Chapter 490

Suddenly, Mu Taotao thought of Wan Yongzhi and Chu Yun. She no longer begged Wan Daxiong bitterly, but asked Wan Daxiong loudly: "Do you know why the old ancestor left behind the sentence that only a girl named Taotao Can you open the ancient adage of the underground treasure house?"

These words really made Wan Daxiong stop walking forward.

He seemed to have heard something from Mu Taotao's words, so he couldn't help asking: "Do you know?"

Mu Taotao breathed a sigh of relief seeing that he didn't move forward for the time being, and then said, "Of course I know."

"What does that have to do with me?"

Wan Daxiong raised his hand, and Mu Taotao yelled anxiously: "Because I have met the real ancestor, if he knows that you killed your relatives for the underground treasure house, do you think he will feel better?"

What Mu Taotao said really frightened Wan Daxiong.

He couldn't help but put down the stick he was holding high in his hand, and asked in doubt: "Have you really seen the ancestor?"

"Yes, I traveled back to more than 100 years ago, and met Jian Jian, the ancestor of the Wan family who just came to Fugui Island. His name is Wan Yongzhi."

Wan Daxiong was really startled when he heard Mu Taotao call out his ancestor's name clearly.

Because that is indeed a name written on the family tree.

Even as a member of the Wan family, without reading the genealogy, it is impossible to know the existence of this person.

Mu Taotao came back to Wan's family later, and because she is from a foreign surname, it is impossible for her to see the family tree.

So she knew the name, which made people suspicious.

"The ancestors said that the money was reserved to take Fuguidao back from Wen's family, so you can't mess around with it!"

"They know that Fugui Island is about to be acquired?"

Wan Daxiong couldn't believe it.

"Because I told them.

They also know that I will find these treasures 100 years later, so I will leave behind the ancestral teachings, keys and passwords, only I know, and it is impossible for others to know.

On the stolen ancient tomb some time ago, someone left me a message, which was left by a friend who was with the ancestor.

He is our ancestor, and at the same time, he is also a good friend of mine.

He said that he will help me realize my wish.

And my wish is to take Fugui Island back from the Wen family, no matter what the price is. "

"So, you found the underground treasure house for this purpose?"

Wan Daxiong couldn't help asking again.

"Yes, so, uncle, the money in this underground treasury cannot be given to you, we have to keep Fugui Island from the Wen family to be true.

That is our responsibility as Wan family members.

Our Wan family started from here and should continue, and should not be buried in our hands, otherwise we will be sorry to our ancestors.

What Mu Taotao said made Wan Daxiong completely put down his baseball bat, thinking that he almost killed his own niece and daughter because of the money.

If that's the case, can his conscience still be at ease?
Even if you go underground in the future, you won't have the face to see your ancestors.

"Taotao, it's uncle who is obsessed with money for a while, so don't mind."

Mu Taotao felt a lot more relaxed when she thought that she could finally persuade her relatives to stop the crime.

Wan Liuli and Wan Zhenzhu were behind the two of them, and they could hear their conversation clearly.

Wan Liuli couldn't help but exclaimed: "It's no wonder that the ancestors left such ancestral precepts behind. It turns out that Mu Taotao has really seen them."

Wan Zhenzhu even made a fuss and said, "My God, how did she do it? Seeing the ancestors from more than 100 years ago."

"Of course it's time travel."

Wan Liuli gave her a white look.

Wan Zhuzhu pouted and said coquettishly: "I also want to time travel."

Wan Liuli was speechless to her.

No matter what, Mu Taotao was not killed by Wan Daxiong, and Wan Liuli and Wan Zhenzhu did not go any further. They waited for the two of them to take the treasure out of the room.

Unsurprisingly, when I opened the safe, which was as tall as a person and made of unknown material, it was full of gold bars and all kinds of pearl jewelry, the value of which was unknown.

It is conceivable that these treasures have historical value and significance, so if you take out a few of them for auction, you can also fetch sky-high prices.

Mu Taotao looked at so many treasures and didn't intend to take them all.

She said to Wan Daxiong: "Uncle, I know that you also need funds to run the Wan family's business. You used the inheritance left by my mother for capital turnover, and I don't blame you.

I only hope that with these things in the future, my uncle can manage the Wan family's business well, and we must not let the business left by our ancestors fall into the hands of our generation.

Looking at so many gold and silver jewelry, Wan Daxiong never left his eyes.

Hearing Mu Taotao's words in his ears, he nodded again and again: "Definitely, definitely, I will definitely do it."

After a lot of effort, the two finally carried the treasure back to the Wan family's new home.

It took a whole night.

When it was just dawn, Wan Daxiong ordered the driver to bring the car over. He would personally bring a box of gold bars to negotiate with the government and take Fuguidao back from the hands of Wen's family.

Mu Taotao felt very relieved by his actions.

She felt a sense of accomplishment in not sending him to hell.

Wan Liuli and Wan Zhenzhu also came to the room where the treasures were kept, picked up the legendary jewels and studied them.

Mu Taotao didn't shy away from them, but explained: "These are left by the ancestors. As the Wan family, of course everyone has the right to own them, but everyone must understand that it belongs to the entire Wan family, not a certain one. human."

The meaning of Mu Taotao's words is obvious, no one should try to monopolize these properties.

Wan Liuli smiled and said nothing.

Wan Zhenzhu was very unconvinced and said: "Mu Taotao, strictly speaking, you are not considered to be from the Wan family. Your surname is Mu, and only your mother has the surname Wan. What right do you have to take these jewels?"

Although Wan Zhenzhu's words are very reasonable, but Mu Taotao does not buy her account.

"My surname is not Wan, but have you forgotten? According to the ancestral teachings left by our ancestors, only I can open the treasure. What can you do to me?"

"What's so great about you? You opened the treasure house, but it's not yours alone."

Wan Zhenzhu and Mu Taotao quarreled.

Wan Liuli on the side watched coldly, not intending to step forward to persuade the fight.

Until a maid came up to announce: "Master Mo is here."

It was only then that Mu Taotao stopped arguing with Wanzhuzhu.

Mo Yanshao is here, she doesn't have time to fight with Wan Zhenzhu.
"Let me tell you, these treasures must be shared by everyone in the Wan family, and no one should try to take them all by themselves."

After Mu Taotao finished speaking, she ran out of the room where the jewelry was kept.

(End of this chapter)

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