Chapter 487

"It wasn't there."

Since the two thieves died in the Wan family's villa, the place was also sealed off by the police, and no one was allowed to enter.

But Mu Taotao still felt a little unwilling.

He obviously has such a large amount of wealth, why can't he move it?
She is here to save Fugui Island, not to let herself enjoy herself alone.

Mu Taotao paced around the Wan family mansion, thinking about this question.

Seeing her walking back and forth, Wan Daxiong came to persuade her, "Taotao, I told you earlier, as long as you talk to Mo Yanshao, he will definitely help us.

If you feel embarrassed, let my uncle come forward. "

After Wan Daxiong finished speaking, he really wanted to call Mo Yanshao.

"Uncle, let me try again, can't you try again?"

"Try what? You still want to go to that old house? It's said that there are resentments there, and it's easy to get dirty things on you."

When Wan Daxiong thought that she would travel through for no reason and almost never come back, he said anxiously for her.

"Don't worry, uncle, I will be careful this time."

Suddenly, a thought appeared in Mu Taotao's mind.

She wanted to find relevant news about Chu Yun.

"By the way, have you ever heard of a man named Chu Yun? He used to be a pirate too? He should be with our ancestors."

Mu Taotao asked.

Wan Daxiong repeated the name, but he couldn't remember where he heard it.

"Taotao, please don't tell outsiders what our ancestors of the Wan family did. This is not something glorious."

When Mu Taotao thought about it, no normal person would think that it was an honor for his ancestors to be pirates or bandits.

But think about Wan Yongzhi later leading the pirates to open up wasteland on Fugui Island, otherwise there would be no Fugui Island today.

They really shouldn't be dismissed.

Forget it, don't talk if you don't say it.

Now, what she wants to know most is where Chu Yun is.

He lived in that era, so he probably wouldn't have the chance to come to modern times, so what is his final fate?

Will he marry that Miss Ge family?
It is impossible to think about it.

Because he was brought 35 years later, and Miss Ge's family is already 50 years old.

There is a 35-year difference between the two, how can it be impossible to live together?

Mu Taotao felt sorry for him when he thought about it.

If it is not for his own reasons, Chu Yun will not be in danger, and he needs to come to modern times to heal his injuries.

After being sentimental for a while, Mu Taotao decided to rely on her own ability to find out Chu Yun's whereabouts.

Of course, it is estimated that I will go to his grave to see, hoping to say sorry to him.

At that time, he left too hastily, he only said that he would fulfill her wish, but she really wanted to ask, what did he mean by that.

Just when Mu Taotao was about to find Chu Yun's cemetery, such a news came out on TV, which immediately attracted her attention.

The news on TV is broadcast by Fugui TV Station.

This news is also about Fugui Island.

The location host on the news said: "Recently, there are really many stolen ancient tombs on Fugui Island.

Recently, another ancient tomb that was a hundred years ago was robbed and excavated.

But the tomb robbers had just dug the tomb when they were frightened by the words engraved on the coffin, so they all ran away.

Come on, let's zoom in and see what's written on that coffin. "

At this time, the camera on the TV really zoomed in, and then Mu Taotao clearly saw a few words written on the stolen coffin: "Taotao, I will wait for you under the second stone of Niaoyu Stone , you must remember to come.”

These words were engraved on the coffin, and after the words were painted with gold paint, they can still be clearly seen even after a hundred years, which makes people feel weird.

The TV host also asked questions: "So, who is the owner of the tomb waiting for?"

Mu Taotao was holding a cup of coffee at the time, drinking while paying attention to the news.

When she saw the news, she suddenly remembered something.

Could it be that the tomb belongs to Chu Yun?

Was the words written on his coffin addressed to her?
Thinking of this possibility, Mu Taotao almost burst into tears.

It must be so, he knew she would think of him one day, and then think of finding his grave.

But why did he engrave such words on his coffin?

Could it be that he is also sure that she will dig his grave?

It doesn't make sense, no matter what, she can't do such a thing.

But now, since Chu Yun had left a message asking her to go to the Niaoyushi, she had to go there to have a look.

And the Niaoyu Stone was actually a place where Mu Taotao stayed when he brought Chu Yun and the pirates to Fugui Island, which was still a deserted island for the first time.

At that time, some pirates complained that it was a place where birds didn't shit.

But Mu Taotao immediately retorted: "How can it be that the bird doesn't shit? Here, isn't there a bird singing?"

Mu Taotao pointed out that on a boulder almost two meters high, a bird was singing happily.

When Mu Taotao was happy, she said casually: "That's a Niaoyu Stone, which means that there are birds singing on it."

In fact, Mu Taotao casually mentioned this Bird's Whispering Stone. Unexpectedly, Chu Yun actually called that stone the Bird's Whispering Stone.

And he even said that he was waiting for her under the second stone of Niaoyushi, what does this mean?

Is that where his tomb is?
No matter what the situation was, Mu Taotao decided to go and see for himself.

Mu Taotao must be driving the car along the Ring Road.

The pleasant sea breeze blows on the person's face, carrying a somewhat fishy and salty smell.

Mu Taotao thought about the situation when she first came to Fugui Island 100 years ago. In fact, the mountains are still those mountains, and the coastline is still there.

The difference is that there was no human habitation at all on Fugui Island at that time, except for the rocks, there were also wild grass and virgin forests.

Today's Fugui Island has well-developed transportation and many tall buildings. It looks like a small island town with very pleasant scenery.

Not long after walking along the Huanhai Highway, Mu Taotao could see a huge rock from a distance.

In fact, when you look at it from a distance, it is not that big.

Thinking about it, it was just to refute that little pirate's untruthful remarks, so he casually said Niaoyushi, and Chu Yun named it after it, and it became a code word between him and her.

Two men and women who have been separated for hundreds of years are destined not to be together.

Mu Taotao didn't have any regrets, just regret that she couldn't realize her wish.

What is her wish?

In fact, I just don’t want to see Fugui Island lose its former tranquility and become a tool for developers to make money.

(End of this chapter)

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