Chapter 457

After being told by Wan Daxiong, although Mu Taotao was overshadowed, she still couldn't believe it.

"Could it be that the Wan family made up such a horrible story in order to prevent people from stealing things there?"

"Taotao, although uncle lied to your mother's inheritance, but for your safety, I will not let you take the risk of exchanging the treasures in the underground treasure house for Fugui Island. You have to trust uncle, okay?" ?”

Wan Daxiong patted Mu Taotao's shoulder lightly, and said lovingly.

Mu Taotao looked at the man in front of him who was nearing the end of his life, and of course understood that he really cared about her, but it didn't mean she would agree with him.

But on the surface, she still replied obediently: "Yes, I understand, uncle."

"Well, that's good. Remember, don't think about that money. It's definitely unlucky."


Wan Daxiong left the study without looking at Mu Taotao again.

After he left, Mu Taotao began to look up the books left in the study.

She remembered hearing Wan Daxiong mention that the Wan family had a book that recorded the underground treasure house, but it might not be easy to find it.

In Wan's study room, all kinds of books have built a whole wall.

Mu Taotao used [-] minutes of patience, soaking herself in the study for a whole day, and finally found the thread-bound book with a strange smell.

I don't know what kind of animal fur the book's cover is made of. No wonder it has a strange smell.

Open the first page, there is a painting of a masted ship riding the wind and waves in the sea, black and white lines, slightly brown, and the paper is very old, soaked in the traces of time.

Mu Taotao opened the written record and found that it was written in a foreign language.

Fortunately, when she was a snitch, this was also a compulsory course, and many treasure maps and the like were not in Chinese.

So she also forced to learn foreign languages.

Although it is a bit difficult to read, and many words are not known, but combined with the context, you can understand it naturally.

It turned out that this was a navigation log, and the content described was exactly how the pirates made a living at sea.

The way they make a living is to attack all kinds of merchant ships, and even military ships carrying weapons.

Because of their unique skills at sea, pirates often know better than military ships how to deal a head-on blow to each other.

Once the sneak attack is successful, the profits will be huge.

This logbook not only writes the wonderful details of the pirates attacking those ships, but also attaches every detail account after they got the wealth.

In other words, it is still an account book.

From this logbook, Mu Taotao discovered that these pirates really got a lot of wealth. If this wealth belongs to one person, then this country can be called an incomparably rich country.

Mu Taotao hurriedly turned the logbook to the end, only to find that there were missing pages, not one or two pages, but as many as ten pages.

What's going on here?
At this moment, there was a knock on the door: "Sister, what are you doing in the study? Have dinner."

"Okay, come on."

Mu Taotao didn't have time to think about these issues, she put the ancient book back in a corner of the bookcase, and left the study in a hurry.

"Taotao, you have been locked up in the study all day, are you looking for a book to read?"

Wan Daxiong arranged vegetables for her and asked with concern.


Mu Taotao didn't want to tell Wan Daxiong what he saw.

She has already understood the existence of this wealth, but why so many pages are missing is unknown.

It is really a mystery whether it was torn up by someone later, or whether there was a missing page in this book a long time ago.

Back in the room, the cell phone used to contact Mirage rang.

Mu Taotao hurried to the balcony by the window and answered the phone.

"Both Billy and Maggie were not in the hotel room, and I doubt they'll be doing anything tonight."

"Okay, then we will start to act at night, are your things ready?"

"Well, when will we gather?"

"See you on Jigong Mountain in half an hour."

Mu Taotao agreed.

The three of them made an appointment to meet at Jigong Mountain.

According to Haishi's deduction, Billy and Maggie must be lurking in the Wanjia Manor.

And on this estate, dozens of daytime grape pickers live in another house except the master room.

The manor is very quiet at night.

Perhaps it was that terrifying legend that few people were willing to approach the abandoned villa of the Wan family.

According to those who witnessed the tragedy where the concubine was killed and the wife was struck to death by lightning, both women died tragically.

The blood of those who were killed soaked the floor like a pool of blood.

The one who was struck to death by lightning was soaked in rain after death, and his whole body was deformed.

Because of this horror, no one dared to approach that old villa.

Mu Taotao thinks that Billy and Maggie must have gone to the haunted old house.

For thieves, they may feel awe of ghosts and gods, but they will never let go of real wealth because of ghosts.

What's more, Wan Hai's underground wealth is so rich and attractive.

For Mu Taotao, instead of letting outsiders steal it, it is better to let her use it to save Fugui Island.

Mu Taotao and Mirage each put on black tights suitable for night travel, and wore night vision goggles on their faces that could see objects clearly even at night, which saved the trouble of holding a flashlight.

What they are going to is the Wan family's haunted old villa.

The three of them were almost familiar with the road, and they came to the main entrance of the villa.

I don't know if it is really haunted, or because this villa has not been lived in for a long time, in short, when the three of them approached the mansion, swarms of bats flew out of the mansion, making strange calls, and scattered in all directions. .

Mirage was a girl after all, and she was young, so she flinched hard and was glared at by Haishi.

Mu Taotao looked at the flying bats and had an idea in his heart.

These bats are unlikely to fly away from nests that appear to have been there for a long time for no reason, unless their nests are overrun by humans.

There is only one possibility, which will cause the bats who were resting quietly to leave in groups.

The place where the bat flew out was the top floor of the spire villa.

In other words, Billy and Maggie may have entered the villa from the top floor of the house.

Mu Taotao and Mirage went in through the dilapidated window, and came to the first floor of the villa first.

Everything here is normal, except for the dilapidated furniture that is crumbling here and there, there is also the unpleasant dusty smell left by the age, and the rotten smell left by something rotten.

Mu Taotao couldn't help but slapped her nose, and carefully looked at the structure of the villa with the night vision goggles, looking for a passage that could lead to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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