Chapter 486

She couldn't help asking, "Are you really Chu Yun?"

Standing there, Chu Yun looked at the young girl, vaguely resembling Ge Yufen's youthful appearance.

"you are?"

"I'm Ge Xiaomiao, my father Ge Yuzhuang."

Chu Yun remembered that the Ge family did have such a son, and Ge Yuzhuang was only ten years old when he went wandering in the sea.

Now, his daughter has also reached the age of marriage.

Just when a group of people were talking at the door, a person rushed out from the yard, his eyes were as red as blood, and the red wedding dress on his body reflected his face as if it was dyed with sunlight.

When he saw Mu Taotao at the door, he just stretched out his hand and called out in pain: "Taotao, I..."

Then there is no text.

The man had fainted at the gate of the courtyard.

Mu Taotao's face was pale, and she hurried over to support the man, but her tears had already flowed down.

Why is this happening?

Mu Taotao was at a loss for words.

She just looked at Master Randy and said: "Master, you said that they can't meet each other. Now, is Shao Yan dying?"

"No, no, Miss Mu, I will let you leave here as soon as possible and return to our time."

Randy promised.

Chu Yun also came over, supported Mo Yanshao, and looked at his face carefully.

Sure enough, he also felt dizzy when he looked at his avatar. As the saying goes, if avatars cannot meet, one will die when they meet. This is the reason.

Immediately, Chu Yun turned his gaze away to Mu Taotao, who was crying like a tearful person, and said to her: "I'm really sorry, because of me, he made him like this."

Mu Taotao didn't speak or look at him, but the tears were still flowing.

Chu Yun wanted to reach out his hand to wipe her tears.

I don't know if Mu Taotao did it on purpose or by accident, anyway, she didn't let him touch her face because she had already hugged the unconscious Mo Yanshao in her arms.

Randy said: "It's not too late, it's better for us to go back quickly."

Chu Yun said: "I'll take you to that place."

The other people around listened to them, but they were confused and didn't know what they were talking about.

Chu Yun ignored the gazes of the people around him.

Even if it is an explanation, it cannot be explained now.

He just helped Mu Taotao, endured the strong thought of fainting when he met the clone, supported Mo Yanshao on his shoulder, and the three of them went to the pier together, and boarded the small wooden boat that came.

When he came to the huge cave again, Chu Yun handed Mo Yanshao who was in a coma to Ran Di, and pulled Mu Taotao aside.

The woman didn't know what he was going to say when he took her aside, and she was worried about Mo Yanshao, so she was a little impatient with him and said, "What exactly are you going to say?"

"Taotao, you've been with me for a while, do you have feelings for me?"

"What do you feel?"

Mu Taotao didn't understand what Chu Yun meant.

"That is, the feeling between men and women."

Chu Yun was ashamed to say such a thing, but he knew that if he didn't say it again, he might not have the chance in the future.

Mu Taotao did not expect that Chu Yun would ask himself such a question.

Now she is full of thoughts about how to save Mo Yanshao, so she has no way to answer Chu Yun's words.

"I don't know, Chu Yun, I am very grateful that you can come forward to save me, without you, I might not be able to live back to modern times.

I don't want anything to happen to you, and likewise, I don't want anything to happen to him. "

Mu Taotao looked worriedly at Mo Yanshao who fainted next to Randy.

Chu Yun was also really scared with her, and looked at Mo Yanshao, the person who looked exactly like him.

He seemed to understand something, there was no light in his black eyes.

He lowered his head and stopped looking at Mu Taotao, but said in a lonely voice, "Okay, I see, you already understand the answer in your heart, go, I will let you realize your wish."

"my wish?"

Mu Taotao didn't understand the meaning of Chu Yun's words.

But the man raised his beautiful face again, looked at Mu Taotao with a pair of black eyes, and gave her an encouraging smile: "No matter what, I won't let your wish come true."

His smile has the effect of bewitching people's hearts, and even made Mu Taotao believe that he will really fulfill her wish.

But, "How did you know my wish?"

"You once mentioned to me the reason why you will time travel, didn't you? Go, one day, you will understand what I mean."

Chu Yun pushed her forward and told her to go in the direction where Randy and the others were.

"I'm just the same generation of your ancestors, we shouldn't have met in the same time and space, go!"

Although there was reluctance in Chu Yun's eyes, he still said so in his mouth.

Mu Taotao really wanted to know what her wishes he knew.

However, it was too late, because the cave had begun to shake violently.

The Time Array opened by Randy is working, and everyone in the array will go back to the era they should go with the Time Array.

Chu Yun looked at Mu Taotao in the white light, and said silently in his heart, as long as everything is fine for you, fulfilling your wish is my greatest wish, goodbye, Taotao.

Then, he watched the three people in the formation disappear before his eyes.

And Mu Taotao was also looking at him with deep doubts.

In the end, Chu Yun still told herself that what she loved was not him, but the man who had the same face as her and was her contemporary.

Between them, it was just like a dream...

It has been a week since Mu Taotao returned to modern society, and she still feels like she is in a dream.

In the dream, there were two Mo Yanshao who looked exactly alike, except that one was named Chu Yun.

And the two men who looked exactly the same were very kind to her, and they were reluctant to let her be hurt, and wanted to sacrifice themselves in order to protect her.

A week after Mo Yanshao returned to modern times, he basically returned to normal, and when he asked about things after time travel, he knew almost nothing.

He even said it was meaningless to him that he almost became the brother-in-law of the Ge family.

Not only is it meaningless, but Mo Yanshao even has a skeptical attitude towards Mu Taotao: "I wonder if you fell in love with that man named Chu Yun, who looks exactly like me?"

Facing Mo Yanshao's questioning, Mu Taotao just dodged his questioning eyes and said loudly: "Are you kidding me? How is it possible? He just looks like you. I can't fall in love for this reason. his."

Mo Yanshao looked at her seriously for a while, and then said: "Well, if you say no, then there is no, I believe you."

"It wasn't there."

(End of this chapter)

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