Chapter 492

"Oh, you're talking about Murphy's Church. Indeed, it's very nice there. The environment is very elegant and pleasant. There are indeed many weddings held there. I heard that it can make a couple stay together for a long time."

Mu Taotao explained.

"Well, just go there."

"But what are you doing there? Do you have a friend who is getting married today?"

Mu Taotao didn't understand.

She was originally sitting opposite Mo Yanshao, and there was a passage between the two of them.

Mo Yanshao got up and sat beside her, took her hand naturally, and slowly put it to his lips.
She was frightened by his sudden movements, and also because of his hand kiss, which made her feel weird.

Mo Yanshao's black eyes shone with a dazzling light like diamonds, attracting people to look at him, and there was no way to look away.

Mu Taotao only felt that her heart was beating too fast. With a beautiful man in front of her, this kind of temptation was really irresistible.
"I want to marry you, understand?"
Mu Taotao was fascinated by Mo Yanshao's beauty, so naturally he didn't hear what he said, and just nodded dimly.

When her mind was a little clearer, she finally burst into an unprecedented scream: "What? You want to marry me?"
"Mu Taotao, did you bring your brains to go out? Tell yourself, how late is our wedding? Don't you want to marry me?"
"But, I'm not ready yet? For such a big event as marriage, it's not for the parents of both parties to sit down and discuss the details of the wedding, and then make a series of preparations, such as gift money, guest list, etc., and then get married Is this program?"

Mu Taotao talked a lot, but she didn't really understand what the marriage procedure was.
However, Mo Yanshao snorted softly: "If you really have to wait until everything is ready before getting married, I don't know how long it will take, so, Mu Taotao, just sit here obediently for me today, When we get to that church, make an appointment with the pastor, and we will get married."

"But what about my dress? What should I do? When you can't get married, don't you even wear a wedding dress? Are you too irresponsible to me?"
Mu Taotao was so anxious that she wanted to cry.
Which girl doesn't want to have a dream wedding?

There are flower girls, wedding rings, and a grand wedding ceremony attended by many relatives and friends. Blessings from all.
But it was better for Mo Yanshao, he directly dragged her people to the small church by the sea, and was about to get married without even a dress.

"Mu Taotao, do you really care about that form? How about we wait until we finish the oath and make up another wedding like that for you later?"

"It's not good, I'm going to cry and faint in the toilet."

Mu Taotao was really about to burst into tears.
Mo Yanshao didn't know whether this woman was really crying or fake crying. All in all, he was really upset by her.

"Do you want a grand wedding? Then I'll give it to you right away."

After Mo Yanshao finished speaking, he called Zhu Ying: "Immediately mobilize a few private jets and let them get ready to invite all the guests who should be invited to the wedding. Let them put down all the things in their hands, and don't miss my Mo Yanshao's wedding."
After Mo Yan said less, he hung up the phone.
"It's that simple?"

"It's that simple."

"What about my wedding dress? Where's my ring?"

"Of course your husband will prepare these, so you don't have to worry."
"Are you kidding me?"

"Of course I'm not joking with you. I prepared your wedding dress half a year ago."
"Then why don't you see where the dress is now?"
"That's haute couture. The designer who specializes in designing wedding dresses said that it will take half a year just to make this set of wedding dresses."
When Mu Taotao heard this, she became drunk.

How beautiful is a wedding dress that takes half a year to make?

"What about the wedding ring?"
"Don't worry, have you forgotten what I do?"

Of course, Mu Taotao has not forgotten that there is a diamond developer in South Africa who is Mo Yanshao's behind-the-scenes boss.

Since the boss is going to get married, there must be nothing to say about this diamond ring.
Mu Taotao felt that she really had nothing to say this time, so she could only keep silent.

The extended Lincoln finally came to the little church called Murphy.

From the appearance of this church, there is really nothing special except that it is pure white.
If there is anything special, it is that, on the surface, it is not as grand as other churches.

But as soon as the door of the church was opened, a gust of divine wind rushed over, making people think that they were so close to the Lord.
Mu Taotao remembered a foreign novel she had read.
The hero is a priest, and the love between him and the heroine began when he saw a five-year-old girl. \
Such a long-term love makes people's heart beat, and they can't bear to let go.
Mu Taotao felt the same way when she saw the priest who blessed them.
It was a very attractive priest, and what was even more attractive was the wedding vows he said.

What is even more unexpected is that the private jet will really invite all the most important guests within half an hour.
Mu Taotao couldn't believe how they did it.
You know, Fugui Island is in the Eastern Hemisphere, and some guests came from the Western Hemisphere. Could it be that they took a space shuttle?
Of course, Mu Taotao's question is not unreasonable.
Mo Yanshao's explanation is more reasonable.
"Originally, I planned to get married on Fugui Island first, and then return to China to hold a grander wedding ceremony.
But you want to get married here, so I have to bring the guests from China. "
Seeing the crowds of guests sitting in the church, Mu Taotao blushed, "Why didn't you tell me earlier, then I won't make trouble with you."
"Forget it, you actually want to make trouble with me, of course I will give you this chance."

Mo Yanshao said dotingly, and at the same time, he didn't forget to screw her lovely lady.

The two laughed very sweetly, and even the wedding oaths were pronounced differently from others.
"Of course we will always be together, no one can separate us."
Mu Taotao spoke affectionately to Mo Yanshao.

"But death will eventually separate us."

"Fuck it, you can't say such depressing words when you're married."

Mu Taotao pinched Mo Yanshao's face, just like he pinched hers just now.
So at the wedding scene, people watching the ceremony saw that the groom and the bride twisted each other's faces, and the whole face was almost deformed.
Thought they would fight.

And many TV stations who came to participate in the report also took pictures of the two twisting each other, which is really funny.

(End of this chapter)

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