Chapter 494

On the other side, Mo Yanshao who had been waiting outside the temporary dressing room had to take out his mobile phone to contact Mu Taotao.

When he heard the sentence that the mobile phone you dialed is not in the service area, he realized what might have happened to the woman.

He immediately contacted the people near the dressing room and asked if he saw any suspicious characters.

"Young Master Mo, we only saw a group of men in black suits leading Ms. Mu away. We thought they were sent by you."

"I didn't send anyone to pick Taotao, because I was right next to him."

It seems that someone made a time difference and took advantage of the large number of people at the wedding to pick up Mu Taotao.

This is a big trouble, no one even knows that someone picked Mu Taotao away.

Mo Yanshao was so out of breath that he asked someone to knock open the door of the dressing room.

Mu Qianqian stood there with a dazed expression, not knowing what happened.

"You... what are you doing?"

Although Mu Qianqian and Mu Taotao looked very similar, Mo Yanshao could tell at a glance that this woman was not the bride.

What's more, what she was wearing was not a bride's attire.

"Where did Mu Taotao go? Did you see it?"

Mo Yanshao still grabbed Mu Qianqian's arm and questioned her.

The man's gaze is too cruel, if it is a child, it will definitely cry in fright.

Mu Qianqian pursed her lips, also looking like she was about to cry: "Is my sister really running away from marriage? I thought she wouldn't dare."

Mu Qianqian said so.

"She ran away from marriage? When did it happen?"

Mo Yanshao's eyes were really about to burst into flames.

This woman, wouldn't it be because he twisted her mouth that her deformed face was exposed to newspapers and the Internet, so she was going to run away from marriage, right?
"Just now."

Mu Qianqian simply talked nonsense.

Anyway, she guessed that Mu Taotao must have hid somewhere unknown.

I didn't expect that she really got the hang of it, and if she was asked to escape from the marriage, she really escaped.

Mu Qianqian was secretly delighted.

In short, she just doesn't want to see other people get married happily and sweetly.

Especially Mu Taotao and Mo Yanshao.

Who told these two people to be very close to her?
One is her sister and the other is her brother-in-law.

Well, if they are not happy, she feels very happy.

Now, Mu Taotao didn't know where to hide, and Mo Yan rarely had to find him.

"Young Master Mo, I heard that there was a plane heading southeast just now. I wonder if Young Mistress is on that plane?"

A bodyguard who was in charge of guarding at the airport called and said this.

"Bastard, since you know it's the young lady sitting, why don't you stop me?"

"Young Master Mo, we thought you were also on the plane, and thought you were the one who picked up the bride."

Mo Yanshao even forgot how to swear, so he simply threw the phone away.

However, he still wanted to contact Zhu Ying and the others so that they could immediately find out the flight route of that plane.

Soon, Major Mo Yan reported the matter to Zhu Ying, and then Zhu Ying called Fenghua Xueyue to find out where Mu Taotao was.

At this time, Mu Taotao was on the small island named Taku, and stayed there until the sun went down and the sea gradually calmed down before someone brought her food.

"Who are you? Why are you arresting me?"

Mu Taotao yelled at the two men in black who delivered the meal.

One of the men in black only glanced at Mu Taotao and said, "Just eat, our husband will naturally talk to you when he needs to talk to you."

"Sir? Mr. again? What kind of Mr. is he?"

But the man in black ignored her, put down the food, and the two left the room, and locked the door again.

Mu Taotao was so angry that she wanted to overturn the food on the table to vent her anger.

But thinking about the food and not offending her, wouldn't it be a waste of food.

Besides, she was really hungry, even if she wanted to scold someone, she would have to wait until she was full before she had the strength to scold.

Like this, Mu Taotao put away her thoughts of cursing, just sat on the sofa obediently, and finished the bowl of delicious food with vegetables and meat.

After eating, I actually wanted to sleep.

This had to make Mu Taotao wonder if the meal was tampered with.

If she had known that after eating, she would not be able to make herself stronger, but instead wanted to drowsy, so she might as well not eat this meal.

Mu Taotao regretted to death.

But her eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and she couldn't open them completely.

After a while, he fell asleep on the sofa.

About half an hour later, someone opened the door again, and a pair of feet in black cloth shoes walked in front of the woman.

Seeing the delicate appearance of the woman lying there sleeping soundly, the man in cloth shoes had a weird smile on his lips.

A slightly magnetic voice came: "This woman's sleeping face also looks beautiful, no wonder Mo Yanshao is fascinated by her.

If this woman becomes someone else's woman, what will happen to Mo Yanshao? "

The man said so.

Someone on the side said: "Sir, I guess, Mo Yanshao will definitely go crazy."

"I think so. I, Qin Mo, am not that boring. I don't want to touch a woman that others have touched, and a woman who doesn't like me."

The man named Qin Mo had a suspicious smile on the corner of his mouth again, then turned and left the room.

"Remember to cover her with a blanket. If she gets sick, there is no way to treat her on this small island."

"Yes, sir, you are always so kind."

Is he kind?

But not many people said that Qin Mo was kind.

Mo Yanshao soon got feedback from Zhu Ying.

That is, there is no news at all.

"The plane seemed to have an anti-radar device, so there was no way to find out the specific flight route of the plane from the signal station on the ground, and there was no way to know where it finally landed.

This was undoubtedly a heavy blow to Mo Yanshao.

He and Mu Taotao just had their wedding.

She just went to get on a plane, but was kidnapped.

Who was it that kidnapped her?

"Check it out for me immediately. Everyone who has business dealings with the Mo family recently, especially those with important economic interests, must check it out."

"Yes." After Zhu Ying received the order, she immediately carried it out.

Mo Yanshao didn't want to sit and wait at all, but there was nothing he could do.

The news that the new bride, Mu Taotao, disappeared quickly spread among several important relatives.

Mu Xingtian, Xu Feiyang, Mu Qianqian, some close relatives of Mo Yan Shao's family, Mo Yanqing and others.

They all found Mo Yanshao and asked him what happened.

"If I knew something like this would happen, I would never let her out of my sight. When I was twisting faces with her just now, I shouldn't have let her run away to change some clothes.

This is good, people are gone. "

(End of this chapter)

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