Chapter 482

While talking, Mu Taotao pointed to Mo Yanshao.

Ge Xiaomiao and Ge Yufen were really shocked by her words.

"What do you mean you are not from this era? Not this era, is there another era?"

Ge Yufen spoke first.

"Madam, that's what it means.

If time is divided into past, present, and future, then he and I belong to the future, and we are from the 21st century.

As for your era, I don't know how many years it should be considered as AD, but it should be considered as the last century.

In other words, our era is almost hundreds of years apart from your era, understand? "

Hearing what she said, the two women just shook their heads, expressing that they didn't understand at all.

Mu Taotao was really anxious to death, why is her comprehension so poor?
"To put it bluntly, I am from the same era as your descendants, and I am separated from you by almost five generations. Do you understand?"

Mu Taotao said it again, and Ge Xiaomiao seemed to understand: "That is to say, you are our next generation, does that mean?"

Ge Xiaomiao used several syllables to represent the times.

Mu Taotao nodded: "Smart, that's what it means."

But Ge Xiaomiao snorted in his nose: "I will believe you. Since you are not from the same era as us, how did you come here?"

"Time travel, do you understand time travel? We traveled through time and space, so we went back 100 years ago."

Mu Taotao explained.

Ge Yufen was still confused, while Ge Xiaomiao understood what the future was, but she didn't believe Mu Taotao's words.

"Traveling? That is to say, you traveled from the future? Then we can also travel to your era?"

Ge Xiaomiao drew inferences from one instance and speculated.

"Smart, Miss Ge, you are really smart."

Mu Taotao did not forget to praise her greatly.

Everyone likes nice words, and Ge Xiaomiao didn't object to her words this time.

Ge Yufen was still puzzled, "Then what does this have to do with Chu Yun?"

"Of course it has something to do with it. Chu Yun and this Mr. Mo, Mo Yanshao, are clones of different time and space, and they cannot coexist in the same time and space.

And Chu Yun returned to our era with me because of his injury.

But his injuries were too severe, and because of Mo Yanshao's existence, he might not survive in that time and space.

So in order to save his life, Mo Yanshao and I went back to this era.

Originally, it was enough for him to come back alone, but I was worried, so I came back here with him.

It's just that time and space made some mistakes, and it didn't send us back to the era we traveled through at that time, but 35 years later.

Therefore, you will see Mo Yanshao who is exactly the same as Chu Yun when he was young, but not the old version of Chu Yun 35 years later. "

Mu Taotao's explanation made Ge Xiaomiao seem to understand something. She grabbed Mu Taotao's arm and said, "In other words, Chu Yun was still in your era. Is that what you mean?"


"Then will he come back?"

"Yes, if he doesn't come back, we can't go back, can we?"

Mu Taotao doesn't want to stay here in an era of wars and chaos. How nice it is to be in a peaceful modern age, so he doesn't want to stay in such a backward 100 years ago.

Hearing her words, Ge Yufen's eyes lit up with hope, she really wanted to go back to the modern times that Mu Taotao talked about, and look at Chu Yun.

"Can we go to your time?"

The old lady still said whatever came to her mind.

But Mu Taotao had a troubled expression on his face.

"It was hard for us to cross. We can't just play around with this crossing."

She has a deep understanding. It was originally for the matter of Fugui Island, but now it is better, and the more complicated it is.

I don't know if Fugui Island can be kept.

If Fugui Island has been sold by the time she travels back, she will cry to death

"Is your Ge family really rich?"

Mu Taotao really went to the doctor in a hurry.

Anyway, people in the past liked to hide a lot of gold bars, so it is better to borrow the gold bars back and buy Fugui Island.

Hearing that Mu Taotao said she wanted gold bars, Ge Xiaomiao and Ge Yufen looked at each other, and they didn't quite believe what she said before, thinking that this woman was just here to cheat the gold bars.

"Don't believe me, you must believe me."

But Mu Taotao was kicked out of the Ge family compound, while Mo Yanshao was left behind.

"You say she is a liar, but I don't believe it. I believe what she said."

Mo Yanshao said to Ge Xiaomiao like this.

But Ge Xiaomiao was jealous, and couldn't help but get angry at Mo Yanshao: "You think she is young and beautiful, right? You just want to be with that woman."

Mo Yanshao did not refute Ge Xiaomiao's accusation.

His gaze was as deep as the sea, and he said calmly: "I didn't want to marry you at first, I am a person with no memory, and I don't know if I have ever married a wife. You are taking a risk by marrying me so rashly. "

Mo Yanshao's words made Ge Xiaomiao burst into tears, so she stomped her feet and hid in Ge Yufen's room.

An old man in his fifties, because he has never been married, understands the suffering of his niece and daughter, so he can't help persuading him: "You have to give him time to figure out some truths."

"How should I give him time? We've already paid our respects, so we're husband and wife. Why should he say he doesn't want me?"

"But what he said didn't make sense.

He has no memory now, and when he remembers who is in his family, maybe he is really married, then what should you do? "

"Then I'll let him divorce his original wife and marry me."

"You are overbearing."

Ge Yufen taught Ge Xiaomiao a lesson.

Although the Ge family is rich, they are not so rich as to be unkind.

Ge Xiaomiao pouted and said nothing, but she was really angry in her heart.

Mu Taotao who was thrown out of the Ge family's compound was even more angry.

She can't put it back on by herself, can she?
There were two people when they came, but one person when they went back, what's the matter?
I don't know what happened to Chu Yun's injury in modern times?

Mu Taotao sat in front of the main gate of the Ge family's courtyard, resting her chin, looking at the twinkling stars in the sky, imagining what the modern Chu Yun should be like now.

She wished him well.

In the 21st century, the era that Mu Taotao and the others traveled through, Chu Yunyouyou woke up from the hospital bed.

It was white and light blue in his eyes, and there was also a strange smell, which made him almost unable to open his eyes.

However, he had to open his eyes, he wanted to see what happened to the girl he wanted to protect, and his brothers who were born and died.

However, when he sat up from the bed, what he saw was a bed that only allowed him to lie on it, and some furniture.

(End of this chapter)

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