Chapter 483

However, when he sat up from the bed, what he saw was a bed that only allowed him to lie on it, and some furniture.

There was still a drip on his hand, and a transparent liquid was dripping into his body drop by drop through a tube-shaped rope.

Chu Yun couldn't see other people, so he couldn't help feeling anxious, so he broke away from the infusion tube and wanted to leave.

At this time, he accidentally touched the beeper beside him.

The pager then issued a "beep".

Chu Yun was also taken aback.

Soon, a woman in a pink nurse uniform and a man in a white coat came to the ward.

Chu Yun also stayed abroad when he was young, so he understands the hospital routine.

It's just that he didn't understand, how did he end up in a foreigner's hospital?

"Who are you? Where am I?"

"Your name is Chu Yun, right? Your friend sent you here. You were infected with measles and had a constant high fever. I was afraid that your organs would be damaged, so you have been hospitalized for observation.

Fortunately, your fever is gone, and your body doesn't seem to have suffered any damage. "

the doctor explained.

It was only then that Chu Yun recalled that, indeed, before he was injured, he felt difficult to breathe, and his whole body was scorching hot, so he was indeed infected with measles.

"Where's the girl who brought me here?"

"She promised to call a man named Randy when you got better. This is the phone number."

The doctor said, and handed the phone number to Chu Yun.

This made Chu Yun face a difficult situation.

Telephones in their era had to be found far away on land. Where would he make a call?

"Where can I make a phone call here?"

"Don't you have a cell phone?"

the doctor asked strangely.

How many people do not have mobile phones nowadays?
"Mobile phone? What is that?" Chu Yun was even more at a loss.

The doctor kindly took out his mobile phone and handed it to Chu Yun, telling him that it was the mobile phone.

"How does this work?"

The doctor looked at him curiously, convinced that this was indeed a bumpkin from the deep mountains, that's why he didn't know about the phone.

The doctor did not discriminate against him, but taught him how to make a phone call.

Anyway, it was just a phone call, so he wouldn't be so stingy.

So the doctor called Randy for Chu Yun.

Hearing that Chu Yun woke up from the hospital, Randy immediately put down the theory of free travel through time and space that he was studying, and prepared to see this person from the old age who came from 100 years ago.

When Randy arrived at the hospital, he saw that Chu Yun was looking carefully at the flat-panel LCD TV in the hospital corridor.

He was probably curious, how could there be sounds and images in that flat box, and the people inside were talking, but he didn't know how they got in?

The patients and family members who came and went thought this man was crazy.

He has a delicate and picturesque face, but his behavior is weird, which is completely the kind of mental problem.

So many people pointed at him with sympathy in their eyes.

Randy thought of Mu Taotao's entreaty to him before he left, to take good care of this ancient man who traveled through time.

How did he forget it?
He can no longer be looked at like a monkey.

Randy grabbed Chu Yun's shoulders and led him into the room: "I am entrusted by Miss Mu Taotao to take care of you."

"Peach? Where is she?"

When he heard that Mu Taotao sent him, Chu Yun was naturally very happy.

But Randy told him: "She went to your time, and I found out that I got the time wrong, she may have returned to the time you were in more than 30 years later.

I don't know if she found all those people you know. "

Hearing what Randy said, Chu Yun couldn't believe his ears: "You mean, I went back to the era when Taotao lived, and she returned to the era when I lived?"

Chu Yun couldn't help being shocked when he heard Randy say that.

Everything in this era makes him feel fresh and incredible. The people in the box can talk, the box can be used to make calls, everything is contained in the box, even the hospital equipment, it is really amazing.

Randy explained to him: "This is a last resort, you should also know Mo Yanshao, the young master of the Mo family, right?"

"Who is he?"

"Miss Mu Taotao didn't mention this person to you? You look exactly alike."

"Oh, I heard she mentioned that it was the one she liked."

Speaking of Mo Yanshao, Chu Yun felt a little sour in his heart.

"That person and you are clones of different eras. You cannot coexist in the same era, understand?"

"What do you mean?"

"It means that if Mo Yanshao is in this era, you will die.

So, in order to save your life, Mo Yanshao went to your time, and Miss Mu Taotao followed him. "

"That's why they traveled back in time?"

Chu Yun seemed to understand something.

"Yes, that's why."

Randy murmured: "Now that you have recovered, it's time to notify them to come back."

"Then what are you going to do?"

Chu Yun asked Randy beside him.

"Of course I took you back in time. I got the era wrong, so I can only send you back 35 years after your era. What do you think?"

Returning 35 years later to the era in which he lived?

Chu Yun smiled, that is to say, he is 35 years younger than his peers.

"What's wrong with that?"

"Then get ready, we'll be back soon."

"Wait, I want to ask, is this place where we are now the place we want to travel back to?"

Chu Yun asked suddenly.

"That's right, Fugui Island. We are on Fugui Island. Of course, crossing is also returning to the same place in that era."

"This is Fugui Island?"

Chu Yun couldn't believe his ears and eyes.

In his memory, he landed on a deserted island, a place where only birds would stay.

He looked out from the window of the ward, and from a distance he could see many ships gathered on the pier, big and small, connected together.

And there are all kinds of new buildings and houses in the city, which he has never seen before. Those honking their horns should be cars.

I have seen it before when I was studying abroad, but where is there such a high-end car?
Thinking about it, I feel that this is an enviable era. People live and work in peace and contentment, and they don't need to rely on other people's property to survive.

How comfortable it would be if I could live in this era.

But Chu Yun knew that he did not belong to this era after all, just like that woman named Mu Taotao, she did not belong to the old era either.

You can't let her and that clone of yourself stay in the old era because of him.

(End of this chapter)

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