Chapter 458

Mu Taotao couldn't help but slapped her nose, and carefully looked at the structure of the villa with the night vision goggles, looking for a passage that could lead to the ground.

If they can find the underground passage before Billy and Maggie, their chances of winning will be better.

Just when Mu Taotao was thinking about something, he felt a strong wind hit the back of his head.

It's not the first time to be a thief, so I naturally understand what happened.

Mu Taotao's stature was short, barely dodging the attack behind her, and she squatted down and stretched out a sweeping leg, trying to sweep the person behind her to the ground.

The two got into a fight that night.

Mu Taotao confronted the visitor head-on. Judging from his body shape, the opponent was relatively slender and slender, not as tall and mighty as a man. He should be Maggie, who often partnered with Belgium.

According to the data, what Maggie is best at is making a weapon similar to a nunchuck, but not exactly like it, it seems to be two short iron sticks held in the hands, suitable for close combat.

And Maggie has always been ruthless and accurate in her shots.

If it was an ordinary person, he must have been attacked by Maggie just now.

But Mu Taotao didn't become a snitch for nothing. Although he didn't learn any skills that can kill people, he must have the skills to escape and defend.

Maggie and Mu Taotao were fighting in the hall of the villa, and they were determined to kill each other and vowed not to give up.

On the other side, Billy and Mirage also seemed to be fighting, and Mu Taotao could hear the heavy breathing of the two children, and the fight with Billy must have made it very difficult for them to cope.

In the two-on-three contest, it seemed that Mu Taotao and the others had the upper hand, but it was not.

Billy is known as Bloody Billy, and Maggie is also a ruthless character, so in fact, the lives of Mu Taotao and the three of them are more threatened.

Five people wrestled together in the living room of the dilapidated villa, and Billy and Maggie clearly had the upper hand.

The two people's style of play is also to kill each other as soon as possible.

At this time, the sky suddenly cleared and there was a thunderbolt, and a flash of lightning flashed across, illuminating the whole room as if it were daytime.

Billy and Maggie are both Caucasian, with very white skin. In addition, the effect of this lightning strikes their skin, making them look like they have a zombie face, which looks very terrifying.

Mu Taotao was not frightened by the two people in front of him, but fought with them desperately.

In fact, I knew in my heart that there was no chance of winning this fight, and on the contrary, the three of them might die in the hands of these two people.

How to do it?

No one noticed that just above the "Y" shaped escalator leading to the second floor, there was a huge portrait of the ancestor of the Wan family.

The man in the portrait has a terrifying face, with a pointed chin, sinister eyes, and a ferocious face.

After the flash of lightning, even the eyes of the characters in the painting seemed to have changed, and they were staring at this fierce fight.

After one lightning bolt, another one.

Both Mu Taotao and Mirage were seriously injured, the three of them were thrown into the dilapidated living room by Billy and Maggie, facing the horrific portrait.

On the other hand, Billy and Maggie looked smug.

The two of them each held a sharp dagger in their hands, approaching Mu Taotao and Mirage step by step.

"Little brat, if you still want to compete with us for stealing treasures, we also want to see if you are qualified enough."

As Billy spoke, he waved a dagger in his hand, intending to strike at Mu Taotao and the others.

Mu Taotao seems to have heard the call of the evil spirits in hell, everything seems to be a foregone conclusion, are they really going to die here?
Mu Taotao felt so unwilling, who would come to save them?
She prayed silently in her heart, and at this moment, a louder thunder struck.

Mu Taotao was almost scared out of his wits by the thunder.
However, just after this thunderstorm sounded, a miracle seemed to really happen.

Mu Taotao found that Billy, who was cutting down on them with a knife, stood there like a clay figure, unable to move at all.

Not only that, Billy's gray eyeballs protruded, as if he had died suddenly.

Maggie on the side was so frightened by the muffled thunder that she even dropped her knife.

Just because she accidentally glanced at the painting of the ancestors of the Wan family hanging above the balustrade, she was frightened by the man's too sinister eyes in the painting, which directly caused the knife in her hand to drop in response. .

Of the two people, one stood still and became a clay sculpture, while the other was afraid of dropping the knife.

Taking this opportunity, Mu Taotao and the others threw Maggie and Billy to the ground to subdue them, and then tied them firmly to the Roman column in the living room with a thick rope.

No matter how weird the villa looks, they have to muster up the courage to find the passage to the underground treasure house.

But there is no so-called underground passage in this house, and even the door leading to the basement has never been seen.

Mu Taotao almost got anxious.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind. If she remembers correctly, she remembered that the ancient book she read once said that on pirate ships, they all used to put the passage behind a certain door, or behind a certain painting. behind.

Mu Taotao carefully looked around the entire hall of the villa, except for the painting of the old ancestor on the stairs, there was nothing else.

Could the passage be behind that painting?
Going to try it anyway.

Mu Taotao ran to the portrait of the ancestor in a few steps, put his hands together, looked at the painting sincerely, and prayed in a low voice: "Ancestor, I am your descendant, please help me find that fortune , so that I can save Fugui Island."

After she prayed, when she looked up at the painting again, she had the feeling that the old man in the painting was smiling.

Mu Taotao didn't care too much, and called Mirage to come up together and help her lift the half-meter-high painting together.

As expected, they heard strange noises when the painting was twisted at a 45-degree angle.

The sound came from the stairs below.

I don't know where the mechanism was touched. In short, there is a passage going down in the hall.

If you guessed correctly, that was exactly the passage they were looking for.

The three of them looked at each other, unable to hide the excitement on their faces.

All the dangers encountered before were forgotten by the appearance of this passage.

Mu Taotao asked the other two people to maintain this angle, while he ran away to find an abandoned gate and put it against the painting, keeping it at such a 45-degree angle, so as not to fall and close the gate.

After Mu Taotao finished all this, he ran towards the door together with the necessary things.

Soon, all three of them entered the underground passage.

I don't know where the passage leads to. I just remember that the stone steps are very slippery. The further you go down, the more the situation is like this. The thick rancid smell hits your face, making you feel like vomiting.

(End of this chapter)

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