantasy.

He managed to find her, but in the end she wanted to stay in this castle, how could he accept it.

"Who said I'm going to stay in this castle? Can you listen to what I have to say?"

Mu Taotao was angry. When did Mo Yanshao become so irritable, and he didn't even listen to others.

"Okay, say it, I'll listen."

Mo Yanshao's complexion was still not very good.

This woman's brain doesn't know what structure it is, so she casually accepts gifts from others to make it easier for him to find.

"I just don't want Mr. Devinson to have any regrets, and I don't think I should inherit this castle.

I don't know if he has other family members. If so, I can naturally return the castle to his family members. "

"If there is, he can directly hand over the castle to his family, why wait for you to come."

Mo Yanshao analyzed.

That's right, if there is a family member who can inherit it, then it's not her turn to be Mu Taotao.

"Oh, forget it, let's do it for now. Although this castle is very big, it's really empty. I'm not used to living here either. Let's go."

After saying that, Mu Taotao walked towards the car first.

Mo Yanshao didn't expect her to follow him so readily, and he couldn't react at all.


"Didn't you say you came to look for me and pick me up? What are you still doing?"

This time it was Mu Taotao who reprimanded him lightly.

Well, he was really eaten to death by this woman.

Mo Yanshao shrugged gracefully, followed Mu Taotao into the car with big strides.

"I'm sorry to make you guys worry too."

Obviously, Zhu Ying and Ziyue came with Mo Yanshao.

So Mu Taotao naturally apologized to them.

"Don't feel sorry for them, they are my subordinates."

Mo Yanshao said seriously.

But Mu Taotao gave him a sideways look: "Do you think I'm as rude as you? My subordinates are also human, so they have no obligation to run around with you."

What kind of logic is this? My subordinates are not obliged to follow him around.

Mo Yanshao really wanted to unscrew Mu Taotao's little head to see what kind of structure it was inside.

They had a hard time finding her in the city, but she was fine, staying well in this ghost castle.

In the end, I had a great time arguing with him.

Zhu Ying couldn't stand it any longer, she couldn't help but said: "Miss Taotao, we don't think it will be hard work running around with the boss.

But Miss Taotao should know that the boss has not closed his eyes for three days and three nights in order to find you, can't you see it?His body is also reaching its limit, but he still insists on coming here to pick you up.

So I think Miss Taotao should treat our boss better. "

When Zhu Ying said these words, there was almost no expression on her face, and Mu Taotao secretly went to see Mo Yanshao because of her words.

is not that right?

His black pupils are indeed very dark, but there are many red bloodshots on the whites of his eyes, which is the result of staying up late.

"Is that true? In order to find me, you didn't close your eyes for three days and three nights?"

Mu Taotao only felt that there was an indescribable feeling surging in her heart. Apart from being moved, she didn't know how to describe the feeling in her heart.

Mu Taotao's gaze became soft and moved, which made Mo Yanshao a little bit sorry.

He didn't do all this to impress her.

After all, it's not because he regards her as the most important person in his life.

"Peach, you really don't have to be so moved."

"Who said I was moved? Why can't you learn your lesson? It was the same a year ago, and it's still the same now. Mo Yanshao, are you a fool? Why do you do these things to me? Don't you think it's not worth it at all?" ?”

Mu Taotao was so moved that he just wanted to cry. While crying, he hit Mo Yanshao's firm chest with his small fist, causing him to gasp and cough.

Mo Yanshao seemed really weak. When he started to cough, Mu Taotao was startled.

"How are you? Did I hurt you? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I just didn't want you to do it for me."

Mu Taotao stopped hitting him with his fist, and instead stroked his chest with his hand, so that he could feel better.

Anxiety and concern were written all over her face, especially her eyes, she was about to cry.

Mo Yanshao's smile became weak at this moment.

It was nice to see her angry and sad one moment.

She has completely returned to the Mu Taotao he knew back then, which is really good.

"I'm fine, because I love you, because I like you, so no matter where you are, I will go to find you."

Mo Yanshao reached out and grabbed Mu Taotao's hand on his chest, and squeezed it tightly in his hand.

"I won't let you find me in the future, so let me find you, okay?"

Mu Taotao looked at the sleeping man leaning on the backrest tiredly.

His sleeping face is so quiet and beautiful, I really can't bear to disturb him.

He was really tired, so after holding her hand, he fell asleep peacefully.

He slept so well because of her by his side.

Feeling guilty, Mu Taotao's tears gradually poured into her eyes.

Mo Yanshao, thank you for loving me so much and caring about me so much, I will not let you down.

Leng Yihan started to learn to walk.

He didn't forget what Mu Taotao said, he would give him a fair chance to compete.

Ai Meili was by his side, guarding him every step of the way, hoping that he could see her.

"Beautiful, you know, I never loved you."

Leng Yihan's attitude towards women's waiting still sounded so blunt.

"It's okay, I just love you."

Ai Meili supported him so that he could walk forward a little bit with crutches.

"What's wrong with you?"

These words burst out of Leng Yihan's mouth, his eyes were as deep as water.

Why bother?

This sentence also applies to you, right?

Ai Meili looked at Leng Yihan sadly, and sighed deeply in her heart.

Mu Taotao came to the back garden of the hospital with a bunch of beautiful flowers, and what she saw was Ai Meili by Leng Yihan's side.

Leng Yihan's legs landed on the ground, and he walked forward slowly, but his movements were not proficient, it could be seen that he was learning to walk attentively.

(End of this chapter)

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