Chapter 475

Hearing Mu Taotao's question about the treasure made Wan Yongzhi look serious, and he couldn't help but wonder: "You come from modern times, don't you just come to find out where my great-great-great-great-grandfather buried the treasure, right? ?”

Hearing this, Mu Taotao blushed with shame: "Of course... no, I was just asking around."

"Oh, it's no wonder you want to inquire. I can see that you are not a bad-hearted child, but I don't know if there are any bad-hearted children among my descendants in the future, and whether they will take the fortune left by their ancestors. What about random flowers?"

In fact, it is normal for Wan Yongzhi to have such worries.

Think about Wan Daxiong and his two daughters, didn't they also divide up her mother's inheritance?
If she hadn't thought of buying Fugui Island from the Wen family, she would not have known that the money had been swallowed up by them.

Now, she doesn't want to pursue the money, she just hopes that part of the treasure of the Wan family's ancestors can be taken, so that Fugui Island will not be acquired.

"Great, great, great-grandfather, is the place where you live now the same deserted island as before?"

"Yes, later I named it Fugui Island as you said, and I thought, maybe it will really be rich in the future."

Wan Yongzhi said.

Mu Taotao lamented that his great-great-great-great-great-grandfather probably didn't know that Fugui Island would be bought by someone in the future.

"Great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather, I actually want to know those treasures, not because I want to take them for myself, but because someone wants to buy Fugui Island now, and the Wan family doesn't have that much money now. , so I want to use the money you left to buy it and prevent others from destroying it."

The Wen family is in the real estate business. Once Fugui Island is bought, it will definitely be built into a resort, hotel or something. By then, those vineyards will no longer exist.

This is what Mu Taotao doesn't want to see.

"What? Is there such a thing?"

Wan Yongzhi seemed to understand what Mu Taotao did.

"You mean someone wants to buy Fugui Island in the future?"


"Who is so bold to attack Fugui Island?"

"It's someone you don't know."

That's right, things in the future are full of variables. How can people of his age foresee it?

For Mu Taotao, finding the treasure is not the most important thing, the most important thing is to find Mo Yanshao, she doesn't want to be separated from him.

"Old ancestor, can you really help me find the person I'm looking for?"

"I will send someone to inquire around. As long as there is news, I will definitely inform you. How about it?"

"That's the best."

Mu Taotao said so on the surface, but her heart was still full of sorrow.

What should she do if she can't find it?
"Old Ancestor, where is that old ship and that cave? Are they still there?"

"You mean the cave where you disappeared?"


"Well, then I got someone to seal it off, so no one can easily get in."

Hearing what Wan Yongzhi said, Mu Taotao felt even more sad.

If that cave is sealed, can they go back through it?

"What's the matter? You still want to go to that cave?"

"No, it's just that the cave is supposed to be the place where the gate of time and space is opened, so..."

"Well, if necessary, I will take you there, but it's best not to let others know."

Wan Yongzhi said.

In the following period of time, Mu Taotao waited for news from various parties every day, and she also searched everywhere by herself.

But there is still no news about Mo Yanshao.

About a month has passed since she traveled through time, and Mu Taotao has begun to despair.

And the flames of war have spread to Fugui Island.

Wan Yongzhi organized the young and middle-aged men in the village to swear to defend their families and the country to the death.

They are pirates, and they are the most powerful at sea, and they can also do guerrillas when they return to land.

But the Japanese pirates invaded very quickly, and Ran Xiuhua had just given birth to her sixth child, and her body was weak.

Wan Yongzhi asked Mu Taotao and five other children to move towards the tunnel they had dug with their newborn baby and Ran Xiuhua.

Mu Taotao didn't dare to move around to find Mo Yanshao's thoughts, and hid in the tunnel with the other children of Wan's family wholeheartedly, taking care of Ran Xiu'er and the newborn.

The conditions during the war period were too harsh.

Sometimes the family can only eat one meal a day, and it is the kind of pot that is too hard to swallow.

Even so, Mu Taotao also tasted some happiness. The family lives together for survival, which may not be understood by many modern people.

Even if you hide in the tunnel, you can still hear the sound of enemy planes bombing in the sky, one after another.

The soil above the tunnel will fall with a loud crash.

The child would cry out in fright, and then the mother would coax and shake her, making Mu Taotao understand the difficulty of being a mother even more.

I don't know if Wan Xiu'er hugged and coaxed her like this when she gave birth to her?

Mu Taotao looked at Ran Xiuhua coaxing the child, and imagined how she was when she was a child, her eyes were dull and blurred.

Seeing her like this, Ran Xiuhua couldn't help but kindly said: "Did you think of your mother, tell me, what kind of person is she?"

Hearing Ran Xiuhua's question, Mu Taotao smiled shyly, then shook her head: "I haven't seen her either, she passed away when I was very young.

Her life in this life was really bad. When she was young, she fell in love with a man whom her family opposed, and wanted to elope with that man. She never thought that they missed the place and time, so they were taken back by her family.

Later, when she had me, she thought of going to find her father again, so she ran out, only to be taken away by bad guys. "

Speaking of what happened to Wan Xiu'er, Mu Taotao really felt sad.

Her mother is a passionate person, and she has only been running around for that one man all her life.

Why not yourself?
Mo Yanshao, where are you?

When Mu Taotao thought of the two of them coming together, but now she was the only one here, she felt really bitter.

Ran Xiuhua reminded her, "Taotao, I'm listening to you."

Mu Taotao came back to her senses, and said a little embarrassedly, "Old Ancestor, I'm distracted."

"I know you're distracted, are you thinking about the boy who came with you again? Does he really look like Chu Yun?"

"The old ancestor knew about Chu Yun?"

At the mention of this name, Ran Xiuhua blushed suspiciously, and then nodded slightly.

Her eyes slightly turned to the void, and her slightly vicissitudes of face were also immersed in memories.

"Chu Yun is not only a great hero in the hearts of your ancestor Yongzhi, but also a remarkable existence.

Why is he not in the hearts of girls of our generation? "

"So, you know Chu Yun?"

"Of course, but it's not right, he should have grown you up a lot."

(End of this chapter)

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