Chapter 473

Ran Xiuhua was sitting on the big rock by the stream, supporting the rock with one hand, and resting on her legs with the other hand, tightly grasping the hem of her clothes.

Her face turned pale with fright, and her legs trembled unconsciously.

Then she clearly heard the female voice behind her saying to her, "Help me!"

Ran Xiuhua was confused by the cry for help.

Then she heard Wan Yongzhi's voice calling her in the distance: "Xiuhua, Xiuhua, where are you?"

"I'm here." Ran Xiuhua felt that she was looking forward to a savior, so she desperately waved at the sound.

She also ignored the call for help from the person behind her, and walked in the direction of Wan Yongzhi in a hurry.

The two met not far away.

Looking at Ran Xiuhua's pale face, Wan Yongzhi asked with concern, "What's wrong? Shall I take you home?"

"No, Yongzhi, I seem to hear someone calling for help, but I dare not look back, and I don't know if it's a human or a ghost."

"Aren't you scaring yourself? If it's a ghost, why would you call for help? If it's a human, it's hard to say."

"It seems to be a woman."

Ran Xiuhua emphasized.

Wan Yongzhi suspects that Ran Xiuhua really saw something unclean.

Where did this woman come from in the wilderness?

Wan Yongzhi supported her and said to her: "You must be too tired, so you heard something you shouldn't hear, let's go back."

But at this time, the groaning sound came again, it was still the sound of saving lives.

This time, even Wan Yongzhi had to believe it.

But he didn't want his wife to be in danger, so he helped Ran Xiuhua aside to rest, and said to her: "I'll go and have a look, I'll be here in a while."

"Be careful."

"Don't worry, if it's a ghost, you don't dare to do anything to me. If it's a human, you must be injured, otherwise you won't call for help."

Mu Taotao felt that he must have suffered eight lifetimes of bad luck before he fell from mid-air.

It was her luck not to be broken into several pieces.

She was so mad.

Now her foot was injured, she was lying on the ground unable to move, her whole body seemed to be falling apart.

Just when she thought she would be frozen to death, starved to death, and thirsty to death here, someone picked up the grass, and then a man's face, about 50 years old, full of vicissitudes, appeared on Mu Tao In front of peach.

This face can vaguely see the face of his youth, which makes people feel a little familiar.

But Mu Taotao couldn't remember who this was for a while?
Wan Yongzhi didn't expect that when he pushed through the grass, he could really see a woman in a strange dress lying on the ground. There seemed to be blood oozing from her ankles, so she couldn't move.

"How are you?"

Wan Yongzhi has never been a person who would not save him, not to mention that the other party is a young girl who looks not much older than his children. "

"My feet hurt so much, I can't seem to walk."

Mu Taotao said pitifully.

Wan Yongzhi pushed aside the grass and squatted in front of her, then grabbed her arm, turned around again, and said to her, "Lie down on my back, and I will carry you back."


She didn't expect to meet such a good person even though she traveled through time, Mu Taotao felt that she was lucky among misfortunes.

But the person who agreed not to break up, where did he go?

Thinking of this, Mu Taotao couldn't help but said to Wan Yongzhi: "I still have a friend, did you see that there are other people around here?"

Hearing what she said, Wan Yongzhi felt that the voice was very familiar, but he just couldn't remember where he heard it.

"It's so late now, if it wasn't for my wife's big belly, she would have decided that you are the one who should be saved.

For the sake of the child in my stomach, do you think I would want to meddle in this business?

Girl, take care of yourself first.

Besides, we searched here for a long time, but we didn't see anyone else. "

After Wan Yongzhi finished speaking, he picked up Mu Taotao, who was covered in mud and even his face was covered with mud, and then walked towards Ran Xiuhua.

At this time, Mu Taotao saw that there was another woman in her 40s, who was also in vicissitudes, but her eyes were particularly bright, and she was very beautiful, standing on the side of the road with her big belly.

When she saw Mu Taotao on the man's back, she quickly walked towards the two of them.

"Yongzhi, is she really a little girl?"

"Yes, Xiuhua, I saved her to do good for the unborn child in our womb. It's getting late, let's go back quickly."

"it is good."

Xiuhua didn't object, the husband and wife carried Mu Taotao on their backs, went to the place where they dug the pit with everyone, called other people, and went back to the village where they lived together.

Mu Taotao was let go, and then someone from the village who was skilled in medicine was called to see her feet.

After confirming that her foot was only a skin trauma and not a bone injury, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Wan Yongzhi, who had been staring at Mu Taotao, said to himself, "The girl looks familiar, have you met her somewhere?"

Hearing what he said, Mu Taotao also looked at Wan Yongzhi's face carefully, thought for a while and said, "I think your face is familiar, I don't know where I saw it."

Then someone made a joke between the two of them: "Village chief, there is a little girl, don't you think about the little girl just because sister-in-law Xiuhua is pregnant?"

Wan Yongzhi spat: "At first glance, she looks like a little girl who will be my daughter. How can I use my brains? I just feel as if I have seen it somewhere."

Mu Taotao was not in the mood to recall at this time, she just said: "Did you really not see the person who came with me? A man?"

Hearing what she said, everyone surrounded her and said, "Where did you come from? How did you get injured in the wilderness?"

"Would you believe me if I told you where I came from?"

Mu Taotao pointed to the sky, rolled her big eyes, and asked everyone.

Everyone glanced at the sky she was pointing at.

Ran Xiuhua, with her big belly, said, "Could it be that the black thing that fell from the sky is you?"

Mu Taotao didn't want to admit it, but she had to admit it: "It's me."

But everyone started to roar with laughter, and someone said, "Little girl, bragging, don't people fall to their deaths from heights?"

Another human said: "Who would believe it? This is even more unreliable than saying you are a ghost."

Mu Taotao was so angry that he was treated as a laughing stock.

What's worse, now I lost Mo Yanshao, what should I do?
At this time, Wan Yongzhi suddenly slapped his thigh and exclaimed: "I remember, I remember who you are?"

Mu Taotao was taken aback, not understanding what this middle-aged uncle who was called the village chief meant.

The others also surrounded Wan Yongzhi curiously, waiting for him to speak.

Wan Yongzhi walked up to Mu Taotao, took a closer look at her appearance, and then marveled: "I saw you 35 years ago, and you also looked like this at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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