Chapter 474

Wan Yongzhi walked up to Mu Taotao, took a closer look at her appearance, and then marveled: "I saw you 35 years ago, and you also looked like this at that time.

I didn't expect to see you again after 35 years, you still look like this, girl, you haven't changed, have you? "

"You...really know me?"

Mu Taotao looked at Wan Yongzhi in disbelief and asked.

"Of course, you said at the time that your name was Mu Taotao, and that you had another name called Wan Xiu'er, and that you were the sixth-generation grandson of my Wan Yongzhi. Am I right?"

"No way? Could it be that you are the boy surnamed Wan that I met when I crossed over last time?"

"Yes, my surname is Wan, and my name is Wan Yongzhi. When I was with our captain Chu Yun, I was only 17 years old. Now, I am 52 years old. How time flies."

Hearing Wan Yongzhi say that he is already 52 years old and that he was the boy surnamed Wan who was with Chu Yun on the pirate ship back then, Mu Taotao was so excited that he couldn't say a word.

"Old Ancestor, it's me, it's really me. Unexpectedly, I just put it back on and put it on again. 35 years have passed, and you have become an old man."

"Yes, yes, I'm getting old, but why haven't you changed at all?"

Wan Yongzhi expressed his incomprehension.

On the other hand, Ran Xiuhua was at a loss, what was her husband saying to this little girl?

Ran Xiuhua was afraid that the girl was a liar at this step, so she walked up to Wan Yongzhi, tugged at his sleeve, and said in a low voice: "Husband, this little girl's origin is unknown, who is she?"

Wan Yongzhi pulled her in front of Mu Taotao, and introduced the two of them: "Xiuhua, I'm not mistaken, it's Taotao, she is the sixth generation grandson of our Wan family, who came from the future. .”

When this word came out, everyone was shocked.

A male villager who was in the hands of Chu Yun with Wan Yongzhi also remembered: "35 years ago, Captain Chu Yun was seriously injured and disappeared from the deck with a young girl and her two friends. At that time, the village head killed Sanghun, so we followed him. I remember all these things.

This little girl was indeed the one who disappeared with Captain Chu Yun at that time. "

There was someone who proved Wan Yongzhi's words, and Mu Taotao's identity was confirmed.

Wan Yongzhi was excited, but Ran Xiuhua was still dubious: "The sixth generation of grandchildren? We don't even have all the children in our family yet."

"What does it matter if you don't have all the births? Great-great-great...great-grandchildren are here, which means that our Wan family is prosperous and will last forever, so Xiuhua, you should be happy."

Ran Xiuhua was really happy to hear what he said.

And Mu Taotao also knows how to watch words and expressions. He heard from Wan Yongzhi that this middle-aged pregnant woman with a big belly is his wife, and that is her grandma, so she sweetly called her grandma.

She is only in her 40s, yet she meets her future great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson. Ran Xiuhua feels that she has lived enough.

It's not just a promise, and it's not a no.

Didn't this promise make me old?
But Wan Yongzhi said unceremoniously: "Xiuhua, my good grandson calls you, you should agree."

But Ran Xiuhua still looked shy, as if she was taking advantage of Mu Taotao.

Mu Taotao also saw that her grandma was hesitant, so she flattered her: "Grandma, I came from the future, so you don't have to mind our ages.

What's in your belly is also my ancestor. "

This sounds really awkward, but it is also true.

Everyone else present burst out laughing.

Wan Yongzhi also smiled very heartily. He was proud of having future descendants come back.

At the end, he returned to the topic: "You suddenly disappeared that day, did you return to your era?"

Mu Taotao nodded and said, "Well, Chu Yun has contracted measles and has a high fever, so his life is at stake.

Back in our time, he was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. "

"and then?"

Wan Yongzhi asked.

In his mind, Chu Yun was a figure who existed like a god, but he never thought that such a person would also get sick and his life was in danger.

"Later we found a master who could open the door of time and space. He told us that because my friend and Chu Yun are clones of different time and space, two people cannot coexist in the same time and space, so we had to let my friend return to In Chu Yun's era, he had a chance to survive.

So, I went back here with my friends.

I just didn't expect that the master actually sent us to the era 35 years later. "

"It's really not the right time for you to come, there are wars everywhere now, it's really dangerous.

Where is your friend? "

When asked about Mo Yanshao's whereabouts, Mu Taotao was so anxious that he wanted to cry: "Obviously we came together, but we still hold hands, who knows, we got lost after we came.

He wouldn't be in the same era as me, would he?Wouldn't it be miserable for me to be here alone? "

When Mu Taotao thought of this possibility, she wanted to cry even more.

Ran Xiuhua on the side persuaded: "Don't be too sad, maybe you just went astray, and you didn't go to another era as you thought."

Wan Yongzhi also persuaded: "Yes, I will send people to search around the island to see if there is anyone who fell from the sky."

This statement always sounds a bit awkward, but it is the truth.

Mu Taotao looked at Wan Yongzhi and his wife gratefully: "Thank you, thank you so much."

"Thank you? You also said that you are our great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson of us, of course we will help you."

Wan Yongzhi looked at Mu Taotao lovingly and said.

The other villagers who were joking about them just now were really moved by the scene where the great-great-great-great-great-grandfather and grandson met.

Think about it, who can encounter such a thing?You can also meet your future descendants.

Can this be called a blessing?

For Wan Yongzhi, he thinks it is a blessing.

Mu Taotao stayed at Wan's house that night, and ate at the same table with Wan Yongzhi's children.

In addition to the two children of Wan Yongzhi and Ran Xiuhua, the Wan family also had two children brought by Ran Xiuhua, making a total of five.

Now, Ran Xiuhua is pregnant with another child, and she is about to give birth. In this way, there should be six children, plus Mu Taotao.

The whole family consists of eight people eating at one table, what a spectacular scene it must be.

Mu Taotao felt that her ancestors were really capable of giving birth.

When all the other villagers left and only Yu Wan's family was left, Mu Taotao couldn't help but said, "Zeng Zeng...Great Grandpa, do you know where your treasures are buried?"

(End of this chapter)

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