Chapter 459

I don't know where the passage leads to. I just remember that the stone steps are very slippery. The further you go down, the more the situation is like this. The thick rancid smell hits your face, making you feel like vomiting.

The eyes also felt that they couldn't adapt, and they were so excited that they were about to cry.

Mu Taotao lit a torch and followed the way down, only to find that there were many corpses of insects living here along the way.

This may be the source of the rancid smell.

Mu Taotao walked down little by little with a mirage.

When I came to a wooden door, there were ancient patterns and characters on it, and it was impossible to tell what was written.

And what happened behind the wooden door?

Mu Taotao asked Mirage to stand back, while she wore night vision goggles, grabbed the door knocker with both hands and pulled it out forcefully.

But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't open the door.

She didn't believe it anymore, let Mirage hug her waist behind her, and with the strength of the three of them pulled the door knocker again.

Fortunately, the wooden door was still strong, and it was not broken under their gravity.

I don't know how long it took, but the door finally loosened.

After a while, the three people finally opened the door, and their people also fell backwards on all fours.

At this moment, through the opened door, a wind blew in, causing the three of them to shiver.

Mu Taotao stood up, approached the wooden door a little bit, and looked inside.

It didn't matter what she looked at, she was completely stunned by the sight in front of her.

It turned out that behind that wooden door was a wider place. At a glance, the door behind this door actually led to a deeper underground, and there was a spiral staircase leading directly below.

Mu Taotao looked at the spiral staircase covered with spider webs and moss, and wondered if the three of them could reach the bottom.

But since you are here, you must go.

Who would have thought that the further you go down, the more surprising the scene below will be.

It turned out that the masted ship was also there.

Only then did Mu Taotao recall that the masted ship in the painting was the one they saw in front of them.

Think about it, such a huge sailing ship is placed here, one can imagine how big the underground space is.

And the spiral staircase they walked was walking on this ship.

As Mu Taotao walked down, he felt the stairs were crumbling.

One inattentive, the mirage stepped on the air, and it was about to fall straight towards the ship.

Mu Taotao and Haishi reached out to hold her at the same time.

The two were desperately trying to pull the woman up on the rotten stairs.

Originally, with the strength of the two of them, it was no problem to pull the woman up.

But the problem is that the wooden boards under their feet are too decayed.

So the final result was that the three of them fell towards the big boat together.

Mu Taotao only felt the wind blowing in his ears, but he didn't feel that he was about to die.

Is it possible for them to survive.

What is strange is that Mu Taotao finally landed on the deck, and then heard the sound of the sea coming from all around.

No way, is it really on the sea?

Did she hallucinate?

Mu Taotao propped herself up and carefully looked around her.

It is really the sea, the blue sea water, and Haiou hovering on the water from time to time, making moving calls.

And the scene in front of him was that a familiar masted ship was sailing through the wind and waves, and it didn't know which direction it was going.

Mu Taotao was shocked by his situation, and couldn't help getting up from the deck.

The first thing she reacted to was looking for a mirage.

They came together, it didn't make sense that she was on board and they weren't.

It was really found by her.

Because she saw that her two partners fell a little far away from her.

The two lay motionless on the ground, as if they had passed out.

Mu Taotao got up from the deck and crawled towards the nearest sea market.

At this time, the hull of the boat was too rough, and Mu Taotao felt that he couldn't stand at all.

But just as she was about to approach the sea, she planned to help him up, so they walked towards the mirage together.

But before she could do that, a dozen men with strange gunpowder guns ran out of the cabin and surrounded them.

There were strange noises from their mouths, and I couldn't understand what they were saying.

What Mu Taotao was sure of was that they were speaking the local dialect, so they couldn't understand it.

However, it can be seen from the clothes of these people that they are not from modern civilization.

This ship does not have a cabin that can be controlled by electricity. Instead, it is an old-fashioned ship powered only by manpower and sails. It can be concluded that this ship is not from modern times.

So, are they crossing over?

Time travel to the age of pirates?
Mu Taotao even felt that the ancestors of the Wan family were on this boat.

Just don't know where the person is?
They couldn't understand what they said, and Mu Taotao couldn't understand what these people said.

"Do any of you speak Mandarin?"

Mu Taotao had no choice but to ask questions.

Those people who were dressed like pirates felt even more strange when they heard Mu Taotao's question.

Someone said something in the ear of the first scarface, and the scarface said something loudly.

Immediately afterwards, a group of pirates pulled the three of Mu Taotao up from the deck and pulled them towards the cabin.

Haishi whispered in Mu Taotao's ear, "Where are they taking us?"

"Keep quiet and see what they are going to do."

The three of them were ashamed, and Mirage's small face was twisted tightly. She must not want anything bad to happen to them.

Mu Taotao is still calm, and she has experienced some things.

As for crossing, it was really the first time.

The three of them were pushed and shoved into the cabin by the pirates.

The unique fishy smell at sea, coupled with seasickness, really makes people feel like vomiting.

The light in the cabin was not very good, and Mu Taotao could feel that everyone was looking at them with ill intentions, and there was an indescribably wretched feeling.

Come to think of it, there are no women on this ship.

And Mu Taotao and Mirage are women who fell from the sky, and to the men inside, they couldn't be more delicious.

Surrounded by a group of men, the situation of women seems precarious.

Haishi was the only strange man, and his fate was worse than that of Mu Taotao and Mirage. He walked to the deepest part of the cabin after being beaten, and came to the boss of the group of pirates.

Mu Taotao was able to tell that that person was the boss, because all the subordinates were very noisy along the way.

But after walking into the depths of the cabin, to the place where the environment looks the cleanest, all the young men maintained a kind of tacit understanding and discipline, and they didn't dare to speak loudly, and didn't even make any noise. .

(End of this chapter)

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