Chapter 491

Wan Zhuzhu hummed softly behind her: "Who does she think she is? Are we all going to listen to her?"
Wan Liuli said with a serious face, "I'm afraid she really needs to talk about this matter."

"Second sister, you are not really afraid of her, are you?"

Wanzhu said a little dissatisfied.

"Don't be afraid of what she can do, even time travel can be done, is there anything she can't do?

Didn't you see that Dad was also persuaded by her in the end?

I don't want to get myself into trouble. "

After Wan Liuli finished speaking, she also left the jewelry room.

Wan Zhenzhu curled her lips, Wan Liuli is the most assertive person, even she dare not mess with Mu Taotao, so she naturally restrained herself as a small character.

Mu Taotao ran downstairs excitedly.

Before she went downstairs, she just looked at the handsome man standing downstairs from a distance, which made her feel as if she had passed away.

Mo Yanshao was also looking at her. Her height was nearly 180, she was wearing a handsome and straight expensive suit, her facial features were exquisite and three-dimensional, as if she was the most perfect work carved by a skilled craftsman.

Mu Taotao just stared at the man intently like this, already felt like he couldn't breathe, his heartbeat was over 180, and he was probably about to die in battle.

She couldn't help sighing: "How can you be so handsome? You are so handsome that my heart is about to burst."

Mu Taotao had a pious face, clasped his fingers tightly together, put them on his chin, and his eyes were shining brightly.

Mo Yanshao, who was still serious at first, was really poked into a smile by her playful face. He couldn't help but poke a smile, and poked her forehead and said, "Mu Taotao, can you be a little more funny?"

"Seeing a beautiful man smile, I am willing to die immediately."

Mu Taotao continued to flatter her.

Mo Yanshao withdrew his smiling face a little, and said to her solemnly: "Stop playing, I have something to ask you."

"What? Say it."

Mu Taotao also straightened his face and said to him.

"Let me ask you, why did you go looking for the underground treasure?"

"How do you know I'm looking for underground treasure?"

Did she think she could hide such a big matter?

Mo Yanshao looked at her with your innocent eyes, and then moaned: "Do you think I won't know if you don't tell me?"

"Of course I didn't think I could hide it from you.

But you gotta tell me, how do you know? "

Mu Taotao turned against the guest, but asked Mo Yanshao first.

Well, even if she asks, he doesn't have to hide it from her.

"You should know that if I want to inquire about something, I will definitely know the ins and outs of it."

When you returned to Fugui Island from China, I thought it was very strange.

Even if it's because your uncle suddenly fell seriously ill, there should be a reason.

Unexpectedly, I went to investigate and really let me find out.

Fugui Island is going to be sold to the Wen family as a development site. Why didn't you tell me about such a big thing? "

Mo Yanshao's wordless questioning made Mu Taotao a little at a loss.

"How do I know that things will develop to this point? I just want to save Fugui Island by my own strength.

You don't even know, if we are really kicked out of this island, I'm afraid those underground treasures will also fall into the hands of someone named Wen, how can I be reconciled?

That was left to us by our ancestors. "

"Chu Yun left it for you, right?"

Mo Yanshao said suddenly.

I don't know why, ever since he knew that Mu Taotao and that Chu Yun had spent time together in the past, Mo Yanshao became jealous to death.

He thought, that Chu Yun must be interested in Taotao.

"Mo Yanshao, don't be so boring, okay?
Even if I have a crush on him, it's because of you?

Who told him to look so much like you?
When I saw him for the first time, I thought you had also traveled through time. "

When Mo Yanshao heard Mu Taotao's explanation, he felt a little better, but on the surface he was still very awkward.

"Don't think that if you say that, I will believe you. Who knows if you really think so in your heart?"

"I swear I think so, don't you believe me?"

Mu Taotao started acting like a baby, grabbing his hand and dangling it, afraid that he wouldn't believe it.

Mo Yanshao couldn't stand her coquettish offensive, so he surrendered and said, "Okay, okay, okay, I trust you, let's go."

"That's right, if you don't forgive me, do you want to punish me?"

Mu Taotao smiled sweetly.

She knew that Mo Yanshao would never forgive her.

"I didn't say to forgive you, capital crimes can be avoided, but living crimes cannot be escaped.

From this moment on, you must follow me 24 hours a day and you are not allowed to go anywhere. "

Mo Yanshao said suddenly with a sullen face.

"What? 24 hours? Is there any reason left?"

Mu Taotao began to howl.

However, Mo Yanshao didn't pay any attention to her howling.

He just said to Ade, the bodyguard next to him: "Remember what I said, don't allow Miss Mu to leave my side for half a step."

"Yes, sir."

Ade said respectfully, then took a step forward, bowed to Mu Taotao and said, "Miss Mu, please."


Mu Taotao was startled.

"You'll know when you go."

Mu Taotao was still unwilling, and signaled Mo Yanshao with his eyes.

Mo Yanshao had a very charming smile on the corner of his mouth, but then he lost his smile and walked out of the house.

Mu Taotao wanted to howl again, but Ade had already walked in front of her, with one hand behind his back, and the other hand made a gesture of please to Mu Taotao, asking her to follow Mo Yan.

"Is it okay not to go?"

Mu Taotao looked at the bodyguard Ade with those pitiful eyes again.

"Please don't embarrass us, Miss Mu."

Ade looked businesslike, and Mu Taotao knew that he couldn't escape this time, so he could only obediently follow behind Mo Yanshao, and got into the extended Lincoln car.

Sitting in the car, the car started slowly and drove along the road on Fugui Island.

Mu Taotao didn't understand where Mo Yanshao was taking him.

"I also stayed in this rich island for a while, where are you going, can I take you there?"

Since you can't get rid of this man, then go with him.

Mu Taotao said optimistically.

"Do you really know where I want to go?"

Mo Yanshao glanced at her slightly, and said with a cold face.

Hmph, why are you pretending to be cool?

Just like others don't know that you are the young master of a rich family, you have to put on a cool look.

Mu Taotao cursed in her heart.

"Of course I... don't know where you're going? That's why I'm asking you. If you tell me, I'll know."

"I heard that there is a church near the sea, and the environment is not bad. Many couples held their weddings there."

(End of this chapter)

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